

Access Controls Procedure Guide 


Changing access controls can have some undesirable effects. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider changes before making them and provide mechanisms to reverse changes if they have unexpected consequences. 

Always Fresh management has asked you to develop procedures for changing any access controls. The purpose of these procedures is to ensure that staff: 

▪ Understand and document the purpose of each access control change request
▪ Know what access controls were in place before any changes
▪ Get an approval of change by management
▪ Understand the scope of the change, both with respect to users, computers, and objects ▪ Have evaluated the expected impact of the change 

▪ Know how to evaluate whether the change meets the goals 

▪ Understand how to undo any change if necessary 


Create a guide that security personnel will use that includes procedures for implementing an access control change. 

The procedure guide must contain the steps Always Fresh security personnel should take to evaluate and implement an access control change. You can assume any change requests you receive are approved. Ensure that your procedures include the following: 

▪ Status or setting prior to any change 

▪ Reason for the change
▪ Change to implement
▪ Scope of the change 

▪ Impact of the change
▪ Status or setting after the change 

▪ Process to evaluate the change 

Required Resources 

▪ Internet access 

▪ Course textbook 

Submission Requirements 

▪ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
▪ Font: Arial, size 12, double-space
▪ APA Citation Style

Self-Assessment Checklist 

· I created a procedure guide that provides clear instructions that anyone with a basic technical knowledge base can follow. 

· I created a well-developed and formatted procedure guide with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 

· I followed the submission guidelines. 

Data visualization


According to Kirk (2016), most of your time will be spent working with your data.  The four following group actions were mentioned by Kirk (2016):
Data acquisition: Gathering the raw materialData examination: Identifying physical properties and meaningData transformation: Enhancing your data through modification and consolidationData exploration: Using exploratory analysis and research techniques to learnSelect 1 data action and elaborate on the actions performed in that action group.

Remember your initial post on the main topic should be posted by Thursday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 3 following posts should be commenting on your classmates’ post on different days by Sunday 11:59 PM (EST). You should end the week with 4 total discussion posts.
A quality post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” Maybe you should state why you agree with

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread to write your initial response to the discussion prompt.

2) Select AT LEAST 2 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

3) Provide a thoughtful research-based response and include references to support your thoughts.

4) Exclude attachments and cover page in your submission. Type your response in the message box. When responding to your peer, address your peer by name.

 5) ALL original posts ( two to three paragraphs supported by resources) and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

6) Paraphrase text from resources used and cite. If quoting text, use double-quotes and cite. 

Reference: Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.

security architecture 15.1


Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. Minimum of 400 words

What does a peer review process look like? When does an assessment require peer review? Who should perform the peer review?

Week 2 Project


Graduation Party Location

It is now time to revisit your graduation planning activities by  choosing your location and entertainment for the party. You will do this  by creating tables to compare the attributes and issues of your various  choices.

Click on the link below, Week 2 Project Tips, for some visual aids on how to tackle this week’s project.

Week 2 Project Tips

Create a new Microsoft Word document and save it as W2P_LastName.docx. Note that you might want to change your page orientation to landscape to better fit your data.

  1. Create a table to compare the different locations you chose in Week 1.  You can add a table to your document by using the Table icon in the  Insert ribbon of Microsoft Word. Your table should include the following  columns – you can see an example of this layout in the Week 2 Project Tips:
    • Location: List the three possible locations.
    • Web site: Include the URL hyperlink for each location’s Web site.
    • Positives: Include a bulleted or numbered list* of positive attributes of each.
    • Negatives: Include a bulleted or numbered list of issues for each location.
    • Estimated Cost: Include the cost(s) associated with using the location/facility.
      *You  can create a list using the icons in the Paragraph panel of the Home  ribbon (Bullets, Numbering, or Multilevel). Changing the margin settings  of the cells with bullets can be helpful.
  2. Beneath your table, write a paragraph of at least 50 words to include:
    • Identify which location you chose.
    • Justify why you made the choices you did using the information in the tables to guide your decision.
    • Check the Status bar at the bottom of the window to see the word count.
  3. Finally add the finishing touches to the paper.
    • Add page numbers in the Footer (bottom of your page).
    • Add a Header that includes the name of your event and your name.
    • Add some formatting and color to your table.
    • Bold and center the table headings.
    • You can change the color of your text or the color of the background  to color code your table or make it more readable. Be creative and have  fun!

By the due date assigned, submit your completed document to the Submissions Area. In the Comments box, briefly share your experiences with completing this project.

Imoprtance of strategic IT planning 7

Discussion: Virtualization

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented?  Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Note: Answer should be a minimum of 300 words and APA format

PowerPoint presentation


Review the guidelines on the attached file then prepare a PowerPoint presentation on one of the topics below. Use the material located in the GO! with Computer Concepts textbook as well as searching online for information. Save your file as Your Name Midterm Exam.

1. Cloud Computing or One Drive: Either provide an overview of cloud computing or provide steps illustrating how to use your campus-provided OneDrive account.

2. Microsoft Sway.

3. Web versus Internet: Explain the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.

4. Computer technology jobs: Provide an overview of the types of career opportunities available within the field of computer technology.

5. Explain some of the basic concepts associated with building a Website.

6. The history of computers.

7. The evolution of smartphone technology.

8. Present the main features and concepts associated with a Windows 10 operating system.

9. Differentiate between a server and a client in a network setting.

10. Explain how a computer’s various hardware components work, both independently and together.

11. Digital security risks associated with viruses and other malware.

12. How society uses technology in education, government, health care, publishing, manufacturing, or business (choose 1).

13. Describe the relationship among the web, webpages, websites, and web servers.

14. Differentiate between an operating system and applications.

                           You must adhere to the following criteria:

· Review the attached Do’s and Don’ts file

· The presentation must contain a minimum of eight slides to include a title slide, at least six content slides, and a summary slide at the end

· Create an appropriate title on the title slide for the presentation, include your name, course title, and midterm exam

· Apply an appropriate theme to the presentation

· Use slide layouts that will effectively present the content

· Keep in mind the 7 x 7 rule: use a maximum of seven lines of text per slide and not more than seven words per line

· Modify text alignment and line spacing as necessary

· Include at least two pictures/clip art in the presentation; apply a picture style or picture effect to each picture

· Apply a picture to one slide background OR make another format background change to the one slide

· Include at least one shape object; apply styles

· Include WordArt on at least one slide

· Include a SmartArt Graphic on at least one slide

· Animate text or object on at least one slide

· Add a footer to all slides except for the title slide that includes page numbers and your first and last name

· Apply a slide transition to all slides

· Save the presentation as “Your Name Midterm Exam.” 

· Upload the file via the link in Blackboard for grading.

Manipulating NumPy Arrays

Write a program to provide the following tasks for a 1-D NumPy array:

  1. Create and print a one-dimensional (1-D) with 20 numerical items
  2. Print the dimension of the array
  3. Print the array value for index equal 10
  4. Slice and print the array between 5 and 15 indexes. Include both of the arrays.
  5. Print the data type of the array
  6. Make a copy of the array and print it
  7. Make a view of the array and print it
  8. Print the shape of the array
  9. Reshape the array and print it


  • Maximum four to five pages in length is required.
  • You must include program code and results.
  • You must include an explanation about how the program works.
  • You must show your work for full credit.
  • You must include a minimum of three credible sources. Use the Saudi Electronic Digital Library to find your resources.
  • Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.

You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.