Network Protocols

 The responses for each question need to be at least one paragraph each

Use your textbook and other academic resources to justify your responses.

  1. What is the TCP/IP suite?  What makes it so relevant in regards to networking?
  2. What are some major differences between TCP and IP?  What layers of the OSI model do they reside?
  3. What is UDP?  How is it different than TCP?
  4. In your own words, what is ARP?  DNS?  DHCP?

PowerPoint Presentation (10-15 Slides)


YOUR TOPIC: You are the new Web Analyst for Friends of Disaster Relief (FDR) a non-profit organization. The company executives and the Marketing team cannot figure out why the organization is not receiving the expected targeted donations from the website. The website was created without any web tracking tools or a statistics capability, in other words no way to track visitors or anyone who made donations.

You have been called to the main conference room, to deliver your PowerPoint Presentation; your task is that you are trying to convince the top tier executives and marketing team that having a website without visitor tracking is not acceptable, you have developed a solution of why the organization should be using web analytics and what the organization should be tracking and suggesting the tools they should be using.

 The Presentation Guideline Requirements:

  • Your presentation should consist of 10 -15 slides with an opening title slide.
  • You must include notes to each slide in support of that page (this is very important). You should have 125 words on average or more per each slide notes.
  • The notes must be supported by in text citations
  • Your presentation must have references of 3 – 5 sources in total.
  • Use should use graphics, themes and images to draw your audience into the presentation.

Computer security

Use a search engine to find the names of five different cyber viruses.

Using WORD, write a short paragraph on each.

Use your own words and do not copy  the work of another student.

Attach your WORD document here.


Mobile Paradigm Assignment.   

Prototype: 30 marks

Build your application as a web app. If there is too much to build you may need to reduce your MVP further. This will need to be more than just a mobile web site and should include functional interactivity. If any core functionality is too complicated to build in the available time try and “fudge” it with dummy functionality that feels the same. You will need to include a link to your git repository and hosted application on github pages.

Make sure your code conforms with our best practices and outline any external libraries you use in your github file.

Use Javascript and make the prototype based on the paper prototype in the document

Database Project

TOPIC –  database security and control methods 


1. 5 source annotated bibliography

2. slide presentation with 12 or more slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words.

Refer word document as a sample for content!



Choose a data structure type (list, stack, queue, or tree) and describe it, showing ways of implementation, advantages and disadvantages. Find an application from real life that could be solved using that particular data structure.

Describe the definition of the data structure of your choices, along with details regarding its presentation, as well as an application in real life.