Define several forms of metadata that can be useful to an investigation. How are valuable to an investigator?

Post  250 words.

Scenario Post

This defense in depth discussion scenario is an intentional cybersecurity attack on the water utility’s SCADA system. It occurs during the fall after a dry summer in Fringe City.


The water utility’s Information Technology (IT) person did not receive an expected pay raise and decides to reprogram the SCADA system to shut off the high-lift pumps. The operator’s familiarity with the SCADA system allows him to reprogram the alarms that typically notify operators of a high-lift pump failure. In addition, he prevents access to the SCADA system by others. A wildfire breaks out on the outskirts of the city.


Please identify what type(s) of new countermeasures should have been implemented to prevent this cyber-attack from occurring.

  • APA
  • Minimum 1 page
    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Body (in-text citations)
    • Conclusion
    • References (3 min)

Can IS create a sustainable competitive advantage, or only support a firm in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage based on a compelling value proposition?

Total: 7-8 Paragraphs with minimum 4 references and NO title page APA Format.

Can IS create a sustainable competitive advantage, or only support a firm in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage based on a compelling value proposition?

Use evidence to support your argument.Can a firm really protect an advantage based on the innovative use of information systems and IT? 

Can IT-dependent strategic initiatives deliver sustained competitive advantage? These questions engender much debate and continue to stir up controversy!

Consider below controversial situation and respond to the following question: 

When it comes to using information systems and IT, the primary objective of the modern general and functional manager is to use them to create added value. 

However, creating added value is just one facet of the job; the firm must be able to appropriate the value created over time to truly benefit. 

In other words, any competitive advantage the firm has created with the implementation of its IT-dependent strategic initiative 

must be defended over time to ensure that the firm will be able to reap the benefits of its innovation. 

Business Proposal

Karen Adams, a former student at the local college, has been expanding her business, Great Day Fitness Tracking, in the college’s business incubator.

Karen has determined that she needs to expand her business online, and she needs someone to set up her initial website and business systems. The site would gather data from wearable fitness tracking devices as well as input from mobile and computing devices. Karen wants to include a charitable component to her business and is considering using a sales model in which her business will donate a percentage of its profits to charity.

Karen has hired your small business, IT Business Services Consultants, to develop her website and business systems over the next few weeks.

Refer to Figure 2.25 to complete this assignment.

Write a 2- to 3-page proposal for the client that includes:

  • An overview of the top information systems used in business today and how they relate to Karen’s business needs
  • A description of the relationship between business processes and information systems
  • A flowchart in Microsoft® Visio® forhandling an online registration
  • A flowchart for handling an online registration
  • Areas for information systems (IS) use and security concerns
  • A list of areas of concern for ethical handling of customers’ private information

Analyzing & Visualizing Data – final


Course Paper Analyzing & Visualizing Data

A systematic Literature review paper on analyzing and visualizing data


· There are two main goals to conduct this SLR paper in this course:

o Help you toward your PhD thesis. My experience advising many phd students in different universities is that one of the “easiest” approaches to reach the “difficult” task of finding your research subject in your phd is to start by conducting an SLR in your general subject. It can help you as an output of this work to know what are some of the hot topics or trending research subjects in your area of interest. 

o As a phd student or soon to be graduate, publications are key factors in evaluating your profile. A good SLR paper in this course can be publishable whether in a conference or a journal whether directly or through extending the work after the end of the course

· The overall grade for this course paper is 25 or 25% of the overall course grade.

· The paper to be submitted no later than June 10th, a firm-deadline.

· We will follow APA guidelines (Please read relevant material about that)

· It is important to write in your own words. Paper will be evaluated using University integrity checking services.

· Systematic Literature Review has a structured approach that you have to follow. You can find online many references on how to conduct SLR. Below is a table as an example describing SLR steps (https://lib.guides.umd.edu/SR/steps). As an alternative to the 8 steps described below, minimum steps in SLR can be 5 (see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539417/). You will be graded based on following one of those two SLR templates in completing each step properly.

· You may have issue reaching or accessing some papers. Use University library or any available resources, to the best of your abilities.

· You can always submit progress documents for me to discuss and evaluate (i.e. before your final submission throughout the semester).

· In terms of the subjects to pick from, I will create a discussion board for that in which students should not pick repeated subjects and so you can reserve your subject earlier through the discussion board.

· Verify with me through an email before finalizing your paper subject

· Remember, instead of selecting a paper subject, you can start from framing a question to review or even from few selected keywords.


 Your responses to other students must be more than a simple “Good job” or “I agree with your post”. They must also not just be “Let me add to your post…” Instead, your responses to each other should do three things:

1. Acknowledge the other student’s post with some form of recognition about what they posted
2. Relate their posting to something you have learned or are familiar with
3. Add to the conversation by asking additional questions about their post, or discussing their topic further

Remember, this is a discussion forum. Your engagement with each other should be similar to how you would speak with each other if you were seated at the same table talking. Plagiarism in the discussion will not be tolerated.


 As you meeting with a client, What are the top 3 points/topics that qualify as an assessor to perform a professional information security assessment? explain with examples  

Software Development and Your Role in It


Software Development and Your Role in It

In this assignment, you will articulate the roles played by team members in a software development project. You will explain how the Java programming language and development environment enable you to perform your role as a software programmer/developer in a development project.

Please refer to the studies in this unit to learn about the software development process and the roles played in a typical software development project. You may wish to reference these resources in your assignment.

Follow these steps to complete this assignment:

  1. Research the software development process and the roles played by the development team members in software development projects.
    • Create a document named “U1A1_SWRoles.docx” of 2–3 pages in which you:
      1. Describe the software development process and its phases.
      2. Explain at least four of the roles played by team members in a software development project and examine their corresponding responsibilities. The four roles must include the role of the software developer/programmer.
      3. As an aspiring Java programmer, articulate how the Java programming language and the Java development environment enable you to perform the role of a Java developer in a software development project.

Your document should follow APA style and guidelines, including proper spelling and grammar. See the APA Module linked in the Resources for more information.


Submit your paper as Word document saved as: “U1A1_SWRoles.doc.”

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

  1. Describe the software development process and its phases.
  2. Explain roles and responsibilities of the developer/programmer teams.
  3. Articulate how the programming language and development environment enable the role of a developer/programmer.
  4. Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Use the following, linked in the Resources:

  • 6 Basic Steps of Software Development.
  • The Key Difference Between Developer and Architect Roles
  • Team Functions and Responsibilities.
  • Five Key Roles and Responsibilities for Software Development Projects Success.
  • SDLC: Overview.
  • Java Developer Job Description.


wk8.1 research paper


Use standard APA writing and the application of the Blooms taxonomy(highest level of analysis) to answer the following questions. 2-4 pages to each questions without the cover page and references.

Approach this from a research perspective, apply what you have learned from this course and add other resources as applicable. Find 5 -7 Scholarly papers to support your response to each question.

1.Define and discuss the meaning of Information Governance in context of the Enterprise. How do you build a business case for IT governance for the enterprise and how do you overcome obstacles and how do you measure the effectiveness. Use graphical examples and theoretical abstracts to support your submission.

Computer Science CCIS 301

  1. Choose an operating system and submit a report on approaches to manage its virtual memory.  
  2. Working in teams of four, write pseudocode for the first-in first-out (FIFO) and least-recently-used (LRU) page replacement policies.


Additional Resources
  1. Virtual Memory:  http://computer.howstuffworks.com/virtual-memory.htm
  2. RAM, Virtual Memory, Pagefile and all that stuff: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2160852 
  3. Page replacement policy: http://www.slideshare.net/sashi799/page-replacement-5025792
  4. The LRU page replacement policy: http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/355/Syllabus/9-virtual-mem/LRU-replace.html

Due : September,16, 2020