project management and computer forensic

Project risks can/cannot be eliminated if the project is carefully planned. Explain.

What are the major differences between managing negative risks versus positive risks (opportunities)?

Why is slack important to the project manager? What is the difference between free slack and total slack?

Review the document on Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations at Prepare a one-paragraph summary of three challenges you may encounter when executing a search and seizure of digital evidence.

What is a first responders’ toolkit? Describe the procedures for creating a first responder toolkit.

Identify best practices in digital forensic investigations: Perform a web search for best practices in digital forensic investigations. Prepare a list of the top 5 best practices, based on your research. Include links to any resources that you use.

What is an investigative report? Why are the reports important? Who is responsible for the report?

Mitigation Plan Creation


  • As the HU Investment Firm cybercrime expert, you are required to create a Cybercrime Mitigation Plan. The overall cybercrime mitigation plan should be written with a minimum of two to three sentence description of what the outline will cover under each section. 
  • Use the following website as a guide to creating your Risk  Mitigation Plan

Keep the following structure in mind as you develop your mitigation plan. You want to avoid or transfer as much serious risk as possible and have a detailed mitigation plan for the remaining risks.

Write your formal Mitigation Plan and ensure you include the following components:

  • Understand the users and the needs of the users
  • Research what the experts say about the needed mitigation for every element. Include that support in your report.
  • Identify and evaluate recurring risks and explain in detail the plan to mitigate those risks
  • Identify and explain opportunities to improve the system in order to reduce the negative impacts of some events
  •  Propose a plan to promote collaboration and dialogue about risk management and mitigation planning
  • Ensure that your writing is professional, well-supported, and easy to understand for non-IT people

Computer Forensics

Turn in your final paper, discussing your analysis of a real-world dataset using the tool or your choosing. Discuss the tool and the dataset before going into the steps that you took. Explain each step and detail what was uncovered. (3-5 pages APA format)

Your paper should highlight the following:

What tool did you research and why?

What data did you find, and what drew you to it?

What analyses did you research, and why were they relevant to the data/tool?

What did you learn going through the process?

Create a 3-5 slide discussing your project. Highlight the key areas and include a PPT slidedeck in your submission.

final project


11page   paper
use the book too that’s been provided

Scholar   reference

And prepare the PowerPoint slide too of the  paper with a diagram as much as possible 



Pick one of the below operating systems and present information on the operating systems, and your thoughts comparing the selected operating system with other systems.

small description of all the operating systems listed

why it is best than the rest of all also includes the pros and cons of the chosen one.

good reasoning behind choosing this

what are the future program and aim 

big company that uses this operating system
some diagram to explain in the presentation slide must be included

Also, explain some topics from the book for these operating systems

· Windows 

· Linux 

· Unix

· Android

· iOS

Artificial Intelligence

Part a) 

1)      Discuss the difficulties in measuring the intelligence of machines.

Required: 200+ words

2)       Explore the AI-related products and services of Nuance Inc. ( Explore the Dragon voice recognition product. 

Required: 200+ words

Part b) 

1)      Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning.

Required: 150+ words


Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B’ answers should to be attached as two separate documents. 

Both part ‘A’ and ‘B’ must adhere to APA formatting guidelines

At least two references for each part

Plagiarism report for both.




Select any visualisation/infographic and looking at any individual chart included. Try to extract and write down in language terms what this chart shows across the angle, the framing, and (where relevant) the focus?

Does it feel that the definition you have arrived at is consistent with the aims/claims of the chart as it is published? In other words does the chart show and include what you think it is actually supposed to be doing or is there a disconnect?

Assignment Link:

DQ_Online Shopping

Describe the pros and cons of online shopping. 

Include examples of online shopping sites, both businesses and private consumer to consumer sites as well as any experiences you’ve had buying or selling online. 

Represent Family using Graph data structure


Using the below image represent this family using a graph structure. The graph needs to be a weighted graph. The weights will constitute the types of relationships, I recommend using some kind mapping between numbers and strings to represent the relationships. When adding family members to the graph, this can be done programmatically for the provided family members within the description file.


  • I also want there to be an interface in which a user can create a new family member and add them to the tree.
  • This can be a simple CLI where the user provides a name, gender, and age to create a person.
  • Then another simple CLI where they select which member of the family, they want the original relationship to be with and what kind of relationship it should be.
  • Finally, they can edit the family member using another CLI and selecting the family member they wish to edit, the operation they wish to perform (edit name, edit age, edit relationship), and then add new relationship between family members which can call a function that you create in order to add the original relationship.

Finally, make data assertions within the FamilyTree class that enforce certain “rules” that exist in a typical human family. An example would be a person should not have any kind of relationship to itself (a person cannot marry themselves, a person cannot be their own brother, sister, father, mother, etc.). There should be at least 3 data assertions. These should exist as part of the family tree, not as part of the graph.

As a hint, for a successful design:

I would recommend using layers of abstraction. Your graph class is the backing structure to the family tree class. Your family tree should implement methods that interface with the graph class, i.e. add_family_member() should call the constructor to create a node and then call a function within the graph class to add a node to the graph. Then using the relationships function parameter, you can add edges to the graph between the new nodes and the existing nodes. The family tree should be what enforces what relationships can exist through the data assertions, the graph does not care about what relationships are made between family members. Your functions that the user would interface with would be greatly reduced compared to the total number of methods within the classes themselves. The user should be able to add, remove, and modify family members and that’s about it. Therefore, those should be your function calls.

Attachments area

wk 9 fn

Should an individual invest in digital currencies? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

Cyber Security

In this scenario, hackers launch cyber-attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be canceled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week.