

Consider the following problems, design the algorithms that would solve them, and then implement the algorithm in Java.

Problem 1:

Design and implement a class called Flight that represents an airline flight. It should contain instance data that represents the airline name, flight number, and the flight’s origin and destination cities. Define the Flight constructor to accept and initialize all instance data. Include getter and setter methods for all instance data. Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the flight. Create a driver class calledFlightTest, whose main method instantiates and updates several Flight objects.

Problem 2:

Define a class called Counter. An object of this class is used to count things so it records a count that is a non-negative whole number. Include methods to set the counter to 0, to increase the counter by 1, and to decrease the counter by 1. Be sure that no method allows the value of the counter to become negative. Also include an accessor method that returns the current count value, as well as a method that displays the count on the screen. Do not define an input method. The only method that can set the counter is the one that sets it to zero. Write a program to test your class definition. (Hint: you need only one instance variable).

Problem 3:

Using the Die class defined in the document, Die.java, design and implement a class called PairOfDice, composed of two Die objects. Include methods to set and get the individual die values, a method to roll the dice, and a method that returns the current sum of the two die values. Create a driver class called RollingDice2 to instantiate and use a PairOfDice object.

Problem 4:

Consider a class that could be used to play a game of hangman. The class has the following attributes:

  • The secret word
  • The disguised word, in which each unknown letter in the secret word is replaced with a question mark (?). For example, if the secret word is abracadabra, and the letters a , and b have been guessed, the disguised word would be ab?a?a?ab?a
  • The number of guesses made
  • The number of incorrect guesses

It will have the following methods:

  • MakeGuess(c) guesses that character c is in the word
  • getDisguisedWord returns a string containing correctly guessed letters in their correct positions and unknown letters replaced with ?
  • getSecretWord returns the secret word
  • getGuessCount returns the number of guesses made
  • isFound returns true if the hidden word has been discovered.

Perform the following actions:

  • Write a method heading for each method.
  • Write preconditions and postconditions for each method.
  • Write some Java statements that test the class.
  • Implement the class.
  • List any additional methods and attributes needed in the implementation that were not listed in the original design. List any other changes made to the original design.
  • Write a program that implements the game of handgman, using the class you wrote for part d.

Problem 5:

Consider a class Movie that contains information about a movie. The class has the following attributes:

  • The movie name
  • The MPAA rating (e.g. G, PG, PG-13, R)
  • The number of people that have rated this movie as a 1 (Terrible)
  • The number of people that have rated this movie as a 2 (Bad)
  • The number of people that have rated this movie as a 3 (OK)
  • The number of people that have rated this movie as a 4 (Good)
  • The number of people that have rated this movie as a 5 (Great)

Implement the class with accessors and mutators for the movie name and MPAA rating. Write a method addRating that takes an integer as an input parameter. The method should verify that the parameter is a number between 1 and 5, and if so, increment by one the number of people rating the movie that matches the input parameter. For example, if 3 is the input parameter, then the number of people that rated the movie as a 3 should be incremented by one. Write another method, getAverage, that returns the average value for all the movie ratings.

Test the class by writing a main method that creates at least two movie objects, adds at least five ratings for each movie, and output the movie name, MPAA rating, and average rating for each movie object.

All in total it should be 

5 Algorithms 

 5 Java Programs 

5 Screenshots 


 Discussion #1: How does prescriptive analytics relate to descriptive and predictive analytics? 

Discussion #2: Explain the differences between static and dynamic models. How can one evolve into the other? 

1000 to 2000 words with references


Your work will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses: 

· Social Media Company 


Milestone 2: Architectural diagrams and annotations (Words limit: 1000-2000)

· Milestone 2 will include all materials from Milestone 1 and 

Architectural diagrams and annotations 

Milestone 1 is completed check the attached


Milestone 1: Project Abstract, Goals and Approach (Words limit: 800-1000)

· Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.

· Provide a brief overview of the business

· Provide the goals and approach to the project

Hardening the Firewall


In this assignment, students will demonstrate methods and techniques of adjudicating systems configured in a manner consistent with general practice.

Research methods for hardening PFSense.

Using the virtualized PFSense system created in Topic 3, harden the PFSense system using Snort.

  1. Start the Snort service.
  2. Update Snort and download the latest community rules.
  3. Ensure that you have configured Snort to detect port scans.

Using the Kali VM from Topic 3, run another port scan.

Using screenshots of the results, explain if Snort detected the port scan.

Create a 300- to 500-word step-by-step instructional guide detailing how to detect scans using snort. Make sure to:

  1. Explain what hardening is, what Snort does, and why it is being used in this scenario.
  2. Explain any other methods by which PFSense can be hardened.
  3. Include at least five screenshots.

Need Response 2 to below discussion

Please read the below discussion posts and provide the response in 75 to 100 words



A cloud SLA (cloud service-level agreement) is an agreement between a cloud service provider and a customer that ensures a minimum level of service is maintained. The SLA should include not only an outline of the services to be provided and their expected service levels, but also metrics by which the services are measured, the duties and responsibilities of every party, the remedies or penalties for breach, and a protocol for adding and removing metrics. Now we have discussed 5 features of cloud SLA. “Based  on  policy  guidance,  autonomic  system  keep  the  system stable  in  unpredictable  conditions  and  adapt  quickly  in  new environmental  conditions  like  software,  hardware  failures” (Singh, Chana, & Buyya, 2017).

Uptime: Some cloud providers will offer lower uptime than what they can actually achieve just to give themselves some breathing space in the event of a data incident. This may be adequate for some businesses that can handle a brief loss in productivity, but for healthcare providers and government agencies that need immediate access to data, it is still considered inadequate (Zhao, et.al., 2016).

 Data Protection: Data protection processes, such as backup and disaster recovery, should be addressed in any SLA. The agreement should detail what each party is responsible for, acceptable performance parameters, which applications and services are covered, monitoring procedures and a schedule for remediation of outages whether by power outage, natural disaster, human error, or malware.

Exporting Data: Some cloud providers make it easy to migrate your data into their cloud, but charge large sums of money to return it to you—or they return it to you in an unusable format (we call this the Hotel California effect). So, you want to be sure you’re able to exit the contract if you need to and that there are no fees associated with doing so (or that they are minimal). You should also negotiate the export of your data in a predefined format (CSV, XLS, XML etc.). If you don’t have a skilled IT team that can make the export easy, you might also make it a condition that the provider assists you in the export. Finally, because some contracts require a notice of non-renewal within a certain period, make sure you understand the time period and if it seems unreasonable, try to talk it down or eliminate it altogether. “One of the main green cloud computing strategies used for the reduction of energy consumption consists in maximizing the utilization of a number of physical machines (PMs) and turning off or suspending unused servers” (Malekloo,, et. al.,2018).

Scalability: Many SLAs are designed to meet the needs of the customer at the time of signing, but we all know organizations can change dramatically in size over time. Make sure the SLA details intervals for reviewing a contract so that if your organization grows larger, your cloud capacity can grow with it and if your organization happens to grow smaller, you’ll want the option to reduce capacity; no sense it paying for unused capacity.

Data Location: Although cloud computing is all about the ease of accessing your data anytime, anywhere, it’s ultimately housed somewhere. Some providers may scatter your data across multiple locations, or house it overseas. Knowing where data physically resides is key when it comes to matters of compliance. “A Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be used to address these concerns, increasing trust in the purchased services through the clear description of the guarantees offered by the provider to the subscribers” (De Carvalho, et. al., 2017).



The agreement entered between the cloud service provider companies and the client or the user of the clouding service is cloud service level agreement (SLA). This is a type of a commitment that is signed between the service provider companies and the users of the clouding services. The agreement defines the different aspects of the services and responsibilities that are agreed on mutually between the service user and the service provider. It can between two or more parties. The agreement happened between the parties has many components which are defined from starting of the service till the termination of the agreement. Service level agreements helps in proper monitoring of the services in cloud computing. These define the quality of the service the company must provide to the customers till the end of the service agreement.

SLA is responsible for setting the security system required for management of the clouding space and free from intruders and vulnerabilities and also explains well about the backup plan the company has already set to prevent the data loss of any of the customers for the failure of the performances. There are many challenges associated with the clouding services which both provider and user face. SLA defines the terms and conditions which are agreed upon by both the parties for provisioning and consuming of the clouding service. SLA clearly defines and sets the expectations for both the parties. For the purpose of the development of an effective SLA, there are certain criteria which are needed to be established between both the provider and the user of the service. “Although there are many energy-aware resource management solutions for Cloud data centers, existing approaches focus on minimizing energy consumption while ignoring the SLA violation at the time of virtual machine (VM) deployment” (Zhou, 2018).

1) Cloud hardware and software: the cloud service provider must use all the essential hardware and the software devices required for providing the services effectively to the customers potentially. The agreement must include the hardware devices that the company would be using to provide the services. When the company knows the equipments and the software specifications of the hardware devices then it becomes easy for the providers to build the cloud construction environment and teach staff about it. “Resource overbooking is one way to reduce the usage of active hosts and networks by placing more requests to the same amount of resources” (Son, 2017).

2) Customer Responsibility: the clouding responsibility is not solely hold by the provider companies but it is shared between the user and the provider both. The provider companies should well explain about the roles and responsibilities of the users before entering into an agreement.

3) Disaster recovery and backup: the service provider companies should be well equipped with a disaster recovery plan so that there is not any kind of data loss of any customer. The system must be updated with automatic backup technology and must be mentioned about its use and blueprint into the agreement. This will make the user satisfied about the data saved in the clouding space provided by the service provider companies.

4) Data Ownership: the service level agreement must clearly specify the ownership status of the data to make everything clear and transparent between the user and the service provider and avoid any kind of future conflicts.

5) Availability: the service level agreement must clearly specify the provider’s promised availabilities. The network and the service must be same throughout the agreement and must not break in between the agreement. The promises made should be accomplished upto 99.99% successfully. “As SLAs are critical for cloud deployments and wider adoption of cloud services, the management of SLAs in cloud and IoT has thus become an important and essential aspect” (Mubeen, 2017).

Urgent needed


Using the guidelines provided in this week’s chapter (and other resources as needed), create a step-by-step IT security policy for handling user accounts/rights for a student who is leaving prematurely (drops, is expelled, and so on).

You will need to consider specialized student scenarios, such as a student who works as an assistant to a faculty member or as a lab assistant in a computer lab and may have access to resources most students do not.



Options for files that cant be retrieved from recycle bin

A desperate employee calls because she has accidentally deleted crucial files from her hard drive and can’t retrieve them from the Recycle Bin. What are your options? Explain your capabilities and list questions that you need to ask about her system.

Assignments are due by 11:55 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Week 8.

Discussion due date September 16th

 Locate a dissertation on a Topic related to your Concentration in the ProQuest Library Database at the University of the Cumberlands.  Read the literature review section and provide a one paragraph summary of the literature review – discuss the structure of the literature review and what was achieved with the literature review.  Be sure and provide the reference to the Dissertation and attach a pdf of the dissertation to the discussion. 

 Note: Minimum 300 words not including title and reference page. References should be taken from peer revived