how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence

This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity.  Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI).  After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI?  Please explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Please note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else.  Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Please explain.

Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

companies that have been harmed

Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster. Choose one such company and create a brief case study about it. Successful narratives will focus on the manner in which the organization was impacted, including financial losses, losses of sales, or the need for layoffs. Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length(200 words).

Opposing Shadow IT 2.0

Organizations do not always provide information systems that allow their staff to perform their responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Read the article, “Lifting the Veil Off Shadow IT.” Then, respond to the following:

  • Take a position favoring or opposing shadow IT.
  • If you are in favor, give one reason that shadow IT should be allowed. If you are not in favor, provide one way that the organization can reduce the risks of shadow IT.
    1000 words 



Using the Web or other resources, find a case where an illegal search was claimed.

Write a brief essay describing that case and write how it relates to  

  • What is a search
    When is it legal
  • Warantless search.

Software Engineering

 Define the business model of the software project. Describe the use cases as well as the use cases diagram. Show how the use cases can be realized into sequence diagrams for ‘ Software Project (Estimating a vehicle’s velocity (that is, speed) based on skid marks, yaw marks and vault case)’ project. Describe a feasible domain model and ways to refine it into an analysis class diagram.  

3 discussion


Business Considerations

Identify and discuss business considerations relating to security policy frameworks. When creating a security policy framework, it’s important to align business objectives with the correct framework. Discuss what can happen if the framework you choose as a foundation does not fit your organization’s business objectives. Why is it important to pay attention to business objectives? Discuss at least four things that could affect the organization if the security framework does not align with business objectives and rationale for each. 


Please go through the attached document for assignment details.

operational excellence

 Select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence.  In this paper, perform the following activities:

  • Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.
  • Note how they are a differentiator in the market.Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).
  • Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.
  • The above submission should be three pages in length.  

Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references.  There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work

Wireshark Capture

  • Download and install Wireshark
  • Download the file 
  • Unzip the capture file.
  • Load it into Wireshark.
  • Answer the following questions:
  1. Make a list of all the protocols in that capture.
  2. Briefly explain what all the protocols do (approximately one paragraph per protocol). Please do not copy and paste from Wikipedia or some other source. Instead, write in your own words.
  3. What is the source MAC address of the computer making a RIPv1 request at IP address
  4. What’s happening with capture # 67? Explain.
  5. Are there any FTP or Telnet sessions? Why are FTP and Telnet considered insecure protocols?
  6. Are there any SSH sessions? How does Telnet relate to SSH? Tell us why SSH v2 is better?