
Follow the doc for questions and concepts on which the questions must be answered 

Forensic Assignment 9

Digital forensics is often summarized in four phases (e.g. collection, preservation, analysis and reporting). We have learned this already.

However, I think it’s important for you to be aware of how there are many different excellent models out there that seek to break down digital forensics in a series of flowcharts / phases / moving parts. Then Chapter 14 talks about the different trends and future directions.

So, I am attaching one research paper that does just that and it is a great read. Please check out the Forensic Models.pdf found in the Supplemental Materials folder.

 Some of the models out there are very specific e.g. for network forensics, triage, or cybercrime. It’s all fascinating. Then the article proposes a new one Generic Computer Forensic Investigation Model (GCFIM).

I would like you to read this – who knows you may actually see a model that resonates well with you. This can be helpful if you are asked to consult on what is the right model that should be followed in a particular legal matter in today’s brave new world.


Now that you have reviewed the different models of digital forensics, what are your thoughts about the author’s proposed model? Do you agree or disagree? Do you prefer the other models and if so what is your preference and why? Note – there are NO right or wrong answers here. I value your insights. No more than 2 pages please.



create a portfolio related to a specific topic from the list below. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples.

  • A case study assessing risk and proposing security for some chosen organization (real).
  • Review of a security incident or threat, describing it in-depth and proposing a controls for future use
  • Technology review, reviewing some security product or control technology
  • Survey of technology, theory, or practice building on and expanding some topic covered

This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references (Only peer reviewed articles/Technical white papers).  Minimum of 1000 words

Assignment (500 WORDS MINIMUM)


Web Analytics – Labeling Visitors, Sessions, Pages, and Web Server Log Files vs. Java Scripting

Assignment Instructions:

· Define the importance of custom variables, attached chapter 9 (Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics by Brian Clifton) explains the importance of each variable, and how each is restricted to one particular scope level.

· Explain in as much detail as you can regarding the scope of each of these levels; Visitor Level, Session Level and Page Level.

· Compare and contrast web server log files vs. JavaScript tagging

· What would you recommend in terms of the variables you would set for an ecommerce site? Would this recommendation be dependent on the type of business or any other factors?

Please submit a Word Doc with your answers, in 500 words or more, and use references in support of your answers.

R Studio-Simple Linear Regression & Multiple Linear Regression

Following the instruction of Assignment# and use R-studio to do simple linear regression& Multiple linear regression.

Then submit two documents that are:

(1) Your write-up. This should be a PDF that includes your written answers to any questions in Assignment# that ask for written answers, along with the other things asked for in the prompt. 

(2) Your R Script. This is the script that you will use to write as Assignment# asks. If you use Markdown, you’ll submit an .RMD rather than a .R file.

*You have to know how to use the basic functions of R in Rstudio

*Assignment# is attached along with required datasets

*Sample is attached(Write-up should be like this)

W7: D


This week we focus on the productivity paradox.  Please define the productivity paradox and explain current thinking on this topic

Write 3 different independent scenarios for the above topic. The main scenario needs to be 300-350 (from the text books provided) words and the other 2 for 200-250 words. This submission should be between 750 and 850 words (The word count does not include the title and reference page). Deductions will apply if the word count is not observed.

Digital Forensics. assignment 15


Please review the Admissibility of Expert Testimony in Courts.pdf (check the Supplemental Materials) folder.

This is a bit long – 15 page law article but it does a very good job of summarizing the different tests from Frye to Daubert and various hybrid of whether you are qualified to talk about your findings.

Then please provide me a 2 page paper (minimum) summarizing what you have learned. Also do some research – what is the case law in Kentucky? Ohio? Are there differences in state or federal court in both states? Please cite RECENT case law to support your analysis as this law article is out of date. 

Why did I assign this?

Knowing what test is “adopted” in the state is important. Again, – it is NOT the tool but the person’s knowledge, skill, and whether scientific rigor was followed along with chain of custody and authentication / integrity best practices. Also, when you are leading an investigation you want to be familiar with what test courts (state or federal) may apply! 

SAS Question need in 12 hour

 Important Note:
_x000f_ Due date/Time: 6/26/2020 (Friday), 11:59 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.
_x000f_ Please submit your SAS code in one le. Use your name as the lename of the SAS le. Use /* */
comments to separate each question. See format below.
_x000f_ Please work alone on the nal assignment. Do not discuss the exam contents with your classmates
or anyone else. Evidence revealing identical solutions will be considered cheating and students will
receive an F for the term grade.