week 7


The Final Project is to be a 2500-3000 word paper.

  • Part one of the Final Project is to be a well-crafted Project Plan.
  • Part two of the Final Project is to be a Project Summary which gives a detailed narrative of the proposed project.

The rationale behind the summary section is to test your knowledge of Advanced Project Management in light of real world application. As such, the summary is to discuss each component of the Project Plan in light of the reading material and concepts learned throughout the duration of the course.

The summary section is to be written in accordance with APA standards which will require that you integrate appropriate in text citation. Further, you will be required to use a minimum of 5 sources to be included in the reference section. This project is to be submitted as one document and is to contain a cover sheet and reference section and does not count toward the final page count.

Project Plan Components:

  • Purpose of project*
  • Stated goals and objectives*
  • Clearly defined scope*
  • Required deliverables*
  • Internal and external constraints
  • Basic assumptions
  • Project schedule**
  • Project milestones**
  • Budget
  • Risk assessment
  • Detailed description of quality controls
  • Proposed control tools
  • Proposed resource estimates**
  • Description of standards
  • Change procedures
  • Work plan
  • Post project sign-off forms

2 questions – Each question needs 3 answers – with 1 APA reference for each answer – Each answer atleast 200 words

Need 3 answers for each question.  1 APA reference MUST. APA 7th edition

Question 1:

Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet software for PCs. Why? What can we do with this package that makes it so attractive for modeling efforts?

Question 2:

What are the common business problems addressed by Big Data analytics?  In the era of Big Data, are we about to witness the end of data warehousing? Yes/No Why?

Research Paper

This week’s article provided a case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry.  Search the UC Library and/or Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and how they can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence. 

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Health care sector

In today’s locked down the world with almost everyone working remotely, new challenges that require encryption and cryptography have arisen. Pick an industry or company that has had to deal with the challenges. How have they addressed things as  


· Remote users that must be authenticated

Try to justify the above challenge by using the below questions.


You will need to complete the following: 

· What methodology do they use to protect the data?

· What are the biggest challenges faced by companies using encryption?

· How do they verify and authenticate the users both local and remote?

· What forms of encryption (symmetric/asymmetric)

· What certifying authorities do they use? 

· What are common attacks and how would you protect against them?

· How have other similar companies dealt with this and with what results?

· How would you test the method you choose?

· What are the expected outcomes?

· What new methods may be on the horizon that will help this industry?

Paper must be APA format with single space margin and double paragraphed.

Word count should be of 800 to 1000 words.


Research paper:

  • Research Paper must be in APA Style
  • Research Paper must have at least 3 works cited of which 2 must be peer reviewed works/articles.  

• Limit the number of bulleted lists

SQLAlchemy- STEP 2


  • Use Flask to create your routes.


  • /
    • Home page.
    • List all routes that are available.
  • /api/v1.0/precipitation
    • Convert the query results to a dictionary using date as the key and prcp as the value.
    • Return the JSON representation of your dictionary.
  • /api/v1.0/stations
    • Return a JSON list of stations from the dataset.
  • /api/v1.0/tobs
    • Query the dates and temperature observations of the most active station for the last year of data.
    • Return a JSON list of temperature observations (TOBS) for the previous year.
  • /api/v1.0/ and /api/v1.0//
    • Return a JSON list of the minimum temperature, the average temperature, and the max temperature for a given start or start-end range.
    • When given the start only, calculate TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX for all dates greater than and equal to the start date.
    • When given the start and the end date, calculate the TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX for dates between the start and end date inclusive.


  • You will need to join the station and measurement tables for some of the queries.
  • Use Flask jsonify to convert your API data into a valid JSON response object.

Temperature Analysis I

  • Hawaii is reputed to enjoy mild weather all year. Is there a meaningful difference between the temperature in, for example, June and December?
  • You may either use SQLAlchemy or pandas’s read_csv() to perform this portion.
  • Identify the average temperature in June at all stations across all available years in the dataset. Do the same for December temperature.
  • Use the t-test to determine whether the difference in the means, if any, is statistically significant. Will you use a paired t-test, or an unpaired t-test? Why?

Temperature Analysis II

  • The starter notebook contains a function called calc_temps that will accept a start date and end date in the format %Y-%m-%d. The function will return the minimum, average, and maximum temperatures for that range of dates.
  • Use the calc_temps function to calculate the min, avg, and max temperatures for your trip using the matching dates from the previous year (i.e., use “2017-01-01” if your trip start date was “2018-01-01”).
  • Plot the min, avg, and max temperature from your previous query as a bar chart.
    • Use the average temperature as the bar height.
    • Use the peak-to-peak (TMAX-TMIN) value as the y error bar (YERR).


Daily Rainfall Average

  • Calculate the rainfall per weather station using the previous year’s matching dates.
  • Calculate the daily normals. Normals are the averages for the min, avg, and max temperatures.
  • You are provided with a function called daily_normals that will calculate the daily normals for a specific date. This date string will be in the format %m-%d. Be sure to use all historic TOBS that match that date string.
  • Create a list of dates for your trip in the format %m-%d. Use the daily_normals function to calculate the normals for each date string and append the results to a list.
  • Load the list of daily normals into a Pandas DataFrame and set the index equal to the date.
  • Use Pandas to plot an area plot (stacked=False) for the daily normals.

Excel, statistics, pivot tables, V-Loopup, correlation tables, box plots



Using the Supermarket data set, create crosstabs for Marital Status and Annual Income expressing the counts as percentages. Then, create a stacked 2D column chart. (Select the crosstab table and insert stacked 2D column chart). If you need to swap the x and y values, then right click on the chart, click select data, and switch row/column).

Box Plots

Using the Supermarket data set, create a box plots of Annual Income and Revenue. Which of the following income brackets appears to have the least variation in revenue (purchase amounts)?


Using the Beta Employees data set, create a table of correlations between the variables Age, Prior Experience, Beta Experience, Education, and Annual Salary. (Look at Figure 3.18 in the example 3-3 document in Module 5 (Attached Image file for illustration purposes only). It shows a table of correlations like what you would need to produce. The bottom of the table shows the formula you would use to calculate the correlations for each cell.)


Using the Supermarket data set, create a pivot table to find how many units were sold in total in the non-consumable category.

Complete explanation via a word document and completed Excel files using the given datasets and worked solutions in separate tabs on each applicable dataset file. Visual image instruction preferred

Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity

Propose and defend a topic for your final project(Types of cloud computing services).  Write  500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and specific. Look into the general topic provided in the list in this folder to find something new and interesting to write about. You should do a deep dive into a topic.

You MUST make a statement saying exactly what your topic is. 

Use at least five sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

focus on the social and organizational issues

Discussion: This week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with better understanding why changes occurs.  This week discuss the phases of change noted in the Linear Development in Learning Approaches section in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text.

Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.

Practical Connection Assignment


Practical Connection Assignment
At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where you will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within your own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. 
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. 
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. 
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.  
You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.