5s week 11 assignment BS

In 300 words

Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

  • Five network penetration testing techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each
  • One notable social engineering test
  • Possible negative implications of penetration testing.

Include References, do not copy paste strictly.


Scenario Summary: 
This scenario covers a contract dispute situation. The contract in question is an agreement between Systems Inc. and Big Bank. Please review the contract located in Scenario Summary of the “You Decide” page to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the contract.
Your Role/Assignment:
You are the manager of a large data processing project. Your company, Systems Inc., worked very hard to obtain a contract with Big Bank to do the data conversions from their recent acquisition, Small Bank.  The bank met with several companies to discuss who would do the best work on the contract. During your meeting with Big Bank, you told them that you had “never missed a conversion deadline.” At  the time, your company had never missed a conversion deadline, but the company had only done three conversions. You also told them that “your data processing systems were the fastest around.” After months of negotiation, Big Bank signed the contract. The President of Big Bank said, “We like fast, and you guys are fast. We choose you.”
You started work on the data conversion immediately (ahead of contract). According to the contract, your team was responsible for ensuring that the new bank’s data was converted to Big Bank’s data processing system. The contract involved six large conversions. The first involved converting Big Bank’s savings accounts; the second,  its checking accounts;  the third,  its investment portfolio;  the fourth,  its credit card operations;  the fifth,  its mortgage portfolios;  and the sixth,  its large business loans. Your team completed four of the six conversions without a problem. The fifth task, the largest and most important, has encountered numerous problems. Some problems have been based on personnel issues on your part and other issues have been based on the bank’s failure to provide you with necessary information. One issue resulted when the conversion was delayed for over one week. The data to be converted was formatted differently than the bank’s previous specifications provided.  For that reason, the data conversion fields needed to be changed.  A provision in the contract required your company to receive the approval of four individuals  before making any changes to the conversion data fields, and one of those four people, Glenda Givealot, was out of the country doing missionary work in an area of the world that did not have cell phone reception.   Another issue arose when the conversion was supposed to occur. Because of the change in the timeline, the conversion schedule had to change. The weekend the conversion was rescheduled to occur, an ice storm struck the state where your data processing computers were housed. Your facility lost electricity for three days, causing the conversion to be delayed once again.  
1. Question: (17 points) 
Can Big Bank’s President rescind the contract?  Under what circumstances can a contract be rescinded by either party?  What facts have to be alleged and proven?   What is the result of a contract that is rescinded?
2. Question: (16 points) 
Big Bank’s President also threatens legal action.  What potential causes of action could you foresee him bringing in court?  Would he be successful?  Why or why not?   What arguments could Systems Inc. raises in its defense?  What are Big Bank’s potential damages?
3. Question: (17 points) 
Review the facts provided and the sample contract.  What provisions of the contract could you cite to support an argument that it is not in Big Bank’s best interest to rescind the contract?  What facts could you cite to support an argument that Big Bank be responsible for some of these issues and/or not in compliance with the contract?
4. Question: (16 points) 
In this situation amicable resolution of problems is greatly preferred by your company.   Would this be true in all contract disputes? In what situations would you decide to  litigate?  Why would you decide to move to litigation rather than attempt to reach an  amicable resolution?
5. Question: (17 points) 
There are 3 types of contract performance: 1)complete performance;  2)  substantial performance;  and 3)  material breach.  Describe the differences (and similarities) among the three, and explain some of the legal ramifications for one or more of these types of performances. (For example, what happens if one party performs completely but the other party performs only substantially?)  Give examples from outside readings or experiences in your career or personal business life.
6. Question: (16 points) 
What are the two most important concepts from this exercise that will help you in future contract negotiations?
Solution answers must be at least one half page each.  Show each question on a separate page. 


In a 500- to 750-word essay, explain:

  1. The data collected by Wireshark–can you identify the scans that is performed?
  2. How can this information be used to track an attacker in your network during a forensics investigation?

final grad project : Information Assurance

Information Security & Assurance: how the evolution of Internet of things(IoT) is effecting it? Securing today’s information systems?

NOTE: Recommended 4-5 pages, including a cover page and reference page, at least three references and in APA format.  No plagiarism must be there and no late submissions.


 draw an Activity Diagram showing the actions and events involved with a student completing spring 2021 pre-registration for courses to attend a local public school. Think about COVID-19 as well. Save your file in MS Word or PDF file format.  

Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing how database auditing and monitoring fit within a SOX compliance framework.

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaningful title. 

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

Develop a disaster recovery plan using ISO 27031 or ISO 24762 template

 Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762): 

  1. Important: This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.
  2. Introduction
  3. Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Incident Response
  5. Plan Activation
  6. Document History
  7. Procedures

Your paper should meet the following requirements: 100% original content

  • Be approximately 4 to 6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least four scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

CC week7 DB



i need this paper by 06/24 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Discuss in 500 words, why institutions might be reluctant to move their IT to the cloud. Consider specific industries like education, medicine, military, etc. 

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library (https://libguides.nec.edu/az.php)not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Strictly No plagiarism