computer architrecture




CS610-151 MIDTERM 2



1. There are 70 tens in the number 679.

2.  Although convenient for computers, the binary system is exceedingly hard for human beings.

3. Logical functions are implemented by the interconnection of decoders.

4. Boolean functions can be implemented in electronic form as a network of gates.

5. The instruction set is the programmer’s means of controlling the processor.


6. The unary operation _  inverts the value of its operand.


7. Which of the following is correct?

A. 25 = (2 x 102) + (5 x 101)

B. 289 = (2 x 103) + (8 x 101) + (9 x 100)

C. 7523 = (7 x 103) + (5 x 102) + (2 x 101) + (3 x 100)

D. 0.628 = (6 x 10-3) + (2 x 10-2) + (8 x 10-1)

8. There must be __  instructions for moving data between memory and the registers.

A. branch B.  logic C. memory D. I/O

9. __  _ instructions provide computational capabilities for processing number data.

A. Boolean B. Logic C. Memory D. Arithmetic

10_________ instructions are needed to transfer programs and data into memory

and the results of computations back out to the user.

A. I/O B. Transfer C. Control D. Branch



Discuss the strategies to solve Data Hazards, which one is the most efficient, can we always use it? Explain?



a) Find all the dependencies in the above program, will those be Hazards?

b) Fill out the schedule for a classic pipeline with no forwarding of this program

c) Fill out the schedule for a classic pipeline with forwarding


1. Find 10111 + 1011 in binary notation then convert to decimal.

2. Write the Boolean expression corresponding to the circuit below:



3. Draw a circuit for the following Boolean expression:


Read the section of the research article below, what computer architecture problematic this article discusses? Write your summary analyzes and reflection of the problem stated.

Information Governance

Organizations are struggling to reduce and right-size their information foot-print, using data governance techniques like data cleansing and de-duplication. Why is this effort necessary?  Briefly explain and support from your readings, using APA style citations. 

COM303 Week 1 Discussion 1


Your book outlines five major issues regarding our ability to fully cooperate with others, interculturally. Which of the five do you think is the most crucial to address in the short-term? Which of the five is the most critical to our long-term intercultural understanding? How do the short- and long-term issues affect you personally? Do you think you’re more apt to be more cooperative in the short- or long-term? Why is this so?

Secure Communications and Attacks

Review and summarize the attached journal article. Do not use outside sources “only this article”. 

  • Title page with the Running head:
  • Abstract
  • Body (4 pages)
    • Conclusion
  • Reference (1)


In the textbook of this course, author talks about 10 principles of good design shown below. Research those concepts in your own (i.e. through Internet sources and then for each concept find two pictures/charts, etc. One that you think has the quality and one that is not (For example, One that you think is innovative and one that is not). Its all personal perspective, there is no right and wrong, that’s fine, just make sure you make your case and justify.

Discussion-1 ME


For this Discussion Question, complete the following.

1.  Read the attached opinion piece where the author indicates that the Great Recession of 2009 was not caused by the Free Market, but was instead caused by US Government policies.   

2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology.  

3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.

week 7 bi

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 12 –discussion question #1-3 & exercise 1 & 12 & 16

Chapter 13- discussion question #1-4 & exercise 3 & 4 & 6

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

All work must be original (not copied from any source).

Identify and research the latest video surveillance technology. For example, you can research “edge-based video surveillance,” the project “imaging system for immersive surveillance,” or another new technology.

Identify and research the latest video surveillance technology. For example, you can research “edge-based video surveillance,” the project “imaging system for immersive surveillance,” or another new technology.

  1. Find a resource–a scholarly article, security organization article/whitepaper, or web article. Give the article’s APA style reference information.
  2. Summarize the article. Include all major points.
  3. Explain how this surveillance technology could be used. What kind of location, organization, level of needed security, etc., would need kind of surveillance technology? Justify your choice.
  4. Explain the advantages of using this new technology over the older technology options, such as those explained in chapter 20 of the textbook.

Essay 1


Prepare an essay addressing the following:

1.) Discuss the different types of automation that businesses are using in today’s business world.

2.) Select a business that has had success in using automation and describe how they have gained a competitive advantage by automating business solutions.

3.) Describe the type of knowledgeskill set an employee would need to have to help their business succeed in using automation to create efficiencies, eliminate waste and become more innovative.


  • Prepare a quality, substantive      paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations      set forth in the grading rubric.
  • 1,250 words minimum, excluding the      required title and reference pages.
  • All cited sources must have been      published within the 5 years.
  • Include at least three (3) sources      of credible evidence.