Discuss in 500 words or more the differences between and advantages of MAC, DAC, and RBAC.

Discuss in 500 words or more the differences between and advantages of MAC, DAC, and RBAC.

Use at least three sources.   Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

operations security


One factor often overlooked in creating and implementing information security policy is the human factor.  Your reading this week explores this factor.  One tool to help manage the human factor is the separation of duties (also called segregation of duties).  Explain what separation of duties is and why it is important.  What three functions should be separate in all transactions?  Give an example of how duties can be separated using an example you might find in an organization.

Your main post needs to be around 300 words and you need to make at least one reply to your classmates that is 100 words long.  See the links below for more information:






Cyber Security Discussion 14

A digital forensics professional must know basic IT skills, understand computer architecture and networking, and have analytical and investigative skills, as well as strong attention to detail. Why do think all of these skills are necessary? Please explain.

Need a word document with 450 words under main body.

6 years old reference only

4 references is minimum

Intext citation must

APA format


Develop a broad vision, an architecture, and a detailed plan of action that follows a life cycle concept for Developing IT Compliance Program for Alibaba

Discussion and Assignment 6


Focus on globalization concepts. Please explain the concept of globalization and the role information technology has in the global market.

Need 125 words on this topic with references and in a separate document.

Assignment 1 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond):


Compare the concept of Friedman’s “Globalization 3.0″ with Nielsen empowerment stage of the digital divide. 


Provide one example of how information technology has created an ethical dilemma that would not have existed before the advent of information technology.

The above assignments should be one page submitted in a single Word document with references. 

Assignment 2:

Chapter 9: Review the section on Establishing a Security Culture. Review the methods to reduce the chances of a cyber threat noted in the textbook. Research other peer-reviewed source and note additional methods to reduce cyber-attacks within an organization. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

Chapter 10: Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era. Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate. What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be two pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards with references included. 

Assignment 3:

Select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country: Organization selected is Amazon and write on this company), that has demonstrated operational excellence. In this paper, perform the following activities:

1) Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.

2) Note how they are a differentiator in the market.

3) Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).

4) Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

The above submission should be three pages in length. There should be at least three APA approved references to support work.

As a CISO make argument for using SSL and IPsec and determine which is better

Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment6). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 2-full pages in length with a minimum of 2 – sources. Please be sure to follow APA v6 guidelines for the entire paper. Assignments are due by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Sunday.

Assignment 6.  You are the CISO for Amalgamated Widget.  The company wants to protect the data link when employees visit the company website to work from home. Alice argues for using SSL and Tina argues for using IPsec.

Do Not write in the 1st person (i.e., Me, My, I, I’m, etc.),

Do Not make this a heavily bullet pointed paper showing the specifics of each technology, 

Do Not forget to make a recommendation (i.e., because of this, the CISO recommends ….!

a.  List arguments Alice might use in favor of SSL, in essay format.

b.  List arguments Tina might use in favor of IPsec, in essay format.

c.  Make a recommendation to the CIO, in essay format.



  • As WLANs become more powerful, what are the implications for networks of the future? 
  • Will wired LANS still be common or will we eliminate wired offices?