Assignment (Paper 2)

In Paper 1 you discussed information security issues faced by organizations and described threats to information assets. Your assignment for Paper 2 is to analyze specific countermeasures for each of the threats you described in your Paper 1.

The requirements for the paper are as follows:

  • The paper should include a minimum of five peer-reviewed scholarly references published since 2015
  • Citations and references should be in APA format
  • The paper should be a minimum of 2000 words
  • The SafeAssign score of the paper should be less than 20%

Comment – Added Paper-1 for reference.

Residency Project


•Find a company that has suffered a security breach in 2019. Provide background information on the company such as the type of business, their services, public or private, locations, etc. The reader should have a good understanding of the company after reading the bio. Next, provide information on the security breach; the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. 

•Create an Incident Response Plan (IRP) for the company. You can use the breach as a foundation if desired. The IRP should be a professionally looking document that is included as an attachment.

•Create a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for the company. Again, you can use the previous breach as a foundation if desired. The DRP should be a professionally looking document that is included as an attachment.

EH4 pp

In 300 words.  Select one type of cryptography or encryption and explain it in detail. Include the benefits as well as the limitations of this type of encryption 

Prepare an 8 page APA style paper

Prepare an 8 page APA style paper using the resources you have read in this course and at least 3 additional peer-reviewed resources. Follow the writing requirements for this course. Include an introduction and conclusion in the paper. Remember to use APA formatted headings for each section of the paper and provided in-text citations of the sources you use. This paper should address the following questions: 

(1) Does Blockchain technology have the potential to cause the paradigm shift in business practices that many experts are predicting? Explain why or why not.  Support your answer with research.

(2) Is there evidence to suggest that Blockchain technology will change the way HR is practiced? If there is, discuss that evidence. If there is not, what issues exist that impede its adoption?

(3) Which functions of human resource management could be most impacted by Blockchain technology? How might the HR functions change? Support your answer with research.

Course writing requirements:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and a reference page with ALL submissions (even initial discussion posts)
  • Provide the EXACT web link on the reference page citations for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second-person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a PowerPoint is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.


“A picture is worth a thousand words” may be a lovely cliché, but it’s exactly the wrong way to view visualization. For this week’s discussion question, please view the Periodic Table of Visualization at the following link ( Choose one Data Visualization and one Compound Visualization by placing your mouse cursor over each option. Provide your classmates with a narrative description of your choices and explain why you made your choices. Also, describe what advantages do your choices have over the others. Lastly, provide an example that illustrates how you would use your chosen visualizations.

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Block-chain Tech

 Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) detailing the how Blockchain technology can be implemented to reduce ad fraud and cost while meeting consumers’ increasing expectation for excellent customer service? 

Business Process Redesign

If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Order # 12530

Title: Network Design

Paper type Essay

Paper format APA

Course level Undegraduate

Subject Area

Other (Not listed)

# pages 1   ( or 300 words Minimum)

Spacing Double Spacing

# sources 4

Paper Details

For this assessment, ABC Consulting has hired you to create a design document about how to build remote access to their organization.


Complete the practice labs provided in the Virtual Resource Portal activity for this assessment.


Create a diagram for ABC Consulting and then explain how to design the LAN at the remote site and discuss how it will interconnect through a WAN to ABC Consulting’s site.

Part 1: Diagram

Use Visio to create a diagram for your project (described above). You may access Visio via the Toolwire resources in this assessment. Include the following in your diagram:

•Display the basic LAN and WAN topology for your remote sites.

•Display router and switch placement.

•Display computers and workstations.

Part 2: Written Explanation

After creating your diagram, write the narrative part of the design document. The narrative should do the following:

•Describe your diagram. Include specifications about the topologies, cabling, routers, and switches.

•Provide an analysis of your diagram. Explain the role that the devices on your network play in network communication.

•Support your diagram. Provide reasoning for choosing the switching and routing, transmission media, and topology.

Additional Requirements

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: If you use sources, ensure that resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


 Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization.