Project rollout begins after a project has been implemented, tested, and judged stable and functional enough to be moved into production. The project rollout process comprises of specific steps that must be scheduled carefully to enable the project to hit production deadlines and meet business expectations.

For this assignment you will create an implementation project plan that outlines the steps involved in implementing your project. This document is sometimes called a work-back schedule because you begin with the date that your project needs to go live, and then work back from there to determine what needs to be done when.

You will also conduct a post-mortem on the work you have submitted to date. Post-mortem (from the Latin for “after death,”), when referred to it in a business context is the analysis of a project’s process and results conducted by key project stakeholders after the project has been moved into production, which means it’s functionally complete. The goal of a post-mortem is to identify what went right and what went wrong post-implementation so that project managers can apply these lessons learned to future projects.

For this assignment, you will need to do three things:

  1. Complete a work-back schedule that presents the steps involved in implementing your project.
  2. Conduct a post-mortem on the work you have submitted to date in this course.
  3. Update your project documents based on the results of your post-mortem.

Review the Project Implementation Plan Example.

Create a project implementation plan for your project based on the example document. You may use Microsoft® Word or other software (such as Microsoft® Project) to create your project implementation plan.

Download and complete the Post-Mortem template based on your experiences completing the course project over the last five weeks.

Revise the project documents you have submitted so far in the course based on your completed post-mortem.

Submit your project implementation plan, post-mortem, and updated project documents.

Digital Forensics


Go to the website: which focuses on civil rights issues and privacy. Pick a case.
Using WORD, in your OWN WORDS, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more  :

  • Summarize the case
  • Give your opinion of the decision.
  • Describe how the case deals with the material in this chapter


Describe the plain view doctrine, and why it has such a significant impact on digital forensics? What are three approaches to determining whether the doctrine applies to a specific case? 


Articlee writing

 WEB-BASED CASE STUDY, THE FUTURE OF LIFE INSTITUTE.  Read the case and answer all questions

Elon-Musk donated $10 million to a foundation called the Future of Life Institute.  The institute published an open letter from an impressive array of AI experts who call for careful research into how humanity can reap the benefits of AI “while avoiding its pitfalls.”  Go online and find out about the institute’s initiatives.  What are its primary goals?  How can humans establish and maintain careful oversight of the work carried out by robots?  How valid are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking’s concerns?  What other concerns should the public bear in mind as the technological revolution advances?

Sources:  Future of Life Institute.

Format: APA,
word count: 500 minimum

assignment of 3pages forHOMWORK_WRITER

Write a paper for 3 pages not including title page and references.

Assignment Content
Your team of international developers will be developing a publicly accessible cloud-based application which may potentially house user PII data, information about users’ behaviors and activities (e.g., physical locations, online sites they visit, searches, purchases, etc.), and users’ intellectual property (e.g., photos, artwork, videos, etc.).
Continue your work with your team on the features of the application by identifying ethical challenges and specifying the type of data the feature uses, a risk mitigation strategy for the risk you provided in Week 2, and a global ethical perspective of the choices you made in implementing a risk mitigation strategy.

Module 8 – Case Project 15-2

You have been approached by an attorney who needs you as a fact witness and possibly an expert witness in a criminal case. The attorney has requested your curriculum vitae so that she can review it and prepare questions for you to answer during the pretrial qualifications. Prepare a draft of your CV and turn it in to your instructor for review. Your CV will be an ongoing project in your career.

Please don’t use journals or books as references.

Andriller Tool


In this weekly discussion, you will discuss the use of a tool for manual examination of a phone:

  • Describe the Andriller tool functionality and process used in an examination of a device.
  • Using the Internet, research the web for an article related to the tool and answer the following questions:
  1. What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of the tool?
  2. Discuss the tools setup
  3. Appraise the value of the tool in gathering evidence for the prosecution

No Plagiarism 

· Should be 400 words without References.


Prepare a two-page paper (double-spaced) that describes the device or system you will investigate and the intended tool you plan to use to conduct your forensics investigation. The interim paper should be in the form of an Executive Summary. Be sure to provide references in APA format.

Tool: Andriller

No Plagiarism 

· 2 Pages without references

Dissertation Literature Outline


A literature review should be structured like any other essay: it should have an introduction, a middle or main body, and a conclusion/summary. 


The introduction should:

  • define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature;
  • establish your reasons – i.e. point of view – for
  • reviewing the literature;
  • explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review;
  • state the scope of the review – i.e. what is included and what isn’t included. For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you might say something like: There are a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general population. However, since the focus of this research is on obesity in children, these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.
Subsections based on a deductive approach

This areas should:

  • organize the literature according to common themes (subsections);
  • provide insight into the relationship between your research topic and the wider subject area (example: how blockchain it to global financial security)
  • move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research. Think of it has a funnel start at the top of the funnel then get specific. If your topic was first denied because you were told to be more specific or that it was to generic and you honed in to specify your topic, then your initial topic is likely part of the top of your funnel or wider view.

The summary should:

  • summarize the important aspects of the existing body of literature;
  • evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed;
  • identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
  • outline areas for future study;
  • link your research to existing knowledge.

Homework in R


In this homework, you will do some data analysis using R for the Forest Fire Data described (Links to an external site.) The dataset is used to find the relationship between the burned area of forest fires and meteorological data.

Please provide your output only in .HTML format. Do not send the .rmd file.

I have already downloaded the forest fires data and added it to the files section.

  1. Import the data into R.
  • How many observations are there in the dataset?
  • How many observations are there with a fire (i.e., area>0)
  • How many observations are there with a rain (i.e., rain>0)
  • How many observations are there with both a fire and a rain?

 2.Show the columns month, day, area of the all the observations.

 3. Show the columns month, day, area of the observations with a fire.

 4.How large are the five largest fires (i.e., having largest area)

 a.What are the corresponding month, temp, RH,wind, rain area?

 b.Add one column to the data indicating whether a fire occurred for each   observation (True for area >0 and False for area ==0) (Use Mutate function)

5.Create the following to display the outliers from the below vector.


   – boxplot

Also mention the numbers that are outliers in this vector.


6. Using the dplyr approach, perform the following actions from ‘iris’

  a) select the columns  Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length,Petal.Width

 b) filter the iris data for Species = “setosa” or “virginica”