Milestone 2


In the first milestone, you identified a recent security incident that took place. There were multiple incidents that were chosen such as Target, OPM, Equifax, Home Depot, and so many more. 

In the second milestone, you will access the administrative, physical, and technical controls of the particular company then determine which one of these administrative, physical, and technical controls were not secure and led to the security incident. 

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must have a title and reference page, be submitted as a two page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.  As a reminder, every assignment goes through a plagiarism checker so follow all the guidelines that we have discussed as you read your articles, books, etc. and summarize the author’s thoughts. 

Intro to Data mining


Chapter 5 exercises

20. Consider the task of building a classifier from random data, where the attribute values are generated randomly irrespective of the class labels. Assume the data set contains records from two classes, “+” and “−.” Half of the data set is used for training while the remaining half is used for testing.

(a) Suppose there are an equal number of positive and negative records in the data and the decision tree classifier predicts every test record to be positive. What is the expected error rate of the classifier on the test data?

(b) Repeat the previous analysis assuming that the classifier predicts each test record to be positive class with probability 0.8 and negative class with probability 0.2.

(c) Suppose two-thirds of the data belong to the positive class and the remaining one-third belong to the negative class. What is the expected error of a classifier that predicts every test record to be positive?

(d) Repeat the previous analysis assuming that the classifier predicts each test record to be positive class with probability 2/3 and negative class with probability 1/3.

Chapter 6 exercises

5. Prove Equation 6.3 in the book. (Hint: First, count the number of ways to create an itemset that forms the left hand side of the rule. Next, for each size k itemset selected for the left-hand side, count the number of ways to choose the remaining d − k items to form the right-hand side of the rule.)

17. Suppose we have market basket data consisting of 100 transactions and 20 items. If the support for item a is 25%, the support for item b is 90% and the support for itemset {a, b} is 20%. Let the support and confidence thresholds be 10% and 60%, respectively.

(a) Compute the confidence of the association rule {a} -> {b}. Is the rule interesting according to the confidence measure?

(b) Compute the interest measure for the association pattern {a, b}. Describe the nature of the relationship between item a and item b in terms of the interest measure.

(c) What conclusions can you draw from the results of parts (a) and (b)?


Chapter 7 exercises

5. For the data set with the attributes given below, describe how you would convert it into a binary transaction data set appropriate for association analysis. Specifically, indicate for each attribute in the original data set.
(a) How many binary attributes it would correspond to in the transaction data set,

(b) How the values of the original attribute would be mapped to values of the binary attributes, and

(c) If there is any hierarchical structure in the data values of an attribute that could be useful for grouping the data into fewer binary attributes. The following is a list of attributes for the data set along with their possible values. Assume that all attributes are collected on a per-student basis:

• Year : Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate: Masters, Graduate: PhD, Professional

• Zip code : zip code for the home address of a U.S. student, zip code for the local address of a non-U.S. student

• College : Agriculture, Architecture, Continuing Education, Education, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Business, Law, Medical, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine

• On Campus : 1 if the student lives on campus, 0 otherwise

• Each of the following is a separate attribute that has a value of 1 if the person speaks the language and a value of 0, otherwise.

– Arabic
– Bengali
– Chinese Mandarin
– English
– Portuguese
– Russian
– Spanish

Chapter 8 exercises

1. Consider a data set consisting of 2^(20) data vectors, where each vector has 32 components and each component is a 4-byte value. Suppose that vector quantization is used for compression and that 2^(16) prototype vectors are used. How many bytes of storage does that data set take before and after compression and what is the compression ratio?

8. Consider the mean of a cluster of objects from a binary transaction data set. What are the minimum and maximum values of the components of the mean? What is the interpretation of components of the cluster mean? Which components most accurately characterize the objects in the cluster?

9. Give an example of a data set consisting of three natural clusters, for which (almost always) K-means would likely find the correct clusters, but bisecting K-means would not.

11. Total SSE is the sum of the SSE for each separate attribute. What does it mean if the SSE for one variable is low for all clusters? Low for just one cluster? High for all clusters? High for just one cluster? How could you use the per variable SSE information to improve your clustering?

13. The Voronoi diagram for a set of 1( points in the plane is a partition of all the points of the plane into K regions, such that every point (of the plane) is assigned to the closest point among the 1( specified points. (See Figure 8.38.) What is the relationship between Voronoi diagrams and K-means clusters? What do Voronoi diagrams tell us about the possible shapes of K-means clusters?

paper work (Business Intellegence)


W1: Paper

Graded Assignment:  Knowledge and Skills Paper

Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 1 and 2.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages. 

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 1 and 2 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note:  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Search the Internet for material regarding the work of managers and the role analytics play. What kind of references to consulting firms, academic departments and programs do you find? What major areas are represented? Select five sites that cover one area and report your findings.
  2. Most companies and organizations have downloadable demos or trial versions of their software products on the Web so that you can copy and try them out on your own computer. Others have online demos. Find one that provides decision support, try it out, and write a short report about it. Include details about the intended purpose of the software, how it works, and how it supports decision making.
  3. Comment on Simon’s (1977) philosophy that managerial decision making is synonymous with the whole process of management. Does this make sense? Explain. Use a real-world example in your explanation.

Important Note:  There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

Paper Review and Preparation to submit for Grading

Please make sure to proof read your post prior to submission. This professional paper should be well written and free of grammatical or typographical errors. Also remember not to plagiarize!!!!!!!!!!!!

Important Reminder:  Assessment of discussion boards and other writing assignments account for 75% of overall grading and below are how grades will be assessed for this discussion board:


 Review the included ISACA built risk case.  You will need to complete the tasks identified in the later part of these slides labeled To Do.  Re-evaluate the probability and risk level for all of the rows in table 2.  When you make your decision on the new probability rating, you will need to justify this with one to two articles.  When you identify the new risk level, you will need to identify two to three articles as examples or sources to justify the changes.  Don’t just move it up or down, use current news and trends with similar companies to justify why you moved or even kept it the same.  For each item, run a Quantitative or Qualitative risk analysis for a proposed mitigation.  In other words, find a fix for each item and put a price tag with it.  Decide what items are in budget and make your choice.  You will add three new columns to table 2, one will be a proposed mitigation plan with budget and risk level from the FAIR methodology, and the second column will be if your risk decision (accept, mitigate, transfer, avoid).  Submit the completed spreadsheet to the submission item in this week.  You will also need to answer the 10 discussion questions at the end of the slides and submit those with your spreadsheet, either as a second page with answers in the cells or as separate document. 

Cloud Computing-2

Compare and contrast business continuity and disaster recovery.  Provide at least three full paragraphs on the subject.  

You must cite at least one scholarly article.

WK5 Assignment Instructions

Please see attachment for same instructions screen shot.  

Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions

You and your group have  been asked to design a mobile service that provides route navigation information; the aim is to lead the user from their starting point to a destination. The intended platform is a pocket-sized PC that includes a high-resolution display and audio output facilities.

Address design considerations for the following three contexts. Consider the types of route information and the means of presenting it, along with ways users might interact with the application.

Pedestrian navigation

In-car use for drive-only situations

Collaboration between driver and passenger

Assessment Rubric





Points Available



You and your team have been asked to design a mobile service that provides route navigation information; the aim is to lead the user from their starting point to a destination. The intended platform is a pocket-sized PC that includes a high-resolution display and audio output facilities.

Exercise interpersonal/soft-skills (teamwork, communication, collaboration, et.)

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Address design considerations for the following three contexts. Consider the types of route information and the means of presenting it, along with ways users might interact with the application.

Pedestrian navigation

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Address design considerations for the following three contexts. Consider the types of route information and the means of presenting it, along with ways users might interact with the application.

In-car use for drive-only situations

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Address design considerations for the following three contexts. Consider the types of route information and the means of presenting it, along with ways users might interact with the application.

Collaboration between driver and passenger

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Writing Format

Write the paper in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise.  The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand.  Correct terminology was used when needed. See references below:

What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It:

Writing Help:

Purdue Online Writing Lab:

APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page:

Student effectively wrote the paper using provided format.

Student partially wrote the paper using provided format.

Student wrote the paper with limited and meaningless use of provided format

Student failed to use provided format.








Submission Instructions:

Navigation information may be presented textually, graphically and via audio.  Some sense of these modes, and combinations of them, will be more appropriate in certain situations than others. For the driver alone in the car, spoken instructions would seem the most useful; in the street, directional graphics to point the way may be more effective. A range of levels of information abstraction may be helpful to users; pictures or descriptions of landmarks along the route are examples of low-level, detailed information (shown to be particularly useful for older users), while more abstract map overviews can be vital aids for planning.

Submit the completed assignment with all the names of the group members included. Each member of the group must submit a copy of the assignment to get a grade.
