Operating Data Center

Course: Cloud Computing

In referring to IaaS, Jamsa (2013) noted it is “expensive and staff-intensive”  to operate a data center. The author mentioned five capabilites that must be utilized. 

In 350 to 450 words, list each capability as a level 1 heading and IN YOUR OWN words, state why each is important to a cloud service provider and its clients. What if these capabilities are missing?

Ensure you use proper APA 7 formatting.

Agile Methodology

In 80 words or more Explain Agile Methodology as it pertains to Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? How is this beneficial to organizations?

Need discussion main post 500 words and 4 replies (4 *500).


Need discussion main post 500 words and 4 replies. Each reply should be 500 words

Subject: Advanced Operating Systems


The control of the serialization of memory management is difficult in a “Virtual Memory” and especially when “Virtual Machines” are included. Discuss how an operating system manages “computer memory in both single and multiple OS instances”. Add discussions about how some of the problems have been addressing including respective advantages and disadvantages.

Web Development Search Engine Optimization, Internal Search, and Scripting one page paragraph

  You should be REPORTING EVIDENCE and EXAMPLES from what you read.

 Find, Read, and Share – THREE related sources of information

Report – Three things about the topic that you want to remember forever

  1. Identify the topic for this week.
  2. Find three high-quality sources of related information on the Internet. 
  3. Read your chosen high-quality sources of related information.
  4. state your three sources of information.
  5. DESCRIBE each of the three sources of information within a few sentences providing EXAMPLES.
  6. SUMMARIZE with three things about the topic that you want to remember forever.

Information Governance Week – 4 -1

 According to the authors, privacy and security go hand in hand; and hence, privacy cannot be protected without implementing proper security controls and technologies. Today, organizations must make not only reasonable efforts to offer protection of privacy of data, but also must go much further as privacy breaches are damaging to its customers, reputation, and potentially could put the company out of business.  As we continue learning from our various professional areas of practice, its no doubt that breaches have become an increasing concern to many businesses and their future operations.   

For this discussion, find an example of a security breach which compromised data records at a company in the same industry as you will be using in your final paper. Summarize the breach, discuss the data that was lost and identify security controls that you would recommend be in place (be certain to remember to cite sources) that could have prevented this breach from occurring. 

 At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library

— 500 Words 

Preview the document

Python-Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Download the program: parse-exp-value-001.pyPreview the document

The last part of rule 3) →  ()

has not been implemented. The project is to implement this rule.

I have not put a limit on file uploads, so you can submit a work in progress (WIP) and upload an improved version later, up till the due date.

Information Systems Business and Beyond

This week select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence.  In this paper, perform the following activities:

  • Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.
  • Note how they are a differentiator in the market.
  • Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).
  • Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

The above submission should be three pages in length.  Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references.  There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work. 

Complete the assignment using narrative paragraphs and explain your thoughts and findings in detail. Adhere to APA format requirements and do not use lists or bullets. Break up areas in your paper by using headings IAW APA format. Use Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced. Include a coversheet with your name, class ID and the title of the assignment. Your submission needs to be at least three (3)  pages in length. The coversheet, figures, tables, and reference list doesn’t count toward the page count. Include at least three (3) APA approved references to support your work. Post the assignment as one MS Word document by the due date in the syllabus. Do not submit any other format such as PDF.Information Systems Business and Beyond

Data Visualization

The chart you select to represent your data will be influenced by many factors. Kirk (2016) has put each chart into the five main families below:

•             Categorical: Comparing categories and distributions of quantities values

•             Hierarchical: Charting part-to-whole relationships and hierarchies

•             Relational: Graphing relationships to explore correlations and connections

•             Temporal: Showing trends and activities over time

•             Spatial: Mapping spatial patterns through overlays and distortions

Select a chart type from the text and discuss what the chart is used for and why you selected it.


 What’s simple random sampling? Is it possible to sample data instances using a distribution different from the uniform distribution? If so, give an example of a probability distribution of the data instances that is different from uniform (i.e., equal probability).