Access control

Do a case analysis of any one of the cases presented in Chapter 5 in the textbook (Chapple et. al.), pages 105 to 107. Make certain that your report covers all the major elements of the case. You should indicate clearly which case you have analyzed, the Private Sector, the Public Sector or the Critical Infrastructure.

Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 2 – 3 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines:

•    12-pt, Times New Roman font
•    Double-spaced
•    1” margins on all sides
•    Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.
•    Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.
•    Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit: (link is external) Be sure to include at least three reference sources.
•    In-text citations – If you need additional guidance, please visit: (link is external)

PCI Noncompliance


Small business owners and large corporations must understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping payment card data secure and must comply with PCI DSS. Small business owners may have little IT knowledge and little knowledge of security.

From the standpoint of a security professional helping a small business owner understand the ramifications of noncompliance with PCI DSS, develop a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. In your presentation:

  • Accurately describe the role and responsibility of the merchant bank in providing guidance on PCI DSS training.

Cite all sources using APA guidelines. 

This is part of a bigger presentation I only need 2 PowerPoint slides of information and speaker notes please.

Cellular network

  Base on the reading assignment, your experience, and personal research, please  answer the following questions: 

  • Thoroughly explain the Base Station Controller (BSC) as it relates to a cellular network?
  • What is a Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) and what is it used for?
  • As an examiner, why is it important for you to understand how a call is routed through the cellular network?
  • What is the significance of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)?
  • List and explain three components of a SIM file system

Post your main response to the question (400 words minimum). 

Response to discussion 2 Info tech Strat Plan

Please write two posts for the documents with 150 words each substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Select one industry and highlight the advancements Blockchain has had on that single industry.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the  readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to  support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your  textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise,  and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are  being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Critical analysis of the changes to the ISO 9000 standard


Quality Management Systems

Main Assignment due November 12th, 2020

Critical analysis of the changes to the ISO 9000 standard

Change is never easy. There has been a lot of discussion around the changes to ISO 9001:2015 vs earlier versions of the standard. Many in the industry feel ISO 9001:2015 has brought positive change as new elements are introduced while others feel it is a negative change on the standard or to their business. Who is right? Why?

1. Develop an essay on the changes in ISO 9001:2015; why you feel they are a positive &/or negative progression of the standard; and suggestions on how an organization can prepare for getting certified for the first time.

Also read: Information systems in global economy

2. As a minimum your analysis should address:

· Overview of changes from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015

· Outline what you believe are positive and negative changes. Based on these changes, decide on if the revision was positive or negative overall.

· Analysis to support your decision

· Suggestions on how a company prepares for certification. Include the steps, tools, best practices, etc., an organization may use.

· Bibliography of supporting articles

3. Your analysis should be 4 full pages at a minimum (12 font), single space, excluding a supporting bibliography of maximum 3 references. You may choose to include flowcharts, graphs and images that are relevant.

4. References must be directly cited in your analysis. If you are unclear what this means, please ask.

5. Hint: Most assignments that do well will have a structure. Having headings relevant to the grading criteria or an introduction, analysis, and conclusion will ensure you cover all the topics.

Grading Criteria (note that grading is roughly equivalent to effort in each section):


Overview of changes









Bibliography & appearance



Grand Total


DFTT week9 P9



i need this paper by 07/09 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Use the web or other resources to research at least two criminal or civil cases in which  recovered files played a significant role in how the case was resolved.

Use your own 300 words and do not copy  the work of another student.

Strictly No plagiarism



Objective: Web scraping with Python

Grading Procedures: All submission will be checked with a plagiarism software. Submission having more than 70% similarity to any other student submission and/or internet resources will share total points the assignment. For example, 4 submissions having more than 70% similarity will be graded as 100/4 = 25pts, assuming that the program is worth of 100 pts.

Description: The university maintains course schedules at for different semesters (spring, fall, winter, etc ). You will develop a Python program to dynamically complete certain tasks, such as list, find, sort, and save, in course listings from schedule portal. You will mainly use “request” and “BeautifulSoup” libraries (or similar, see exercise 12.1). The program will operate at different level: Semester and Department.  Your program will be a menu based application. Assume that you project file is Once you run, it will show last 5 semester (fall, spring, summer only, (not winter, may mini))

> python
Choose a semester: 1) Sprint 2021   2)Fall 2020  3)Summer II  4)Summer I 5)Spring 2020 
Selection: 2

Here, your program will parse the data from website and show only last (most recent) 5 semesters. User will make selection, then, you will show departments for the selected semester (Fall 2020). Note that selected semester is visible before a “>” sign.

Fall 2020> Select a department:
1) Undeclared
2) Accounting and Finance
3) Art
4) Ag Science & Natural Resources

30) Social Work
31) Theatre
Q)Go back

Selection: 3

Fall 2020> Art > Select an option:
1) List courses by instruction name
2) List courses by capacity
3) List courses by enrollment size
4) List courses by course prefix
5) Save courses in a csv file
6) Search course by instruction name
7) Search courses by course prefix
Q)Go back
Selection: ??

Here, your program will parse the data from website and show all available department then list of tasks. Q (go back) option will take user to previous level. 

Course listing output should show the following fields. For instance for course listing for “Fall 2020> Computer Science & Info Sys> List the course by prefix ” should show

PrefixID         Sec              Name                                Instructor          Hours   Seats   Enroll.

COSC1301     01      WIntro to CompuLee,                    Kwang                3           35           10     

COSC1436     01      EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown,  Thomas             4           40            36  

COSC1436     01L    Intro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown,       Thomas                         40            36

COSC1436     01W     Intro to Comp Sci & ProgHu,             Kaoning           4           45            43

COSC1436     02E      Intro to Comp Sci & ProgHu,              Kaoning           4           35            32

as first 5 rows.

You will follow above headers and order (prefix (col. width 6), ID (5), Sec (5) ,Name (25), Inst (20), Hours (5), Seats (5), Enroll. (7) ) for other listing selections too. Data cell should be aligned with column header and left justified. A course name should not have a word more than 5 chars. For instance Algorithms should be abbreviated as “Algor”. The length of course name will not exceed 25 chars. In option 5, the above format should be used to save a listing to a file as .csv format. User will be able to provide a filename for csv file.

For this program you need to develop at least one class (chapter 10) with (possible) many methods.

Activity (Project management Course)


Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure. Explain the problems with the current structure and how these problems could be solved.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.