Business Ethics D3

 Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules. 

Need 550 words

introduction to information technologies

Apply the knowledge obtained in this chapter and prepare a research paper in  MLA style named:  History of cryptocurrency.

  • with at  least 4 pages long.
  • document should have an overview of how the Internet has evolved from its beginnings in the 60’s until today.
  • make sure the document complies with all MLA style standards.
  • when done upload the document.


Assignment 2


This exercise involves you working with a dataset of your choosing. Visit the Kaggle website, browse through the options and find a dataset of interest, then follow the simple instructions to download it. With acquisition completed, work through the remaining key steps of importing, exploring and examining your data to develop a robust familiarization with its potential offering:

Thoroughly examine the physical properties (type, size, condition) of your dataset, noting down useful observations or descriptions where relevant.

What could you do/would you need to do to clean or modify the existing data to create new values to work with? What other data could you imagine would be valuable to consolidate the existing data?

Using a tool of your choice (such as Excel, Tableau, R) to visually explore the dataset in order to deepen your appreciation of the physical properties and their discoverable qualities (insights) to help you cement your understanding of their respective value. If you don’t have scope or time to use a tool, use your imagination to consider what angles of analysis you might explore if you had the opportunity? What piques your interest about this subject?

(You can, of course, repeat this exercise on any subject and any dataset of your choice, not just those on Kaggle.)

Getting Started with R Tool

Complete this tutorial to assist with the assignment

· Data Importing Using R –

· R Data Type –

· R Data Vectors –

· R Data Frame –

· Data Import –

· Data Statistic –

empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams,


  1. How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?
  2. Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team.  Please note the pros and cons of each tool. 
  3. Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.
  • 3 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

computers pro 3


Consider the following problems, design the algorithms that would solve them, and then implement the algorithm in Java.

You are free to choose between writing pseudo-code or drawing flowcharts. Make sure to include screenshots of your running programs. You can take screenshots using PrintScreen of the console window in which you run the program. Put your algorithm and the screenshots together in a Word document.

Problem 1:

Write a program that prompts the user for a measurement in meters, and then converts it in to miles, feet, and inches.


Problem 2:

Write a program that reads in an integer, and breaks it into a sequence of individual digits. Display each digit on a separate line.

For example, the input 16384 is displayed as






You may assume that the input has no more than five digits and is not negative.

Problem 3:

Write a program that asks the user to input:

  • The number of gallons of gas in the tank
  • The fuel efficiency in miles per gallon
  • The price of gas per gallon

Then print the cost per 100 miles and how far the car can go with the gas in the car.

Problem 4:

Write a program that asks the user to enter the name of his or her favorite city. use a String variable to store the input. The program should display the following:

  • The number of characters in the city name
  • the name of the city in all uppercase letters
  • the name of the city in all lower case letters
  • the first character in the name of the city

Problem 5:

Read a word from the user and display the string with the letters shifted to the right by two positions and with the letters shifted to the left by two positions in the string. Save all of the three strings in separate variables and display all three of them at the end of the program.


You are required to submit the following files for this assignment by clicking the Submit Assignment button above. Make sure all of the following required files have been attached before you submit the assignment.

  • You should create one Java file for each problem and save them all in one folder. Compress the folder as a .zip file and submit it here. Please name your .zip file as P3-Last Name-First For example,
  • A Word document containing the algorithms and the screenshots of the running programs for all of the five problems. Please name your Word document as P3-Last Name-First Name.docx or .doc. For example, P3-Smith-John.docx.

This needs to include everything 

.5 Algorithms 

. 5 Java Programs

. 5 Screenshots

Research Paper 6

This week’s article provided a case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry.  Search the UC Library and/or Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and how they can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing

case study


Use the library and other internet resources to research for answers for the following questions. Write a 2–3 pages research paper answering these questions.

  • What encryption standard is currently recommended by NIST and why? Explain your answer with examples.
  • How can we apply that security protocol in real life situations?
  • Provide at least two references to support your initial post.

Blockchain IT Assignment

 Please read “R3: Putting the ‘Fin’ Back into Fintech” case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

1.How does Fintech compare to regular banking? 

2. Discuss R3 and its distributed ledger technology mission.

3. What are some of the applications of cords and strategies of growing and expanding?

4. What are some of the emerging markets that Fintech has impacted?

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.

Software Reference Architecture document.


Write a Software Reference Architecture document for a fictitious University information technology department. This Software Reference Architecture should include at least one software framework (e.g. Spring, struct, Hibernate). You can assume the data storage is part of software because it normally uses a database.

Attached is the full description and requirement and rubric for this project.