cloud myths


Review in 500 words or more the video above called Cloud Security Myths.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources.   Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

SyncSession Assignment!.


In order to maximize the time we have in the first syncSession please complete the following activities prior to the meeting time:

Reading Assignment:

  • Trochim/Donnelly: Ch 1-1d,1-1c,1-1f, and 3-2


A document titled “Evaluating Data Elements” is available to you in Document Sharing. This document provides a summary of a dissertation study conducted by an alumnus of UoF. Review the summary of the research and the adaptation of the survey instrument that was developed for the study.

For this SyncSession assignment, you will assess the data collection instrument. First, select one of the three research questions identified. Using the survey map provided, identify the data being collected to measure the variables identified for that research question. For each variable associated with the research question, summarize the information about the data being collected in the following table:

Construct Variable                 Variable                              Variable                     Data Type 

Example                                 Instructor Ranking              Dependent              Ordinal

Student Satisfaction    

       After summarizing this information, write a short assessment (3-4 pages) answering the following questions about validity and reliability:

  • Do the questions fit the variables being studied?
  • Do the options provide appropriate measures of the variables?
  • Can the options skew the responses?
  • Does the instrument accurately measure the variables?
  • Will the instrument yield the same results if used again under the same circumstances?

intro to sql data


  • Exercise 1: HistogramExercise 1 in the text: You may use any spreadsheet program. Submit a Word document with a screenshot from your computer showing the histogram. Comment your images with  a sentence or so of description in your  own words  of what you are doing.   Please make sure that your images are large enough and high  enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results. 
  • AssignmentExecise 2: Calculating QuartilesExercise 2 from the text: Use any spreadsheet program. Submit a Word document showing a screen shot from your computer with the quartiles underlined or highlighted.  Comment your images with a sentence or so of description in your own words of what you are doing.  Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results. 
  • AssignmentExercise 3: Central TendencyExercise 3: Use any spreadsheet program. Submit a Word document with a screen shot from your computer showing the highlighted median.  Comment your images with a sentence or so of description in your own words of what you are doing.  Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results. 
  • AssignmentExercise 4: DispersionExercise 4: Use any spreadsheet program. Using the data provided in the text, submit a Word document with a screen shot from your computer highlighting the range, standard deviation, IQR, and outliers of Add-on Sales.  Comment your images so the viewer knows what you are doing.  Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results.
  • AssignmentExercise 5: Pearson CorrelationExercise 5: Use any spreadsheet program. Using the data provided in the text, create a scatter plot and calculate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Comment your images with  a sentence or so of description in your  own words  of what you are doing.   Please make sure that your images are large enough and high  enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results. 
  • AssignmentActivity 2: Exploring Sales DataThere is no activity 1.Activity 2: Use the attached dealerships.csv file and any spreadsheet program. Submit a Word document with a screen shot from your computer of your solutions to questions 2 – 7 in the text. Highlight your results.  Comment your images with a sentence or so of description in your own words of what you are doing.  Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results.  dealerships.csv

Mid term question

your ceo calls you into her office to discuss the recent drop in sales she would like your recommendation regarding how it might be used to generate an increase in sales  identity and discuss it application and technology that you might recommended to a small  company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times ? you need to cite from the required textbooks , please include page numbers

Comparing a Security Strategic Plan to a Security Policy and Aligning to Security Controls


The information security strategic plan and security policies are strongly interrelated within an organization’s information security program. The security plan and security policies will drive the foundation and selection of security controls to be implemented within the organization.

Part 1

Write a 1- to 2-page summary of the comparison chart of strategic plans and security policies you completed in this week’s Learning Team assignment.

Part 2

Review the control families described in this week’s reading, NIST SP 800-53a Revision 4, Assessing Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.

Review the controls from this week’s reading, CIS Controls V7.1.

Develop a 2- to 3-page matrix using Aligning Security Controls to NIST Security Controls Matrix Template that accurately maps CIS controls to NIST security control families. Note that some CIS controls may map to multiple NIST control families.

Cite all sources using APA guidelines.

Use the team assignment attachment for part 1. Use the matrix templete for part 2.

Business control plan (300 Words)


Topic: When law enforcement becomes involved, the need may arise to freeze systems as part of the evidence. There is also the likelihood that the incident will become known publicly. Do you think these issues play a significant part in the decision to involve law enforcement? Why or why not? Can you name some situations in which you believe that large organizations have decided not to involve law enforcement?

Should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference.

Fall 2020 – Analyzing & Visualizing Data (ITS-530-M25) – Full Term

Quiz 6 Chapter 7

Applying all the code on your selected dataset, complete all codes from Chapter 7 Time-dependent graphs. Make sure you submit to this link two things

1. Your report file showing screenshots of all commands from Rstudio GUI

Make sure you show all Rstudio GUIs

2. Submit your R script code

Quiz 7 – Chapter 8

Applying all the code on your selected dataset, complete all codes from Chapter 8 Statistical Models. Make sure you submit to this link two things

1. Your report file showing screenshots of all commands from Rstudio GUI

Make sure you show all Rstudio GUIs

2. Submit your R script code

Quiz 8 Chapter 9

Applying all the code on your selected dataset, complete all codes from Chapter 9 Other Graphs. Make sure you submit to this link two things

1. Your report file showing screenshots of all commands from Rstudio GUI

Make sure you show all Rstudio GUIs

2. Submit your R script code

Data Set:

Windows Registry System Hive


Discuss the Windows Registry System Hive:

1) What information is retained in the hive?

2) Specifically, what security incident information could be extracted from the System Hive?

1) It should be a minimum of 400 Words not including references

2) APA Format and scholarly References needed

Conflict Managment Paper 5


select one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search of Campbellsville University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

Key Terms:

  • Influence as it Relates to Negotiation
  • Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation
  • Power as it Relates to Negotiation
  • Pressure as it Relates to Negotiation

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. 

Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.