ET WK4 – S

275 words

Internet-related crime occurs every minute. Cybercriminals steal millions of dollars with near impunity. For everyone that is captured nearly 10,000 or not captured. For every one successful prosecuted in a court of law, 100 get off without punishment or with a warning. Why is it so difficult to prosecute cybercriminals? 

Forensic investigation using Autopsy tool

Conduct a forensics investigation.

Consider using an image from the Internet or a personal device. There could be issues related to using a live, active, personal device (example: corruption of the device). If using a personal device, consider using an old, outdated phone, if available.

Use Autopsy tool to gather forensics data for analysis. You are simulating the process of gathering this data, so you do not need to investigate a compromised device or system. The project deliverables are as follows:

The paper should provide the following information: 

· Executive Summary of your investigation, including a description of the device or systems and the Autopsy tool used for the forensics analysis.

· Step-by-step description you used to gather data for analysis

· Report on the information that was obtainable from the device

· Graphics evidence that you conducted the forensics data gathering and analysis

The paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.). References should be in APA format.

 5 pages document with screen shots of the process

Answer all the questions mentioned

APA format and need minimum 5 scholarly references

need plagiarism report with the document and on time

5s week 7 assignment BS

In 300 words,

Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks.

Write a brief description of more than one method.

Use your own words and supply references.

Include references, no copy-paste.

Term Paper on the dangers of USB Thumb drives

Prepare a 10-15 full page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 15% of the final grade) in APA v6 format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (300+ words per page).

1.      At a minimum include the following:

Detailed description of the area researched

Technology involved in the area

Future trends in the area

Example companies involved in the area

Regulatory issues surrounding the area

Global implications for the area

References (minimum of 10)

You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must by at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black12 point fonts (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc… are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 10 references are needed.

The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed).

Save the file using the following file naming convention: Last_Project.doc(x) (where last is your last name) and submit the file in this assignment area

Here are the originality report requirements:

The originality report must be less than 15% match

No single source shall be above 2%

Your assignment will automatically be submitted into TII when you submit your assignment.

Submission Instructions:

If you do not follow these three requirement instructions you will get a 0 for your project paper assignment. I will not give you the chance to rework your papers until an acceptable level of match is achieved.

If, on any assignment, your score matches more than 40% you will be subject to academic reporting.

cloud computing Final Project


Your Research Project is due this week. It must consist of:

1. 5 source annotated bibliography

2. slide presentation with 12 or more slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words.

The topic must be appropriate for graduate level. Find a topic that we covered in the course and dig deeper or find something that will help you in your work or in a subject area of interest related to the course topic. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google.

Application Development using Object Oriented Paradigm: A Case Study

Problem Statement:

A transportation company operates individual taxis and shuttles. It uses its taxis for transporting in the form of an individual or small group from one location to another. On the other hand, the shuttles have different scenario. They are used to pick up individuals from separate locations and provide them conveyance to several destinations. Any individual can call the company form anywhere. It may be a hotel, a mall, entertainment venue or any tourist company. When the company receives a call from such individuals, it tries schedule any available taxi for pickup service for a fare. If it has no free vehicles, it does not operate any form of queuing system. If the vehicles are available, then it confirms the individual for pick-up. After arrival at the pick-up place the driver notify the company that it has picked up the passenger. The driver notifies the company again at the time of dropping him off at his destination.

The company is now intending to have expansion in its volume. It thinks that this expansion will be vital to get more profit. For this purpose it needs more vehicles in addition to the existing ones. The company is willing to record details of lost fares and details of how each vehicle passes its time. These issues will help assess potential profitability.

Keeping the above mentioned problem statement, explain the following 5 steps in detail

  1. You need to discover all the classes from problem statement.[1 mark for discovering the classes from the problem statement given]
  2. Find out the methods associated with all the classes.[2 marks for the methods associated with the classes from the verbs of the problem statement]
  3. Create the CRC cards for all the classes found from the problem statement.[1 marks for creating all scenarios of CRC ]
  4. Create a Class relationship diagram using UML symbols [2 marks for creating the class relationship diagram using UML notations].
  5. As a final step Design (outline) classes and interfaces that have been discovered in the initial design phase [1 mark for outlining the classes and interface.]
  6. Give complete java programming implementation for at least two classes that were found in design phase. You must mention their most probable instance variables and methods. [2×1.5=3 marks]

Computer Intruders Operate

Although there are many different reasons what a person may decide to commit a computer intrusion, the basic methods and processes used are fairly common.  Discuss the common intrusion processes.

1) It should be a minimum of 300 Words not including references

2) APA Format and scholarly References needed

Work Breakdown Structure


A project’s Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart provide structure for a project. In this week’s assignment you develop both the WBS and Gantt chart for a fictitious organization. The Manage Your Health, Inc (MYH) scenario will be used in the weekly assignments for the rest of the course.

Review the Manage Your Health Scenario and follow the directions below for completing a WBS and Gantt chart.

Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to Level 3 or Level 4, as appropriate. Use the Work Breakdown Structure Template and Work Breakdown Structure example in this text as guides. Upload the WBS in list form. The WBS should be based on the information that would be in a project scope of this scenario. You can review your project plan from Wk 1. 

Create a Gantt chart using the WBS you developed with Microsoft Excel or another software of your choice and approved by your instructor. Do not enter any durations or dependencies. 

Submit 2 deliverables: the WBS and Gantt Chart. 

Discussion Post-cloud


Discuss  500 words or more discuss why Security as a Service is a good investment.

Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.