Business Continuity Plan & Disaster Recovery Plan (300 words)


Course: Business Control and Disaster Recovery plan:

Note: Please write the paper in favor of Computer science students taking the above course


 (300 Words)

Topic: A simulated disaster and comprehensive recovery test may involve many of an organization’s key personnel for several days: is this a reasonable burden to place on a busy, competitive company? How would you argue against the inevitable tendency to shortcut the procedure? 

Note:  Must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

And please make sure there is no plagiarism. 

Research Paper on Pharma Startup company

  This is about our Startup company:

Our company name will be PHARMA MAINTAINCE SOFTWARE.

  In the US medical environment communication between doctor, pharmacy, and patients are moving from the paper format to pagers and them to the computers currently they are moving towards the app based communication big company’s like CVS, Walgreens has developed there software and made agreements with medical organizations for transferring data to their own pharma and along with that they have software’s for medical transactions, patients account details and store account manage for online ordering, etc. but when come to individual pharmacy it is really hard to do all this and maintain the software’s and they don’t have any agreement with the hospitals to share the data so our company comes here and lifts the hard part we provide software and maintenance to the individual or chain of pharmacy’s we will be providing software’s from user interface to the pharmacy’s , hospital management, to the patients and provide the data from the hospital to the pharmacy’s and to the patients, security for the transactions and maintain the database ,automatic medicine ordering system .

I want a research paper on the below topic:

Technology resource planning: where are we now and where should we go from here?.

The paper format should be in the below format and paper should be 15 pages:



Introduction to the topic

Grab the reader in… This section describes what the researcher will investigate and introduces the significance of the research by describing how the study is new or different from other studies. This section should briefly identify any issues related to the topic that you are specifically focusing on and or innovation in the field. 

Background of the topic 

The background section describes the history of the problem or topic. It provides a summary on the topic. Next, build an argument or justification for the current study by presenting a series of logical arguments, each supported with citations from the literature. 

Relevance to business and technology

It establishes the importance of the topic. It creates reader interest. It focuses the reader’s attention on how the study will add value to the field. Include at least two references from your literature review in this area. Discuss who is affected and who benefits.

Statement of the problem or thesis

This should include a clear statement that the problem exists, evidence that supports the existence of the problem, evidence of an existing trend that has led to the problem. Create a sentence that begins with “The purpose of this study is . . .” Clearly identify the area of conflict, concern, or controversy exist. Include the most relevant reference that supports the claim from the literature.


Literature on the topic

This area presents the framework for the study. To perform significant research, the learner must first understand the literature related to the research focus. A well-articulated, literature review provides the foundation for your research. A literature review is a synthesis of what has been published on a topic by researchers. Include a total of 5 different pieces of literature in this paper


Conclusion / Summary / Recommendations

This section should describe what happened because of this research. It also tells the reader what the research implies theoretically, practically for the future. The section provides new insights derived from the research to solve real and significant ethical problems.

This section reminds the reader of the importance of the topic and briefly explains how the study intended to contribute to the body of knowledge on the topic. It informs the reader that conclusions, data, implications, and recommendations will be presented. 

Finally, NO PLAGIARISM Please 

Physical Security: Door and Window Lock Assessment

 Topic: Based on this weeks lectures take an inventory of door and window locks in your living area or place of work to identify areas of concern and improvement. Remember to get permission from security.

Instructions: Please download the Assignment 3 Door and Window Lock Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. Once completed name your file: YourName_Assignment_3_Door_and _Window_Lock_Assessment.docx and submit to the appropriate assignment folder. Also review any additional files attached for more information.

Technical Writing Project

  Answer the following

  • Find a professional article online written for people in your field. Identify the intended reader and purpose. Write description of the article describing the elements in the article that helped you identify the reader and purpose. Be sure to include the URL of the article.
  • Study your school’s Web site. Imagine you are a potential transfer student looking for a new school. Analyze the usefulness of the information available and how easy it is to locate information about various majors and directions about applying for admission. Identify 2-3 features of the Web site you would change in some way. Support your answer with citations from the text.
  • The following bulletin at a large manufacturing company provides guidelines for the plant security supervisors in assigning duties to the plant security guards at five separate plants. Revise and reorganize to make the bulletin easier to read and more useful to the supervisors. All supervisors must be conscious of the need to reduce costs and properly use available security guards int he most effective manner. Consider staggering the start and quit times to ensure a larger force during the peak demand hours. Every effort should be made to eliminate nonsecurity service functions, such as airport pickup, mail runs, drives to banks, drives to medical centers, parcel pickup. The supervisors should regularly review the schedule to be sure the coverage meets the needs of the plant. Guards assigned to gates should advise the shift supervisors whenever they leave their posts, including for lunch break. Nonsecurity service functions should be contracted out if possible. Drives to banks should be performed by the responsible department, but a department may request a security guard escort. Guards assigned to patrols, shipping and receiving docks, and special surveillance should tell the shift supervisors when they leave their assigned task, even for the lunch break. Supervisors should consider combining spot checks with regular duties of guards. For example, if a guard must open a gate and passes the trash center, the guard can spot check the trash pickup on the way to or from opening the gate. Supervisors must know about outside employment of guards. These outside activities should not adversely affect the security arrangements at the plant. In general, security guards should not also work at racetracks or casinos, or any places associated with gambling. Guards also should not be in partnership with co-workers since that relationship could negatively affect plant security. Supervisors need to check attendance records regularly. Frequent illness may indicate the guard cannot do the physical tasks appropriately. Questionable illness reports should be checked. Guards who operate small businesses may resist the normal rotation because it will interfere with their outside employment. Security requires a 7-day operation.
  • Find a real-world letter, memo, bulletin, pamphlet, or report online. Identify specific style problems. Evaluate the style and clarity of the document, and identify specific areas where revision would help readers. Support you answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include a url to the document you are evaluating.
  • Find a Web site you use frequently and analyze how you use it. How easy is it to find the features you want to see? Has the home page changed since you began using it? Can you recall which features were redesigned? How consistent is the placement of navigation links on the pages you use? How informative are the headings and page titles? Are there any distracting elements? Are the graphics helpful or simply decorative? Are there moving graphics or text? If so, do they enhance the usefulness of the site? Write a memo to your instructor, analyzing the design of the Web site. Support your answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include the url.
  • Find the home pages for the following: a) Ford Motor Company, b) Chrysler, and c) General Motors. Analyze the design features of these home pages in terms of users who are seniors or have problems making precise movements with the mouse. Report your findings to your instructor in a memo.
  • Find a review of a computer product online. Using the information in the review, write a task oriented set of instructions from the review. Be sure to include meaningful tasks and graphics. Use your book as a reference. Be sure to include the URL as a reference.

Intro to programming

All posts must be a minimum of 250-300 words. APA reference. 100% original work. no plagiarism.

1. Give an example of if-then, and loop using variables. Explain the danger of endless loop, and how to avoid them. Can an endless loop create a DoS (Denial of Service)?

week 2 Managerial Finance

A) Discussion 2: Cash Flow and Financial Analysis ( 350 words) 

Part 1: Importance of Cash

Generating cash is the ultimate responsibility for managers today. Cash and cash flow are considered the “lifeblood” of a business.

How important has cash generation been for your current company or a prior employer? How is cash generation different from the concept of profit and loss (P&L) in accounting? Provide an example of how a company manages cash flow.

Part 2: Application of Concepts/Financial Analysis

Review the materials in the link below. Based on the materials presented in this link, discuss why financial analysis is important in the overall understanding of the financial performance of a firm. Be specific and give examples based on your experience or research.

B) 3 replies each 150 words

Week5- Bitcoin and Business discussion

See the attached questions. and book 

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, create a new thread, choose a use case from section III, and a risk for adoption from section IV. Describe a real blockchain-based product that implements your chosen use case and how your chosen risk could impact the project’s success. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.