RESEARCH PAPER USING organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.  Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.  The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header. 
• Company Overview:  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization. 
• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges. 
• Solution:  Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation.  What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing?  Did they meet their objectives for fall short? 
• Conclusion:  Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.


The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.

Discussion and Assignment



  1. Discuss what power in the context of leadership is and how it relates to bullying within organizations.  Also note how this impacts productivity.
  2. Discuss what organizational culture is and how it impacts work productivity.  Also, note how organizational culture impacts the success of innovation implementation.
  3. How does culture impact leadership? Can culture be seen as a constraint on leadership?



  1. Provide a high-level overview/ summary of the case study
  2. Note how constructive intentionality impacts innovation implementations
  3. Find another article that adds to the overall findings of the case and note how attribution-based perspective enhances successful innovation implementations.  Please be explicit and detailed in answering this question.



  1. How does the logical topology differ from the physical topology?
  2. What advantages of the logical star topology have as compared to the logical bus topology?
  3. What is the OSI model? Why is it important for understanding networking?
  4. What is the difference between connectionless and connection-oriented services?
  5. How does TCP differ from UDP?
  6. How does SSH differ from Telnet? How does HTTPS differ from HTTP?
  7. Why are wires twisted together in twisted pair cables?
  8. You have an installation that requires Cat 5 cabling. Which cable ratings could you use for the installation?
  9. Is twisted pair cable more immune to EMI than coaxial cable?
  10. What advantages do fiber optic cables offer over twisted pair cables and other media choices? What are the disadvantages of implementing fiber optic cables?
  11. What is the difference between single-mode and multimode cables?

 Think about how you use a computer.  Could you use Linux instead of Windows or MAC OS as your primary OS? Other than personal preference, explain why you can or cannot. 

Paper 7


Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages. 

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note:  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Go to,,, or or in combination to find at least three customer case studies on Hadoop implementation, and then discuss the commonalities and differences of these cases.
  2. Search the job search sites like,, and so forth. Find at least five job postings for data scientist. Identify the key characteristics and skills expected from the applicants and based on what you are learned in this class, how high is your motivation now to seek these types of career choices?
  3. Important Note:  With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.

Important Note:  There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions (Part 1)

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  Overall Course Conclusions and Reflection (Part 2)

After the primary conclusion of this paper, extend this conclusion into an overall class conclusion and reflection providing at least 500 additional words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current or future work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Paper Section 5:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

802.11x phones with a cellular system


The CEO of your selected industry has asked you to explore the possibility of replacing the wireless 802.11x phones with a cellular system. Explain the security program described, the differences in core architecture between different generations of cellular and mobile network technologies, the end-to-end delivery of a packet and/or signal, and what happens with the hand-off at each step along the communications path to the CEO.

Overview detailing the following:

  1. Various smartphone generations and technologies (e.g., GSM, WCDMA, CDMA2000, LTE).
  2. Recommendation for embedded smartphone operating systems (e.g., iOS, Android).
  3. Changes to existing networking infrastructure.
  4. Implementation of mobile protocols, logical channels, and encryption standards.
  5. Using mobile-unique identifiers and location-based services to track device and data input validation.

Your recommendations should cover the feasibility of using cellular systems to enter secure data into proposed databases.

Module 5 Discussion Questions

Your answers for each question must provide enough details to support your answers.

1.  Define network security threats and network security attacks. Explain how a network security threat differs from an attack? Include references to support your answers in APA format. 

2.  Identify and describe five types of network security threats and five types of network security attacks and their potential impact on the IT operations. Include references to support the security threats and attacks you choose and their potential impacts in APA format.

3.  Identify and describe network equipment and tools that are used to detect security incidents. Include references to support your choice of equipment and tools in APA format. 

Please do not use journals or books as  references. Please use online sources and answer questions in a numbered format.

(1) Computer science C++


Lists. Trace the following c++ program showing all output in the order that it appears on the output device (presumably the screen). If anything happens that makes it impossible to accomplish an operation or the results of doing so are unpredictable, describe what happens and abort at that point.

For this program assume that the following functions (methods) are fully defined and implemnted in the appropriate header and implementation files for the List class.

– construct that creates an empty list

– empty that returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise

– insert (a,b) that inserts an integer a into the list at position b

– erase(a) that removes the integer at position a in the list

– overloading the output operator << to enable it to display all elements of a list in sequence so cout<

– overloading the assignment operator so assigning one list to another creates a deep copy of the list.


using namespace std;
#include “List.h”
int main(void)
{ List sheldon_cooper;
List leonard_hofstadter;
int i, j;
cout<<"Program begins, sheldon and leonard constructed"< if (sheldon_cooper.empty())
cout<<"His friend is Raj Koothrappali"< else
cout<<"His friend is Penny"< for (i=4;i<=8;i++)
{cout<<"Inserting "< sheldon_cooper.insert(i*2-3,i-4);
cout<<" List is now ";
cout< }
cout<<"removing position "< sheldon_cooper.erase(j);
cout< j=2;
cout<<"leonard is now ";
cout< cout<<"program ends, buzz off ";
return 0;

7 questions


1) Read this Time article and view the video( explaining how Russian trolls spread fake news.  Discuss in 500 words whether the government should regulate Facebook more closely.  

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library(, not Google.   Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

2) Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. Describe Digital Literacy (how to know what is real on the web). 

2. None of these people exist. What does this mean to you?

3. Why is Wikipedia more reliable than a paper encyclopedia?

4. How useful are crowd sources answers?

5. What are some drawbacks to crowd sourced answers?

6. Do people generally utilize the diversity of sources on the Internet effectively?

7. How reliant are we and how reliant should we be on getting our news from social media?

8. How do humans remain vigilant when we turn over authority to computers? Have you tried to navigate without gps?

9. If models are simplifications or reality, why do we rely on them?

10. Why was this model, used by Amazon for hiring, wrong?

11. Why did Skynet declare war on the human race?

3) The purpose of this assignment is to pick a topic for your research project. The topic should be of graduate level not a survey. Investigate an important question. 

Your Research Project will be a presentation on some aspect of the surveillance state.  Do a five source annotated bibliography/reference list on the subject. There should be two annotations for each source. In the first write a paragraph of at least five sentences summarizing the thesis of the article. In the second write a paragraph of at least five sentences summarizing your reflections on the thesis of the article. You should do a deep dive into a topic. Do not do a survey. Make use of academic references such as you can find in the Danforth LIbrary research databases 

Use at least five sources.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Short excerpt on the Surveillance State :

4) Discuss in 500 words your opinion on what lessons should be learned from the 737 Max 8 crashes. 

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library(, not Google.   Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

5) Your Research Project on the surveillance state consists of two parts:

1 a Powerpoint presentation consisting of at least 12 slides not including title and references.

2. 750 word research  paper with at least 3 sources. There should be no lists. Write in essay format not outline format. Include a meaningful title.

Do not double space.

You must include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line. 

There should be no lists – bulleted, numbered or otherwise. 

Write in essay format with coherent paragraphs not in outline format. Distribute your quotes among the paragraphs.

The topic must be appropriate for graduate level. Find a topic that we covered in the course and dig deeper or find something that will help you in your work or in a subject area of interest related to the course topic. Use academically appropriate resources which you can find in the Danforth Library Research Databases.(

6) Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

· Five network penetration testing techniques

· Advantages and disadvantages of each

· One notable social engineering test

· Possible negative implications of penetration tesing

Please write between 300 words

7) Prepare a final project on a web application security topic. The primary deliverables for the project will be a paper and and also a presentation “Topic : White Hat Hacking”, Include a short paragraph describing your project and how you intend to research it. 

· Week 11. Submit final project.

· Week 12. Submit a brief abstract describing your final project.

Week 13. Submit final project materials.

o 500-700 word, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography

Presentation power point.

Hide Folder InformationTurnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

Pick one of the below operating systems and present information on the operating systems, and your thoughts comparing the selected operating system with other systems.

  • Windows 
  • Linux 
  • Unix
  • Android
  • iOS

Due DateOct 22.

Only seroious bidder.
Must be Computer Science Major to do this task.

TCP/IP Attack Lab- SEED Labs Project

 In this lab, students need to conduct attacks on the TCP/IP protocols. They can use the Netwox tools and/or other tools in the attacks. All the attacks are performed on Linux operating systems. However, instructors can require students to also conduct the same attacks on other operating systems and compare the observations. To simplify the “guess” of TCP sequence numbers and source port numbers, we assume that attackers are on the same physical network as the victims. Therefore, you can use sniffer tools to get that information. The following is the list of attacks that need to be implemented. 3.1 Task 1 : SYN Flooding Attack ` ` User Server SYN SYN+ACK ACK Active TCP Connection ` ` Attacker Server SYN Spoofed Addresses SYN+ACK ` Legitimate User SYN No Reply Normal TCP 3-way handshake between user and server SYN Flood: attacker sends many SYN to server without ACK. The server is not able to process request from legitimate user 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Figure 2: SYN Flooding Attack SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 4 SYN flood is a form of DoS attack in which attackers send many SYN requests to a victim’s TCP port, but the attackers have no intention to finish the 3-way handshake procedure. Attackers either use spoofed IP address or do not continue the procedure. Through this attack, attackers can flood the victim’s queue that is used for half-opened connections, i.e. the connections that has finished SYN, SYN-ACK, but has not yet gotten a final ACK back. When this queue is full, the victim cannot take any more connection. Figure 2 illustrates the attack. The size of the queue has a system-wide setting. In Linux, we can check the setting using the following command: # sysctl -q net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog We can use command “netstat -na” to check the usage of the queue, i.e., the number of halfopened connection associated with a listening port. The state for such connections is SYN-RECV. If the 3-way handshake is finished, the state of the connections will be ESTABLISHED. In this task, you need to demonstrate the SYN flooding attack. You can use the Netwox tool to conduct the attack, and then use a sniffer tool to capture the attacking packets. While the attack is going on, run the “netstat -na” command on the victim machine, and compare the result with that before the attack. Please also describe how you know whether the attack is successful or not. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 76. Here is a simple help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 76 –help” to get the help information. Listing 1: The usage of the Netwox Tool 76 Title: Synflood Usage: netwox 76 -i ip -p port [-s spoofip] Parameters: -i|–dst-ip ip destination IP address -p|–dst-port port destination port number -s|–spoofip spoofip IP spoof initialzation type SYN Cookie Countermeasure: If your attack seems unsuccessful, one thing that you can investigate is whether the SYN cookie mechanism is turned on. SYN cookie is a defense mechanism to counter the SYN flooding attack. The mechanism will kick in if the machine detects that it is under the SYN flooding attack. You can use the sysctl command to turn on/off the SYN cookie mechanism: # sysctl -a | grep cookie (Display the SYN cookie flag) # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0 (turn off SYN cookie) # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 (turn on SYN cookie) Please run your attacks with the SYN cookie mechanism on and off, and compare the results. In your report, please describe why the SYN cookie can effectively protect the machine against the SYN flooding attack. If your instructor does not cover the mechanism in the lecture, you can find out how the SYN cookie mechanism works from the Internet. 3.2 Task 2 : TCP RST Attacks on telnet and ssh Connections The TCP RST Attack can terminate an established TCP connection between two victims. For example, if there is an established telnet connection (TCP) between two users A and B, attackers can spoof a RST packet from A to B, breaking this existing connection. To succeed in this attack, attackers need to correctly construct the TCP RST packet. SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 5 In this task, you need to launch an TCP RST attack to break an existing telnet connection between A and B. After that, try the same attack on an ssh connection. Please describe your observations. To simplify the lab, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN, i.e., the attacker can observe the TCP traffic between A and B. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 78. Here is a simple help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 78 –help” to get the help information. Listing 2: The usage of the Netwox Tool 78 Title: Reset every TCP packet Usage: netwox 78 [-d device] [-f filter] [-s spoofip] Parameters: -d|–device device device name {Eth0} -f|–filter filter pcap filter -s|–spoofip spoofip IP spoof initialization type {linkbraw} 3.3 Task 3 : TCP RST Attacks on Video Streaming Applications Let us make the TCP RST attack more interesting by experimenting it on the applications that are widely used in nowadays. We choose the video streaming application in this task. For this task, you can choose a video streaming web site that you are familiar with (we will not name any specific web site here). Most of video sharing websites establish a TCP connection with the client for streaming the video content. The attacker’s goal is to disrupt the TCP session established between the victim and video streaming machine. To simplify the lab, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN. In the following, we describe the common interaction between a user (the victim) and some video-streaming web site: • The victim browses for a video content in the video-streaming web site, and selects one of the videos for streaming. • Normally video contents are hosted by a different machine, where all the video contents are located. After the victim selects a video, a TCP session will be established between the victim machine and the content server for the video streaming. The victim can then view the video he/she has selected. Your task is to disrupt the video streaming by breaking the TCP connection between the victim and the content server. You can let the victim user browse the video-streaming site from another (virtual) machine or from the same (virtual) machine as the attacker. Please be noted that, to avoid liability issues, any attacking packets should be targeted at the victim machine (which is the machine run by yourself), not at the content server machine (which does not belong to you). 3.4 Task 4 : TCP Session Hijacking The objective of the TCP Session Hijacking attack is to hijack an existing TCP connection (session) between two victims by injecting malicious contents into this session. If this connection is a telnet session, attackers can inject malicious commands (e.g. deleting an important file) into this session, causing the victims to execute the malicious commands. Figure 3 depicts how the attack works. In this task, you need to demonstrate how you can hijack a telnet session between two computers. Your goal is to get the the telnet server to run a malicious command from you. For the simplicity of the task, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN. SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 6 Note: If you use Wireshark to observe the network traffic, you should be aware that when Wireshark displays the TCP sequence number, by default, it displays the relative sequence number, which equals to the actual sequence number minus the initial sequence number. If you want to see the actual sequence number in a packet, you need to right click the TCP section of the Wireshark output, and select “Protocol Preference”. In the popup window, uncheck the “Relative Sequence Number and Window Scaling” option. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 40. Here is part of the help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 40 –help” to get the full help information. You may also need to use Wireshark to find out the correct parameters for building the spoofed TCP packet. Listing 3: Part usage of netwox tool 40 Title: Spoof Ip4Tcp packet Usage: netwox 40 [-l ip] [-m ip] [-o port] [-p port] [-q uint32] [-B] Parameters: -l|–ip4-src ip IP4 src {} -m|–ip4-dst ip IP4 dst {} -o|–tcp-src port TCP src {1234} -p|–tcp-dst port TCP dst {80} -q|–tcp-seqnum uint32 TCP seqnum (rand if unset) {0} -H|–tcp-data mixed_data mixed data ` ` User Server ` Attacker Attacker hijacks the TCP session and sends “Z” to server on behalf of client Data: “A” Data: “Z” Seq No.: ? ACK 3-way Handshake Data: “B” ACK Sniffing Figure 3: TCP Session Hijacking Attack SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 7 3.5 Task 5 : Creating Reverse Shell using TCP Session Hijacking When attackers are able to inject a command to the victim’s machine using TCP session hijacking, they are not interested in running one simple command on the victim machine; they are interested in running many commands. Obviously, running these commands all through TCP session hijacking is inconvenient. What attackers want to achieve is to use the attack to set up a back door, so they can use this back door to conveniently conduct further damages. A typical way to set up back doors is to run a reverse shell from the victim machine to give the attack the shell access to the victim machine. Reverse shell is a shell process running on a remote machine, connecting back to the attacker’s machine. This gives an attacker a convenient way to access a remote machine once it has been compromised. In the following, we will show how we can set up a reverse shell if we can directly run a command on the victim machine (i.e. the server machine). In the TCP session hijacking attack, attackers cannot directly run a command on the victim machine, so their jobs is to run a reverse-shell command through the session hijacking attack. In this task, students need to demonstrate that they can achieve this goal.