4s week 8 assignment IA

in 300 words,

Describe some ways that an organization can recover it’s IT resources from a natural disaster (fire, flood, hurricane, tornado etc.). What controls should have been in place in order to be able to retrieve this data?

Include references

Python Requests Library( Module)

Needed description of Requests Library Functions.( 1 or 2 pages)

Important point i needed, Examples for about Requests Library Functions.  In that examples if you use name one of them supposed to be BURAK. 

i needed those examples on WORD PAGE AND ORIGINAL CODING FILES.


Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this week are from Chapter 1  (Jamsa, 2013).
Chapter 1 topics:

  • Define and discuss cloud computing.
  • Discuss how cloud computing has changed how companies budget for software solutions.
  • Compare and contrast SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, and provide an example of each.
  • Define scalability and discuss how the cloud impacts it.
  • List three advantages and three disadvantages of cloud computing.
  • Define virtualization and discuss how the cloud impacts it.
  • Describe three cloud-based solutions for individuals and three cloud-based solutions for businesses.
  • Discuss how Web 2.0 has driven the growth of the web.
  • Compare and contrast public, private, community, and hybrid clouds.

 NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions. 

Module 1 Discussion Questions

  1. You are the IT project leader for Baker Manufacturing Company and have been assigned the task of leading a project team to design and implement a new global IT infrastructure between the Baker Manufacturing Company data centers (refer to the Case Study for details). Identify who should be on the project team and describe why you chose each member. Include references to support your comments in APA format. 
  2. Identify the major IT design and information security concerns and threats that should be addressed by the project team in developing the new global IT infrastructure. Provide details as to why you chose the IT design and information security concerns and threats. Include references to support your comments in APA format. 

Please do not use books or journals. Only use online references, such as www.google.com



Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.    

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

EH week8 P8



i need this paper by 10/14 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Locate an article on a system breach (Target stores, Sony Pictures, US Government, and many more).In 3-4 paragraphs, briefly explain the situation and what kind of information was compromised. How large was the breach and how long did it take to find the problem. Include a link to any of your Internet resources.

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 

Management Information Systems6


Product Idea and Search Engines/Electronic Marketing

After reviewing the assigned reading materials, complete the following activities:

1.  Develop a product service idea.

A. Describe the product/service including the benefits of using the product/service

B. Discuss the potential customers for this product/service

2.  Based on the nature of the product/service, recommend at least 3 possible ways to market the product electronically. Your suggestions must include at least one search engine. Describe your recommendations and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each

Cyber security Managment


Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. what do each of these terms refer to: copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret?

2. Why is intellectual property entitled to legal protection? 

3. Why did copyright laws become stricter and more punishing in the late 20th century?

4. What is the Fair Use doctrine?

5. Make an argument for legalizing the copying of music or software. 

6. Do I or don’t I own the books on my Kindle? If I own them, why can’t I transfer them? If I don’t own them, what is my legal right to them?

7. What was the 1984 Sony Supreme Court case about?

8. Was Napster responsible for the actions of its users?

9. Why did the court find in favor of Diamond in the Rio case? 

10. What is Digital Rights Management?

Python challenge 2

  • In this challenge, you are tasked with helping a small, rural town modernize its vote counting process.
  • You will be give a set of poll data called election_data.csv. The dataset is composed of three columns: Voter ID, County, and Candidate. Your task is to create a Python script that analyzes the votes and calculates each of the following:
    • The total number of votes cast
    • A complete list of candidates who received votes
    • The percentage of votes each candidate won
    • The total number of votes each candidate won
    • The winner of the election based on popular vote.
  • As an example, your analysis should look similar to the one below:
    Election Results ------------------------- Total Votes: 3521001 ------------------------- Khan: 63.000% (2218231) Correy: 20.000% (704200) Li: 14.000% (492940) O'Tooley: 3.000% (105630) ------------------------- Winner: Khan ------------------------- 
  • In addition, your final script should both print the analysis to the terminal and export a text file with the results.