need help building code

Write a program and flowchart, and include a snippet of your program running.ECPI has rented a Cruise Boat for its upcoming graduating class! You work at ECPI, and have been asked to manage the reservations for students and their families. You need to write a program that tracks the ages of at least 2 students and their families; as well as the meal plans they have selected. The program will achieve the following:

  • Track the ages of at least 2 parties – Student and family member(s
    • We need to capture ages, to know what each family member can participate in
    • Based off the age,  the price of the ticket per guest.  Sum up the cost of tickets per family.   Example,   $1000/adults,  $500/child,  $850/Seniors
  • Track the meal plans they have selected per party
    • Each family/party can select a meal plan per day; and your program must track those costs
  • Once you have included the Meal Plans, and the prices:
    • Calculate the total cost for the Meal Plans selected
    • And then the total cost of both meal plans


The program you write should include these components at a minimum. Remember though: Get creative, and feel free to add different components that you feel are applicable in a Cruise Reservation program.

  1. You must have at least two different arrays – These are, in effect, parallel arrays:
    1. One for each Family/Party capturing the ages of every person in the reservation
      1. Minimum: 4 Families
    2. One for each Meal Plan Options selected
      1. Each family should have a meal plan included  
        1. Meal Plans can be, for example, breakfast, lunch and supper and should include just the prices for each one
        2. create and display a menu to see choices and prices
    3. ** Please note:
      1. The image below does not reflect the menu or the ticket cost 
      2. i. The arrays are for two families; and two meal plans, including the prices for each of the meals chosen
  2. Remember to use a “for” loop for each array
  3. You should have Totals that calculates the totals for each family meal plan
    1. Because you will have at 4 Parties/Families, all should have their own price totals; and then also a total for the meal plans reserved and ticketing
  4. Hints and Suggestions:
    1. You can set your own book prices – for example, see the prices in the example below
    2. You can set how many Meal Plans included for each section
      1. You can also write the program to ask the user for this input, but this is not required
  5. At the end, it prints out the totals for each section
  6. The very last total of all Meal Plans and ticket totals should be printed in a different color – so it really stands out


Doctral program (IT)

in looking at the objectives of this doctoral program (IT) how do you hope this degree will impact your life both personally and professionally. (750 words)

paper with an introductory paragraph.

Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.

Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing. 

Prompt 2 “Big Data” (2-3 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology? 

Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (2-3 pages):  One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization and share your link. You can find examples in the UC Library.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately 7-10 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 9-12 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately seven to ten pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.



students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).

Topic: Starbucks

Pricing and Positioning Strategy 

1. Should be in APA format with references.

2. Should be 400- 500 words with references

Azure devops question


Question 1:

Create an `n` number of resource groups with the their names formatted as “my- test-candidate-” where comes from a variable called `locations` which is a list of strings (e.g. [“eastus”, “westus”]).

Question 2:

Esoda Health is a major health care solution provider, with currently having two data centers Los Angeles ( and New York City ( These two data centers currently divided into standard three tier network architecture, and  host 100+ VM’s that supports web applications, API’s and SQL Databases. Each datacenter also has its own firewall and load balancers. Based on current projections there was an increase in traffic in the next year, so company has decided to migrate the data centers in Cloud in two regions (EastUs and WestUs) to support HA, and with peering back to on-premise data centers.  

Design a solution (Network Topology) that includes what are the different Azure services that will be used in this migration effort. Some of the requirements for this migration effort is to use, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Firewall, AAD, and mostly use IaaS for the lift and Shift migration. Additionally, provide a Terraform script that will set-up the basic infrastructure in Azure (VNet, subnet’s , NSG’s, and VM’s in two different regions)

Candidate don’t need to design the complete solution, we are looking for the approach you have taken to solve this kind of problem.

4-1 Discussion: Patents

After learning about the process an organization follows in obtaining a patent for an e-commerce business, answer the following question: How can internet patents be used to protect, or safeguard, numerous businesses practices on the internet? Explain using specific examples.

When responding to your peers’ posts, reflect on how patent infringement affects cyberspace and e-commerce. One area of focus could be the gray areas created by recent court rulings. 

Preview the document

read the attachment and answer the question

1. Download and read attached report: “Metrics for the Second Curve of Health Care”Preview the document. You need to concentrate your reading on contents related to “Strategy 4: developing Integrated Information Systems”.

Write a report to explain

  • what is the Second Curve Health Care? (10 points)
  • why Strategy 4 is important in the transition from the First Curve to the Second Curve (40 points)? Your explanation should be written from the informatics perspective focusing on how the three components of Informatics are involved in this strategy.

If you choose to supplement your writing with resources besides the attached document, you need to include their references in APA format.

Save your report as a Word document and name it as SecondCurve_FL where FL are your first and last name initials. Your Word document should be formatted using Times New Roman font (no smaller than 10 pt but no bigger than 11 pt), single spacing, 1″ margins on all sides, and the report length (2 page minimum,


2. Download and read a document on Quality Data Model (QDM)Preview the document. Focus your reading on sections 1.1-1.5, and 2.1 – 2.8.

Tasks: Write a report that contains your answer to the following questions:

1. Why a quality data model is needed? Explain QDM’s importance in healthcare information system using examples you have seen or discussed in this Module’s required readings. (10 points)

2. Figure 1 in section 2.5 shows an example QDM element structure on the left. The diagram to the right is an example of QDM element called “Laboratory Test”. Suppose you are member of an interprofessional team working a quality health database project for a hospital. Explain how you would design a database table to store data containing in the ODM element “Laboratory Test”. For example, what is the name of this table? What are the columns to include in this table? (10 points)

3. Suppose the same database contains other tables describing ODM elements such as Doctor, Patient, Medication, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Company, etc. Describe ONE scenario where you can use this database to address questions related to QDM element “Laboratory Test”. (40 points)

In order to help you understand this question, please consider the following sample scenario: Doctor A needs to find if any of his/her patients in the age group 35-55 has low HDL so that s/he can recommend them to practice regular aerobic exercise and loss of excess weight to increase the HDL level. Doctor A asks you for help since you are a health informatics analyst. Describe how you would use the database to find the answer. For example, do you need to use the database table representing QDM element “Laboratory Test”? What other tables in this database do you need to use? How will you generate the answer for Doctor A from theses database tables?

Save your report as a Word file and save it as H3_FL2.docx where FL are your first and last name initials.


3. The attached Ethics-III.pdfPreview the document continues the discussion on what other ethical obligations software engineers are under.

Then proceed to answer the questions inside the reading:

  • Questions 5.1 to 5.12

Because for many ethics questions there is no absolutely right or wrong answers as such, your responses will be graded based on completeness and thoughtfulness as opposed to rote or perfunctory ones. There are three grade levels for this assignment based on your responses to all the questions: 20 (no reasoning in responses), 35 (minimal to little reasoning), and 50 (sufficient reasoning and consideration).

Write your answers in a Word file using Times New Roman font (no smaller than 10 pt but no bigger than 12 pt), single spacing, 1″ margins on all sides.

Save your file as Ethics_3_FL where FL is your first and last name initial and Submit.


4. Answer the following two questions based on what you have learned from “Head First” book Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

Q1. Describe the usage of the Burn Down chart in the Head First book Chapter 4. Explain how to calculate the value and update it on the chart for any particular day? (Your answer should explain the relationship between the Burn Down chart and the other techniques discussed in Chapter 4 such as the Big Board and the Standup Meeting.) (20 points)

Q2. Suppose that you are asked to add a new event to the iSwoon system: The event is “Party at a friend’s place” and it is only allowed to occur on the 4th date or later. Describe what you would have to do to add this Event to the original iSwoon design(Ch 4) AND the “fixed” iSwoon design (Ch 5) respectively.(10 points)

Give your own evaluation of the latter “fixed” design; does it address the problems of the original design? What problems might the original design have and how might you fix them? (20 points)

Save your file as iSwoon_FL where FL is your first and last name initial and Submit.


5. you are going to complete a midterm paper and it’s based on the movie “Office Space”. You choose the way to watch the movie in a comfortable setting.

Write your review in a Word file using Times New Roman font (no smaller than 10 pt but no bigger than 12 pt), single spacing, 1″ margins on all sides, and the paper’s length is no more than 2 pages. Any direct quotes from the movie do not count into the length of the paper.

In the midterm paper, you need to identify at least three problems (problems identified must be from the software engineering perspective, not from the general ethics perspective) that could have been avoided if a good software development method is applied in “Office Space”.

  1. Identify the problems related to software engineering and describe what the consequences of these problems are respectively; (15 points)
  2. Explain what actions you, as a member working on a software project, would have taken in order to avoid those problem respectively; (30 points)
  3. Describe if your actions (described above) are related to any knowledge that you learned from the first 5 modules of this semester. (5 points)

Save your file as Movie_FL where FL is your first and last name initial. Submit your file through the dedicated link under the Submissions tab.

Module 2 Assignment


Module 2 Assignment

Due: Sunday, November 1st, 2020 by 11:00 pm EST

For this assignment, complete Chapter 1 – Introduction based on the instructions provided. 


This section requires that you complete all sections of Chapter 1 as specified in the CU Research Guide 

  •  Introduction 
    • Based on the literature sources, provide a background of the research problem to be explored. Elaborate on the impact of the problem and why your research is important to pursue. Indicate what the goal of the research will be
  • Problem statement
    • As per the CU guide
  • Relevance and significance 
    • As per the CU guide
  • Research questions
    • Add no more than 2 research questions as they relate to your research focus
  • Barriers and Issues
    • As per the CU guide

Structure  – CU Research Guide
Format – APA 

scenario 4

Due Week 4 and worth 100 points

Suppose you are a security director for a consulting firm that implements, secures, investigates, and supports point-of-sale (POS) for small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the retail industry.

Read the article titled, “If you shopped at these 16 stores in the last year, your data might have been stolen” located at Choose 2 stores from the list and research the specific attack or breach.

Write a paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the attacks, providing details on the effects of the breach. 
  2. Identify the common purpose of attacks on point-of-sale (POS) systems. 
  3. Assess why and how these POS systems have become a prime target for hacking groups. 
  4. Examine the forensics challenges that exist for investigations on POS systems.
  5. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment other than the article linked above. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.