Project : Shared Technology Vulnerabilities
A 750 word summary of your findings. This must be appropriate graduate level work. Please, do not double space your submission.
Project : Shared Technology Vulnerabilities
A 750 word summary of your findings. This must be appropriate graduate level work. Please, do not double space your submission.
search the Internet and explain why some organizations are accepting and other organizations are rejecting the use of Bitcoins as a standard form of currency. Your paper needs to identify two major companies that have adopted Bitcoin technology as well as one that has refused accepting Bitcoin as a form of currency. Be sure to discuss each organization, how they adopted (or why they won’t adopt) Bitcoin, and what recommendations you have for them to continue to support Bitcoin (or why they should support Bitcoin).
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Read the information on this site which is the Evaluating Sources, Evaluating Websites section of the Research Tutorial. Look at your sources from Step 1 and see how they meet the five basic evaluation criteria. Replace those sources that might not be high quality.
APA Annotated Bibliography (Haddad)Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008).This paper follows the style guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,6th ed.(2010).Arman HaddadProfessor AndrewsPsychology 10114 October XXXXPatterns of Gender-Related Differences in Online Communication: An Annotated BibliographyBruckman, A. S. (1993). Gender swapping on the Internet. Proceedings of INET ’93.Retrieved from this brief analysis, Bruckman investigates the perceptions of males and females in electronic environments.She argues that females (or those posing as females) receivean inordinate amount of unwanted sexual attention and offersof assistance from males. She also suggests that females (andsexually unthreatening males) are welcomed more willinglythan dominant males into virtual communities. She concludesthat behavior in electronic forums is an exaggerated reflectionof gender stereotypes in real-life communication. The article is interesting and accessible, but it is quite old, and it reliesalmost entirely on quotations from four anonymous forum participants.Crowston, C., & Kammerer, E. (1998). Communicative style and gender differences in computer-mediated communications. In B. Ebo (Ed.), Cyberghetto or cybertopia? Race, class, and gender on the Internet(pp. 185-203). Westport, CT:Praeger.This brief study examines how the dominant Gender and Online Communication 1Marginal annotations indicate APA-style formattingand effective writing.In APA style, eachentry begins at the left margin;subsequent linesindent 1⁄2″. The annotation begins on a new line and is indented 1⁄2″.Summary is followed by a shortevaluation of the source that notes its age andquestionable research technique.
Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008).communication style (masculine versus feminine) of an onlinediscussion group affects men’s and women’s desire to participate. The findings, while limited, provide evidence thatin fact bothwomen and men were less interested in joiningforums that were dominated by masculine-style language.These findings seem to contradict the pronounced gender inequality found in the other sources in this bibliography.Herring, S. C. (2003). Gender and power in on-line communication. In J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff (Eds.), Thehandbook of language and gender(pp. 202-228). Oxford, England: Blackwell. Herring investigates empowerment opportunities forwomen online. She points out that, although more than halfof Web users in the United States are women, men continue to dominate technical roles such as network administrators,programmers, and Web masters. Even in anonymous onlinesettings, males tend to dominate discussions. And online“anonymity,” argues Herring, may not really be possible: Writing style and content give off cues about gender. Herring concludes that “the Internet provides opportunitiesfor both male and female users, but does not appear to alter societal gender stereotypes, nor has it (yet) redistributedpower at a fundamental level” (p. 219). The essay is well written and well researched, and it includes a long list of useful references.Herring, S. C. (1994, June 27). Gender differences in computer-mediated communication: Bringing familiar baggage to the Gender and Online Communication 2Haddad interpretsthe authors’ findings in relationto other sources inthe bibliography.A quotation fromthe author of thesource captures theessay’s main point.Annotations areroughly three to seven sentences long.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Assignment Requirements
Discuss with your peers which of the two remote access solutions, virtual private networks (VPNs) or hypertext transport protocol secure (HTTPS), you will rate as the best. You need to make a choice between the two remote access solutions based on the following features:
Based on the below job duties we need to write the practical connection assignment for the Topic.
Job Description
·Provide leadership and guidance for QA engineers in the creation of a dedicated test environment and test data management practices for automation and performance testing of web applications.
·QA Management practices for automation and penetration testing of web applications
·Lead selection and standardization of automation tools and test environment, suggesting the best practices for automation which is to be implemented across the organization
·Lead the development of end-to-end test plans and processes to meet quality objectives and product requirements.
·Work on required documentation needed for the project adhering to existing process guidelines.
·Serve as an expert and knowledge source for the escalation of complex application design and development issues.
·Coordinate software installation/deployment activities and monitor the implementation verification process.
·Develop automated test scripts for the web interface and web services using Selenium WebDriver with Java.
·Ensure system performance by validating stability, scalability, reliability, latency, and response time of different products and applications.
·Participate in troubleshooting and triaging of issues with different teams to drive towards root cause identification and resolution.
Topic 1
How leadership theories can help in enhancing organizational success by influencing efforts directed at change management in information and technology management
Important note: The assignment should be of 500 words at least with proper citations and the Latest APA format. It should meet the rubric attached.
Using proper APA formatting, write a 400-word discussion paper describing:
Length: 2-3 paragraphs
Threat Modeling
A new medium-sized health care facility just opened and you are hired as the CIO. The CEO is somewhat technical and has tasked you with creating a threat model. The CEO needs to decide from 3 selected models but needs your recommendation. Review this week’s readings, conduct your own research, then choose a model to recommend with proper justifications. Items to include (at a minimum) are:
You will research several threat models as it applies to the health care industry, summarize three models and choose one as a recommendation to the CEO in a summary with a model using UML Diagrams (Do not copy and paste images from the Internet). In your research paper, be sure to discuss the security risks and assign a label of low, medium or high risks and the CEO will make the determination to accept the risks or mitigate them.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Write a code of ethics for an organization you belong to or a school you attend, and explain the purpose of the code. Your code of ethics should have at least three items of expected ethical behavior.
Please don’t use books or journals as references.
1. Submit your Resume Draft and Reference Page as one Word document. Please use the above resources to assist you in creating your Resume with Reference Page.
2. Submit your Cover Letter after reading the instructions on the attached document and review the template. Your cover letter should contain three paragraphs.
Compose and submit well-written paragraphs that contain a minimum of 200 words, which address the following:
Work Area Recovery Plan is a vital plan that establishes an adequate environment for people to work in the event of a disruptive incident. Discuss the challenges that organizations without proper Work Area Recovery Plan may face when disruptive events arise.
What are the benefits of performing Pandemic risk assessment in an organization?
The post should include adequate citations and references that adhere strictly to the APA format.