Cryptography Assignment


In this assignment you are comparing hashes of some Strings using various Has function algorithms.

´  Go to the site

´  Write a string in the string textbox and hit the hash button.

´  Scroll down to see the hash though various algorithms.

´  Copy and paste the hash values in a Word file.

´   Make a small change in the string and hit the hash button again.

´  Compare the hash values with those from the previous string.

´  Note how quickly all the hashes were calculated.

´  Note that a small change in input gives a drastically different hash value.

´  Choose a file from your computer and calculate the hash of it on this site (Repeat the steps above on two different files).

´  Write a paragraph or two about this experiment.

Week 3 IT impact

This week we will tackle the tough topics of anonymity, net neutrality, censorship, and controlling speech. All these topics can easily start a debate among the most conservative individuals. It is important to understand these concepts can sometimes counteract the progression of technology in society.

Pick a topic below and post your reply by Wednesday at midnight. Your response should be at least 200 words and appropriately cites your resources.

Respond to two of your classmates by Sunday at midnight. Your responses should be at least 100 words and should be substantive. You should offer additional resources, insight, or other helpful feedback. A simple “I like your post” will result in a 0.

You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until you make your first post.

Note: plagiarism is not tolerated in this course. Everything must be in your own words with sources! Failure to do so will result in failing grade. 

Discussion_Grading_Rubric_Final (2).docx

Grading_Late_Discussion-1 (3).docx


  • What is the Telecommunications Act of 1996?
  • How has the idea of offensive speech changed since technology has progressed?
  • Do you consider the internet an appropriate tool for children? At what age do you introduce children to the internet?
  • What is data leakage? What does the term insider threat mean?
  • What are some kinds of Web sites that should prohibit anonymity?


Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the topic of using simulations for policy making. The papers you select must address how IT is used to model behavior for policy making.

You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at five (5) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last few years.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to using simulations for policy making. The papers you select must address how IT is used to model behavior for policy making.


Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers. 

Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out. 

Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I strongly suggest that you look at these. Really.)    <<<< Check out the "Rules! rules! rules!" section

data structure and algorithm

You are requested to implement a simple IoT device management system. IoT devices

can be categorized into three main groups: consumer, enterprise, and industrial.

“Consumer connected devices include smart TVs, smart speakers, toys, wearables and

smart appliances. Smart meters, commercial security systems and smart city technologies

— such as those used to monitor traffic and weather conditions — are examples of industrial

and enterprise IoT devices. Other technologies, including smart air conditioning, smart

thermostats, smart lighting and smart security, span home, enterprise and industrial

uses.”1 An IoT device can be identified by many fields including category, Identifier, …

1- (2.5 mark) Describe the IoT data type, IoTdevice, using Java classes. Make sure

to use Java inheritance, an interface, and an abstract class.

2- (5 marks: 1mark/method) We want to implement a simple application that

manages the IoT devices. You are asked to develop a Java application that uses

an array to store all information regarding the IoT devices installed in a building and

using the newly created data type IoTdevice defined in 1). You should provide a

menu with the following options:


IoT Device Management System (CSC301, Fall2020)


1- Add a new IoT device

2- Delete all existing IoT devices given a category

3- List all existing IoT devices from one category

4- Check if an IoT devices exists based on its ID

5- Sort all IoT devices based on two criteria of your choice

0- Quit


Your choice? __


Please use the partial Java code provided with this assignment which prints the

menu. You MUST do this lab in groups of maximum two students. This Lab

counts for 7.5 marks. You should upload your work via the course website on time

before September 29th, 23:59. Any late submission will be penalized (-0.25 / day).

Evaluation: You will be evaluated based on a demo during which you will be asked

individually various questions.



Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a brief synopsis compiling what you have learned about today’s networks. Describe how you would create a better network at your home or office utilizing the knowledge you’ve gained with this class. An example of this knowledge would be the cabling selected, as well as the IP address scheme utilized.


  • At least 4 paragraphs in length not counting the title page, include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12
  • Includes a highly developed viewpoint, purpose and exceptional content
  • Demonstrates superior organization, is well ordered, logical and unified
  • Free of grammar and spelling errors 5. No evidence of plagiarism

Research Paper 4


While this weeks topic highlighted the uncertainty of Big Data, the author identified the following as areas for future research.  Pick one of the following for your Research paper.:

  • Additional study must be performed on the interactions between each big data characteristic, as they do not exist separately but naturally interact in the real world.
  • The scalability and efficacy of existing analytics techniques being applied to big data must be empirically examined.
  • New techniques and algorithms must be developed in ML and NLP to handle the real-time needs for decisions made based on enormous amounts of data.
  • More work is necessary on how to efficiently model uncertainty in ML and NLP, as well as how to represent uncertainty resulting from big data analytics.
  • Since the CI algorithms are able to find an approximate solution within a reasonable time, they have been used to tackle ML problems and uncertainty challenges in data analytics and process in recent years.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 3-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your response with the readings from the course and at least five peer-reviewed articles or scholarly journals to support your positions, claims, and observations.  The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.



Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions:  

  • How does public key infrastructure add value to an organization seeking to use of the cryptography to protect information assets? Provide examples to support your answer.
  • Provide at least two references to support your initial post.