
Use the library and other internet resources to research for answers for the following questions. Write a 2–3 pages research paper answering these questions.

  • What encryption standard is currently recommended by NIST and why? Explain your answer with examples.
  • How can we apply that security protocol in real life situations?
  • Provide at least two references to support your initial post.

Please note:

  • Apply APA format on your academic writings.
  • provide 3 pages long (not including title and references) as a word document.
  • Include title page, table of content page.
  • Use time new roman or Arial as font type.
  • Use 12 a font size.
  • Use double spaces.
  • Add running head to the upper left corner of your document.
  • Add page numbers to the upper right corner of your document.
  • Add a references page to the end of your document.

IT incident response wk6 team activity

 Your have been asked by the CEO of your company to establish a means of monitoring employee activities in the building and when using computer equipment. Your team must determine the methods that are appropriate, what can and cannot be tracked by law, and how the information will be collected, preserved, and disseminated. 

information technology


In this phase, you will complete your paper and submit it for a plagiarism check. Be sure to give credit to your sources throughout your paper using the Word reference features to enter internal citations.

The body of your paper should include:

  • A brief explanation of your choice of careers. The body should tell why you weighted the criteria as you did for each career. The weights are based on your opinion. Then the paper should explain any high or low ratings you gave any of the careers based on your research. Discuss how the careers compared to each other with respect to the criteria. Support these ratings (scores) you assign with details from your research (not your opinion). It is not necessary to explain each score in great detail, but you should help your reader understand how you arrived at your scores by presenting specific facts about the career based on research. Also comment on what you discovered. Did you get the results you were expecting? Why or why not?
  • Include the two Excel elements, your evaluation matrix chart and table, into your Word document in appropriate places (APA requires each figure be at the top of the page).
  • Identify at least emerging technology in one of you careers. Explain the benefits and limitations of the emerging technology on decision-making and problem solving for the career. Details should be supported by your research.
  • Evaluate at least one ethical issue for one career. Relate this issue to the identified emerging technologies (above) if possible. In your evaluation discuss how an individual in that career should deal with the ethical issue(s). Support your opinion by citing facts learned in your research.
  • The Reference page. You should already have this created using the Word Reference feature. You should also use the Word Reference feature to make your internal citations. DO NOT submit the annotated bibliography. You should submit a Works Cited page (APA style).

licensing requirements

Topic: Different licensing requirements that an owner must be aware of when moving to the cloud 

It must consist of:

1. 5 source annotated bibliography

2. slide presentation with 12 slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words.

In term Paper


For the final project, you will be conducting a forensics investigation using one of the following items:

  1. A smartphone
  2. A network (ideally, a wireless network)

 You may use either for your investigation. However, be aware of legal issues surrounding your data gathering. If you are using any system you do not personally control and have authority to investigate/discover, please get written permission from the owner/operator of the system or refrain from your forensics analysis of that systems and use a personal system. For a network, you can use your own personal home network. For a smartphone, consider using an image from the Internet or a personal device. There could be issues related to using a live, active, personal device (example: corruption of the device). If using a personal device, consider using an old, outdated phone, if available.

 You will review various forensics tools used with your selected system. Select a tool and use that tool to gather forensics data for analysis. You are simulating the process of gathering this data, so you do not need to investigate a compromised device or system. The project deliverables are as follows:

Week 3 – Prepare a two-page paper (double-spaced) that describes the device or system you will investigate and the intended tool you plan to use to conduct your forensics investigation. The interim paper should be in the form of an Executive Summary. Be sure to provide references in APA format.

Data science and Big data discussion 13

This week we explored the concept of Tokenization.  Three important protocols discussed were Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC), Policy-Backed Token (PBT) and Open Asset Protocol (OAP).  Compare and contrast these three protocols and explain which industries can benefit the most from each of these protocols.

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Wk 4 – Intrusion Detection



  1. After reviewing your latest submission, the CIO has found some areas of concern and would like you to provide a little clarity on one subject. He is meeting with upper management to persuade them to purchase a new suite of intrusion detection software for the network. Currently, the organization has antivirus software and uses firewalls. Provide justification for adding intrusion detection software (IDS), as well.  

    Research various IDS that would benefit the company.

    Create a 2-page table for the CIO to share with upper management. Include the following:

    • Reasons why IDS would benefit the company and the larger cyber domain
    • Descriptions of the categories and models of intrusion detection and prevention systems
    • A description of the function of antivirus software, firewalls, and IDS
    • Examples of commercial software that could provide the solution
    • Include citations as necessary in APA format.

Crypto Discussion

Write 500 words that respond to the following questions:  

  • Explain you vision of using the Diffie-Hellman key exchange as a simple public-key algorithm in securing online communication in real live.
  • How can we make the Diffie-Hellman algorithm effective with respect to the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms?

  • Be in APA format including your references.
  • Be 500 words long (not including title and references).
  • Do not re-state the questions.
  • Include two sources (i.e. two references).