Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks.

Write a brief description of more than one method.

Use your own words and supply references.

200-300 words

Enterprise Risk Management


After reading the attached article, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post: – atleast 250-300 words

  • Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?
  • Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

Guidelines for Evaluating Research Articles

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the components of a research article and help you identify guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works.  The knowledge gained should be applied when completing your research assignments.  As you complete assignments it is a good idea to proof read your work or use the University writing center to help with APA formatting.  Both are great avenues for assistance in minimizing grammatical errors and conducting research.

Please use the attached “Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article” to answer the below questions.  Write a 5 – 7 page paper on:

  • What is an Information Technology Project?  
  • Identify & explain the major parts of a research paper.
  • Explain the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
  • Why use Peer Reviewed journals?
  • Why are keywords used during the Literature Review process?
  • Why are project deliverables, limitations & deadlines an important aspect of project development?
  • Why use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in YOUR writing assignments/research?
  • Why is Academic Integrity important (see syllabus)?
  • Explain the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism? 


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Use at least five – ten (5 – 10) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.  nclude a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward the page count.

Fractional ownership


Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.    

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Stand-alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Computer Science Business Data and Communication Presentation

Explain and provide example when it is possible that will cover chapter 6 subjects:

•Network architecture components

•Traditional network design

•Building-block network design

–Needs analysis

–Technology design

–Cost assessment

Pick Two of Network Simulation Tools from the following, and Discuss, Present them on the class:

•[WANsim] WAN simulators and emulators

•[OPNET] OPNET Modeler,

•[NS2] NS2 official website,

•[NS2-wiki] NS2 resource webpage,

•[NS3] NS3 official website,

•[OMNeT] OMNeT++ official website,

•[REAL] REAL 5.0 simulator overview,

•[SSFNet] Scalable Simulation Framework (SSF), SSFNet homepage,

•[J-Sim] J-Sim homepage

•[QualNet] QualNet official site,•[YANS], Yet Another Network Simulator

•[GTNetS] The Ge orgia Tech Network Simulator (GTNetS)


Design a web page describing bootstrap with three web pages home.html ,about.html ,bibliography.html. Should include my photo and describe about me in about.html web page. photo and matter about me will be provided by myself. 


You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a very brief computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

Computer and email acceptable use policy

Internet acceptable use policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select. 

At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.


 Assignment 1

In Chapter 2, the author talks about four key stages with regards to data visualization workflow. Select one key stage and expand on the author’s comments about the stage.

Textbook is attached, “Andy Kirk – Data Visualisation_ A Handbook For Data Driven Design-Sage Publications (2019)”.


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references does not count.

· Add reference separately for each assignment question.

· Strictly follow APA style. 

· Include at least two citations (APA) from academic resources

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $5 max. Please bid if you agree.

Assignment 2

A human resources manager stores a spreadsheet with sensitive personal information on her local workstation. The spreadsheet is the only file with sensitive data, and the name of the spreadsheet does not change.

As a security specialist, you must choose the best form of encryption to protect the spreadsheet. Your choices are:

· BitLocker

· BitLocker To Go

· File encryption via Encrypting File System (EFS)

· Folder encryption via EFS

Answer the following question(s):

Ø Which form of encryption would ensure the spreadsheet is always stored on the disk in encrypted format? More than one form may be correct.


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references do not count.

· Add reference separately for each assignment question.

· Strictly follow APA style. Length – 2 to 3 paragraphs. 

· Sources: 2 References to Support your answer

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $5 max. Please bid if you agree.

Assignment 3

Project Part 2.

Refer to the “Project Part 2-Access Controls Procedure Guide” word document for tasks and instructions. 


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 3 pages. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references do not count.

· Strictly follow APA style.

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $10 max. Please bid if you agree.