practical report


(CWK2) – Practical Report: It contains 2 tasks: 1) Implementation (coding), 2) Presentation/demo

Module Learning Outcomes are assessed in in the research report, practical report and demo: 





Critically analyse   architectural styles of software systems and evaluate the role of software   architecture in the design and evolution of software.

Submission of research report.   To include in-depth background analysis.


Apply the   principles of software architecture construction particularly using component   and service oriented programming.

Submission of research report.   To include detailed analysis of component oriented architecture against other   architectural styles.


Evaluate the   benefits of software architectures and their corresponding programming   paradigms in terms of software quality factors such reusability, maintenance,   extendibility. 

Submission of the research   report. To cover the benefits of component software architectures in term of   software quality factors.


Critically discuss legal, social and   ethical issues associated with software construction.

Submission of the research   report. To cover the ethical, social and professional issues.


Apply technical proficiency in component   and service oriented analysis and design

The analysis and design part of   the practical report.


Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of   service oriented and component technologies. 

Service and component   technologies evaluation part of the practical report.


Build a complex business application that   satisfies an architectural design using a service oriented component   technology.

The implementation part of the   practical report and the demonstration/presentation (practical exam).

CWK2: One zipped file named surnames_CWK2_Practical_Report which contains the code, presentation/demo, associated with CWK2, and README file containing the name of the student and their specific contributions, and any specific instructions for installation/configuration/ that might be needed.

Submission details: The second part of the coursework should be submitted as a single zipped file to canvas, and it should contain the code and the presentation.

Module Learning Outcomes assessed in this piece of coursework

· Build a complex business application that satisfies an architectural design using a service oriented component technology.

· Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of service oriented and component technologies. 

1. Assignment Brief: Analysing and Building a Banking System Software Using Component and Service Oriented Cloud Architecture (Part 2).


The aim of the second part of the coursework is to demonstrate the knowledge and awareness of service oriented and other latest software development technologies in a given scenario. This should involve the following:

1. Apply technical proficiency in component, service and modular programming.

2. Implementation the demo system using a service oriented architecture and frameworks of your choice.

3. Produce a presentation/demonstration to discuss the used technologies and show a working prototype.

The Problem

In order to remain competitive and be able to expand its business ABC Banking Group must update its services to reflect the recent advances in information and communication technology. This will require the design and implementation of an adaptable technology migration strategy. Currently, ABC Banking Group system is a LAN based, able to be reached over the web using legacy software. Thus, the Group needs a migration strategy from a LAN based system to Cloud based system, however such a migration requires the consideration not only of the underlying Cloud service oriented architecture, and its benefits, but also should reflect the main business activities of the Group. 

At the core of the Group’s business activities is its transaction processing system. The system is used to define accounts and transactions. Accounts refer to things like customers’ bank accounts, while transactions are things like deposits and withdrawals which are essentially time-stamped records. Each account keeps track of the transactions that affect it. It also has a set of attributes such as customer’s name, address, balance, overdraft, running totals (of deposits and withdrawals) computed from the transactions etc.

Once an account is set up, it is used by creating transactions and by querying the attributes of the account. Transactions can come from other systems, like direct debits, or from different branches and they can be created by program control or can be created by a user filling out an input screen. Customers can access their account and conduct transactions using their desktops, mobile phones etc.

Your task is to design new service based architecture of the system. It is up to you how to go along the task. However, you have to take into account the distributed nature of the problem and the possibility of accessing account details, on the server, using different clients and different graphical user interfaces. These interfaces are programmed so that they communicate with the server. 

You define how an account handles transactions that are posted to it, one way of handling transactions, is by putting them in a list in order of their date. Queries can be from a simple interface, from reports such as bank statements or from programs that are creating transactions. All interactions with the system are achieved by creating transactions and querying attributes.

The system should be able to perform a number of operations including creating account for every customer, holding the customer’s name and address, allocating a numeric code (account number) for every customer, balance, cost for overdrafts, returning the statements etc. The system also should be able to add, delete customers and work out the total number of customers. 

Coursework Documentation/Report

You are asked to address the aims and business requirements by producing a practical report which covers:

Implementation (80%)

You are asked to implement and construct your application using a programming language and programming environment that supports component/service oriented paradigm.

Presentation/demo (20%)

This should include a brief discussion of of the deployed technologies  and a working prototype of your program which should demonstrate good knowledge of fundamental service/component oriented and modular concepts.

2. Feedback (including details of how and where feedback will be provided)

You will receive the feedback electronically using the feedback form (check the summary table for deadlines)

Marking scheme

Implementation: Coding Fundamentals ( /30)









Use of   OO Concepts


Use of   classes


Use of   method invocation


Use of   storage


Use of   interaction and selection


Variables/Header   box/Comments/

Implementation: Services/Components Integration ( /50)













Use of service orientation


Use of Components


Use of   Interfaces

Presentation/demo ( /20)















Traceability:   from design to code


Overall mark  ( /100)

** VG: Very Good, G: Good, F: Fair, P: Poor, VP: Very Poor

Case Scenario

An HU Investment Firm employee who had signed a non-disclosure agreement at the time of hire was identified as posting corporate protected information on the internet which has led to a loss of corporate income and trust of the companies that the corporation represents and does business with. The corporation has taken the incident to a Law firm in an attempt to lead to prosecution against the employee who has since been fired.

Write a Summary Report to the Prosecutor based on the case scenario and your work in previous units.

1. Applicable laws and policies that relate to cyber defense

2. Describe the major components of each pertaining to the storage and transmission of data.

3. Describe the responsibilities related to the handling of data as it pertains to legal, ethical and/or agency auditing issues.

4. Describe how the type of legal dispute (civil, criminal, private) affects the evidence used to resolve it.

5. Support your report with documents that you have created previously, such as the Risk Assessment Report and the Mitigation Plan. (Attached) 

Remember to use a professional writing style and support your statements with logical evidence. 

Include APA citations within your paper as well as an APA formatted references list.

Week 3 Discussion


  1. Identify your field of study (Psychology), the career you chose, and explain why you chose it ( To work with children in my local school system of Fayette County, GA).
  2. Find two sources from the web and two sources from the South  University Online library about your field. List your four sources in  APA format at the bottom of your post.
  3. Share examples of APA in-text citations which will go in the body of your post for two of your references.

When responding to others, comment on search tips that worked for  you, or on why you think academic and professional writing requires such  rigorous documentation in the form of references and in-text citations.

Note that from this week on throughout your college career, the  grading criterion that mentions information literacy includes the  requirement of providing references in APA format to support your ideas.

Case study


Although it is important to protect all servers, some servers are more important than others. 

  • What server(s) are the most important to protect and why?

SA – Governance

The week’s reading mentioned the term “Governance”. In your own words briefly state (a) what  governance is from a security perspective, (b) it’s main objective, and (c) how should it be integrated into an organization. 

500 words in APA format with References.



Two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.



This exercise involves you using imagination and logical reasoning to occupy the mindset of a visualiser facing the task of formulating a brief for different scenarios. Imagine you are given the challenge of creating a visualisation/infographic in each of the following made-up scenarios:

THE SUBJECT: Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Scenario A: A pro-capital punishment (local/national) newspaper reporting on the milestone of the 500th execution (pretend it is 2013, there have now been more than 500)

Scenario B: Analyst staff at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice reporting to senior management about aspects of their operations

Scenario C: A campaign group looking to influence the debate about the ending of capital punishment

Website reference: Executed Offenders dataset

Assignment Link:

Assignment Length (word count): At least 500 words (not including direct quotes).

References: At least three peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.



Write a paper discussing the obstacles, difficulties, and other criteria that should be considered when migrating infrastructure and data from a private data center to a public cloud provider.  

 Use at least three properly documented references (do NOT use wikis).

Correctly cite your references using APA Edition 6 formatting.

Your paper should be at least 500 words in length using good grammar.


Use complete sentences and paragraphs. Do not use bullets.


Your paper will be checked by SafeAssign for originality. With the exception of quoted material, all writing should be your own.

online voting system along with biometrics

Requirements :

  • Title of the project (with the list of project team members);
  • Executive Summary;
  • Table of Contents;
  • Introduction;
  • Project Plan;
  • Functional Specifications (including descriptions of Actors/Roles; Business Rules; Use-Case
    Diagrams with Use-Case descriptions; Examples of Class Diagrams (related to particular Use Cases); Examples of Object Diagrams [related to the selected Class Diagrams]; Examples of Sequence Diagrams; Examples of Collaboration or Communication Diagrams; Examples of State- Chart Diagrams);
  • Functional Tests Plan;
  • System Design Specifications (including System Architectural [Layered, “Physical”] Design
    Scheme selected; Package Diagram [populated with interrelated classes]; Database Tables; Entity- Relational diagrams; Window Navigation Diagrams; Drafts of User Interfaces; and Examples of System-Response Report Forms);
  • Integration Tests Plan;
  • Issues to Future Studies;
  • Conclusion;
  • References;
  • Appendices (if any).