information technology

This presentation should summarize what you learned by completing your CRP (Career Research Project). You need to plan your presentation. Include before, during and after assignment thoughts. If you use outside resources, cite your sources with the presentation. While completing this presentation you should use several of the PowerPoint features you learned while completing the PowerPoint Tutorials assignment including: themes, transitions, lists, pictures, animation and audio. This Student Presentation assignment is worth 25 points.

You are required to follow Guy Kawasaki’s 10 20 30 rule. This rule is you should have no more than 10 slides, you should not talk for more than 20 minutes and you should not use a font size that is less than 30 points. Look Guy up and see what his background is. Check out his web page. He explains the rule nicely in this short video:

If you did not submit Phase 5 of the CRP, you are to create a presentation selling this course to another student. You must follow all of the requirements listed above. 

ig 2.2

Q2: In policy development, program Controls, Monitoring, Auditing, and Enforcement, we must gather metrics to determine the level of employee compliance, its impact on key operational areas, and progress made toward established business objectives. What are those types of metrics you will need to gather and how will you measure them? Please provide 2-3 page APA standard answer.

network security plan

 i think you have this on your site already but no way to search. 

Case Study:

You are a consultant working with a dental office that has just merged with another dental practice. The original office housed three dentists, two dental assistants, and one receptionist in one location. With the merger, there are now five offices in different parts of the city, 15 dentists, 12 dental assistants, and five receptionists. Four of the dentists work in the offices but also are mobile in that they provide dental checkups to elderly patients in their homes or at the senior citizen centers, and to school children in the three inner-city elementary schools. The mobile dentists need to be able to send and receive patient records while they are out of the office. All the dentists and dental assistants must have real-time access to all patient records and daily schedules. The lead dentist has reminded you that they are required to meet HIPAA requirements for protecting patient information. You, as a telecommunications specialist, have been asked to design the telecommunications network to support this new multi-location practice. Others on the team will develop the applications and databases. 

Create a network security plan that includes the following information:

  1. About the Company
  2. Objectives of the Plan
  3. Physical Assets
  4. Risks (Internal and External)
  5. Action Items (purchasing, installing, configuring, etc.)
  6. Policy Changes
  7. User Education
  8. Response Planning
  9. Ongoing Maintenance and Compliance

Define the requirements and then design an appropriate network that would support this dental practice. Your answer should:

  1. Explain the benefits of the proposed network solution.
  2. Identify the risks and risk mitigation strategies associated with the proposed network solution.

Your paper is to be prepared using APA format and include at least three academically credible references plus the class textbook for a total of four minimum cited references. Information from your research should be appropriately incorporated into your written work in your own words and properly cited. Extensive use of direct quotes is not permitted. Use the Grading Rubric below to ensure all aspects of the assignment have been adequately covered.

Preview the document

Unit 5 Graded Exercise: Review



Unit 5 Graded Exercise 1 Downloadable InstructionsPreview the document

In this lab you will be creating a network using three routers, three  switches, one server and three PCs.  You will configure routing using  the RIP protocol.  You will set up DHCP on your server to allow the PCs  to pull dynamic addresses through the network.  Finally, you will  connect to a corporate server through the multiuser link.

Download the graded exercise instructions. Type your class number:  10.___.0.0/16 in all of the underline ___ indicators, answer the  questions as you go through the steps and add the screenshots where  indicated in the instructions document.

Methodology used on topic

   Try to find a quantitative, a qualitative and a  mixed-method dissertation that may be closely related to   Cloud migration and data security as key indicator in e-commerce and business success topic. Describe the method used, the sample, the population chosen, was there a survey involved, or a set of questions asked as in a qualitative study. Finally, can you identify the problem the dissertation tried to examine.   


Please go through the attachment for assignment details.


 Do a bit of research on the hearsay rule in legal proceedings. In your own words, explain the hearsay rule and describe how it relates to the concept of an expert witness. 

Research paper-ITEG


This week, you have read about entrepreneurship in a global economy. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

 • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness to go global, if not already, and it’s strategy for staying global if it is.

• Research other company’s strategy for going global and explain if this will or will not work for your company. 

Make a recommendation for a global strategy in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your midterm research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length (1200-1800 words), not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

CC W 6 D

 This is a required assignment worth 15 points (15-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.  The discussion questions this week are from Chapter 7  (Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 7 topics:

  • Define collaboration.
  • Define and describe cloud-based collaboration.
  • The CIO of Ace Accounting Services suggests that the company can save considerable money using VoIP for phone calls. Define and describe VoIP. Then present three companies that provide VoIP offerings. Compare and contrast each company’s offering. Also, discuss whether or not you agree with the CIO and justify why.
  • List the questions one should consider when evaluating a cloud-based collaborative solution.