
Extending a Bag 

In the linked-list based bag implementation, we demonstrated the functionalities, such as, add, remove, and list. This assignment is to extend the functionalities of the bag with other operations average, min, and max, You need to extend the Bag class (under Wk 2, BagLinked_List.cpp) with the following methods:

-int Bag::min( ), is to find minimum of items of the bag.

-int Bag::max( ), is to find maximum of items of the bag

-float Bag::ave( ), is to find average of the items of the bag.

After expanding the Bag class with these functions, demonstrate their functionalities with a similar to:

Create a bag A with the items 8, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3; and create another bag, B, with the items 4, 6, 9,  2.

Then show that

cout << A.min() << “, ” << A.max() << “, ” << A.ave () ;

cout << B.min() << “, ” << B.max() << “, ” << B.ave () ;

Note that the code shared on D2L is using a struct to keep string variable. You need to change it to keep int variables instead.



· What are some of the initial lessons you are learning from developing the final project?

· What issues have you or are you having in setting up the tool?

Should be 300 words without References.

APA Format Required

Cyber Security planning & management


Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum). 

These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.

It is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).


information technology


  • ItemPhase 5 Format Final Paper
    After you make any necessary changes based on the originality report from Phase and your evaluation matrix from Phase 3, format your paper according to APA formatting style (see example paper in Blackboard for illustration of this format). It should include:

    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Body of paper with sources credited parenthetically
    • The evaluation matrix and chart pasted into the body of the paper at an appropriate place
    • References page
    • Submit this final draft document (one Word file) and the evaluation matrix (one Excel file) into the Blackboard assignment for this phase.
  • ItemExample APA FormatAttached Files:
  • Web LinkModel Sample Paper in APA Format
    Click on the link above to access. This paper, from a different subject area, serves as a general guideline to formatting a research paper in APA style. You do not need to do any further research about APA format, because you will find slight differences. Also, be aware that you are to use Word to manage your sources (you will learn how to do this). Therefore, you will be able to generate your references page automatically in proper format. So you don’t need to worry about formatting there.
    Another resource you may find useful about APA format is at:
    Again, please use MS Word reference feature to manage your sources and citations and specify APA format so you don’t have to be concerned about all

Teloxy Engineering

Case study: Teloxy Engineering (A)

1) Using expected value, is it economically better to make or buy the component?

2) Strategically thinking why might management opt for other than the most economical choice?

Two pages .

Cyber Law – Discussion 3

 A. Explain why there are two types of legal systems in the United States: State and Federal systems. How are they similar and how are they different?

Post should be 500 words and add references in APA format.

CSCI 457 Assignment 2 – Hexadecimal Calculator

Implement a hexadecimal calculator for iOS.

  • The calculator should support 4 basic arithmetic
    operations: + – * and /
  • The calculator will operate on hexadecimal numbers, not
        decimal numbers 
  • The calculator only needs to operate on unsigned integers
    (i.e. UInt). You do not need to consider negative numbers
    or fractions.
  • The calculator should support the 16-digit hexadecimal
    numbers (i.e. The range of the numbers is from 0 to FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF). Prevent the user from entering a number that is greater than FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF.
  • The calculator should handle overflow and underflow gracefully. The app must not crash.
  • The calculator should handle division-by-zero error gracefully. The app must not crash.
  • The calculator should be able to support most of the devices and orientations. If it does not support the old devices earlier than iPhone 6, it is okay.
  • To convert a string to a hex number, use “radix: 16” as an
    argument. For example:
    var s:String?
    s = “1A”
    var intHex:UInt = 0
    intHex = UInt(s!, radix: 16)! print(intHex) // shows 26
    intHex = 90
    s = String(intHex, radix: 16).uppercased() print(s!) // shows 5A
  • It is recommended that you use a UI label instead of a text field, so that the user will not type directly by using a keyboard. You will need to provide a button for each digit.
  • Strings may be concatenated by using + operator. E.g. var s1 = “1234”

var s2 = “5”
print(s1 + s2) // shows 12345
You may want to do string concatenation in the action of each digit button.

  • To prevent the user from entering a number exceeding the size of 16 digits, you may verify the length of the string associated with the UI label.
  • To handle overflow and underflow, use &+, &-, and &* instead of +, -, and *.
  • To support different devices and orientations, use stack view, scroll view, or both.
  • Design your algorithm first! Think about the status of the calculator: when to take the first operand, when to take the second operand, when to append digits to the current number, and when to refresh the current number, etc.
    The functionality of your hex calculator worth 60% of the credit, while the appearance of the user interface worth 40%.
    When you submit the assignment, please compress the entire project folder into a single zip file, and upload it to D2L. In addition, please provide 4 to 5 screenshots of your app in different devices and orientations. If your app doesn’t work on every device/orientation, please specify why.
    The screenshots of a sample program are shown below. Your UI does not have to be the same as the sample program. As long as it has a pleasing looking, it should be fine.



Conduct independent research to find a targeted recruiting strategy. Then answer the following:

  • Describe the strategy.
  • Who does it target?
  • Does it work?

Also share other recruiting strategies you personally think are worth using.

  • Please describe them
  • Share why you think they work

Cite sources.