General essay

The Year Up Washington DC site offers four career tracks: 1. Sales/Customer Service 2. IT/Helpdesk 3. Business/Project Management 4. Software Development Please answer the following questions for your essay: 1) What is your first choice for your specialty track? Why? What previous experience (if any) do you have that would make you successful in this track? Discuss any previous school or work experience, certifications you have, or self-learning you’ve done. (Write 1-2 paragraphs) 2) What positions are you interested in within this field? Why? 3) What research have you done on your own to learn more about this career field? 4.) If you don’t get your first choice for your specialty track, how would your second choice fit into your career goals. Essay must be no more than 2 pages, double spaced.

My first choice will be IT/Helpdesk, second choice is software Development.  I am currently 19 years of age I have always enjoyed the IT field because technology is intriguing.


An important skill is the ability to critically evaluate information. As our world is increasingly filled with data, more and more the information from that data is conveyed through visualizations. Visualization is useful for both discovery of connections and trends and also communication.

Why make visualizations?

List a few advantages and disadvantages (at least 2 for each) of using visualizations to communicate data.

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words (not including direct quotes).

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

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1.[13]  The oral arguments before the Supreme Court concerning the Communications Decency Act (CDA) focused extensively on determining the most appropriate analogy for cyberspace.  Arguments were presented that compared the Internet to a library, to television, and to a public place such as a street corner or park.

(a)   Why are these comparisons important?  Briefly explain the differences between libraries, television, and public places with respect to First Amendment protection.

 (b)   For each of these three analogies (library, television, and public place), describe one significant way in which the Internet is similar and one significant way in which it is different.  Explain the relevance of each of these similarities and differences to the issue of regulation of the Internet.

2.[12]   Veterinarians implant computer chips into pets and farm animals to identify them if they get lost. Some people suggest doing so for children. Discuss the privacy implications of this proposal and answer the following questions:

a. What are the risks?

b. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? If yes, in what way? If not, why not?

c. Do parents have the right to have the chips implanted in their young children?  Why or why not?

                d. If there was a bill in Congress to require ID chips in children under the age of 5, would you support it? Why or why not?

3. [10] a. Two approaches to the problem of protecting personal information are (a) the free market view and (b) the consumer protection view.  How do these points of view differ on the issue of a company disclosing personal information about its customers?  How do they differ on the issue of errors in the data about an individual that is distributed by a credit bureau?

        b. Briefly describe what an “opt-in” policy is and an “opt-out” policy is. Let’s say you were filling out a survey for an online magazine.  Give an example of what you’d see that would distinguish an opt-in from an opt-out policy.

4. [15]  a. Briefly describe the difference between negative and positive rights (liberties and claim rights). Give an example of a negative right and a positive right.

     b. Explain the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). What are its two main provisions? 

c. How are the Napster and Grokster copyright cases similar, and how are they different?

d. Explain the difference between deontological theories of ethics and utilitarian theories of ethics

Notes :   

Answer all questions in detail (At least 15 lines AND no more than 50 lines for each answer – including sub sections). Provide your justification based on earlier cases or other supporting material.  Structure and presentation of your answers will affect the points. (Cite your references in the body of the answers if needed)

IT 345 Assignment 1

 Required Assignment 1: Submit one to two-page summary of a journal article on a relevant topic of your choice. You are required to use IGU’s learning resources such as university’s digital library and online resources and confirm your use of these resources with your instructor. See “LRS” section above.

Assignment Week 4
1. Use Library Database in Syllabus to find an article related to Organizational Behavior:
2. Capture five major points of from the article and use APA to acknowledge this is captured or copied by (authors last name, date)
3. Write a short paragraph explaining why you think this article interest you as Introduction
4. Summary: Write your conclusion of what you have learned from the article
5. List the title and author of the article
6. Reference put the article reference in APA format 

Impact of Big Data on Simulation Modelling in the Era of Informatics

Write a 7-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic “Impact of Big Data on Simulation Modelling in the Era of Informatics.”

Research Paper Requirements:

1. Seven pages long. The cover page and reference page included.

2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.

3. Include a cover page and a reference page.

4. Use section headers for good readership.

5. Use figures and tables if needed (not mandatory)

6. Use  APA 6th edition format



For this assessment review the case study from Chapter 15 of your textbook starting on p. 281.

Answer the 5 questions related to the case study on p. 303. Construct a Risk matrix for the City of Edmonton .  This matrix is your assessment of their risks and must include at least 5 strategic risks. For each risk, explain your rational for its placement on the risk matrix.  Application of research to support your explanation should be provided as needed.  Due: August 19.  Only 1 Submission is allowed.

Assignment must be submitted in a Word doc

Crypto Security Architecture Exercise


Please make sure you follow APA, proper format and the 80/20 rule as noted at the beginning of the course. Please note that this is a 4-pages double spaced (title and reference pages required but are not part of the count). The title and reference page is not apart the page count. There are 6 questions. Each answer should be listed below the question. For example:

  1. Describe in detail what new cryptographic systems you are going to propose, how they work, and how they will enhance security.  Be specific about these systems weaknesses and how you plan to compensate for the weaknesses.


assignment 3


Week 6 Assignment 3 – Submit Here 

Students, please view the ‘Submit a Clickab:e Rubric Assignment’ in the Student Center. Instructors. training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 3: Evaluating Access Control Methods Due Week 6 and worth 50 points 

Imagine that you are the Information Systems Security Specialist for a medium-sized federal government contractor. The Chief Security Officer (CSO) is worried that the organization’s current methods of access control are no longer sufficient. In order to evaluate the different methods of access control, the CSO requested that you research: mandatory access control (MAC), discretionary access control (DAC). and role-based access control (RBAC). Then, prepare a report addressing positive and negative aspects of each access control method. This information will be presented to the Board of Directors at their next meeting. Further, the CSO would like your help in determining the best access control method for the organization. 

Write a three to five page paper in which you: 

1. Explain in your own words the elements of the following methods of access control: a. Mandatory access control (MAC) b. Discretionary access control (DAC) c. Role-based access control (RBAC) 2. Compare and contrast the positive and negative aspects of employing a MAC. DAC. and RBA, 3. Suggest methods to mitigate the negative aspects for MAC, DAC. and RBAC. 4. Evaluate the use of MAC, DAC, and RBAC methods in the organization and recommend the best method for the organization. Provide a rationale for your response. 5. Speculate on the foreseen challenge(s) when the organization applies the method you chose. Suggest a strategy to address such challenge(s). 6. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

• This course requires use of Strayer Web, Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name. the professor’s name, the course title. and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: 

• Analyze information security systems compliance requirements within the User Domain. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in security strategy and policy formation. • Write clear, and concise, about topics related to information technology audit and control using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. 

Click here to view the grading rubric.