Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning – Chapter 8

Review the Siemens AG case study.  Note the importance of understanding the interrelationships amongst all the senior leaders at every location.  Pay special attention to Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Note how the corporate CIO should engage with each of the regional leaders.  Why is this important? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

· This submission should be 200-250 word count (The word count does not include the title and reference page). Deductions will apply if the word count is not observed.

· A minimum of one reference is required using APA 7th edition formatting. Reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text.

· APA requirements include, but not limited to:

· A title page and reference page (See example)

· 12-point Time New Roman font

· The paper should be typed, aligned to the left, and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides

· The first sentence of each paragraph should be indented one tab space

· All papers should contain a page number, flush right, in the header of every page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner; do not type page numbers manually. 


 Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization. 

Provide extensive additional information on the topi

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail 

Share an applicable personal experience

 At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings. Use proper citations and references in your post. 

Need plagarism report. In 500 words

Research Paper: DR Plan for an Organization

Research Project

Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762): 

  1. Important: This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.
  2. Introduction
  3. Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Incident Response
  5. Plan Activation
  6. Document History
  7. Procedures

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from at least four scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

FN week 6

Prepare a 4 page paper on cryptocurrencies and security and dispute resolution and support your findings with research. How have cryptocurrencies taken a dominant role in this area? Explain.

Your paper should be 4 pages long (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA.

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 4 page essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page.


In this assignment, you will explore current opportunities for entry-level, non-coding jobs within the revenue cycle.

  1. Use at least two (2) different, credible online sources to find entry-level, non-coding job openings in the revenue cycle.
  2. Locate at least two (2) current openings for an entry-level, non-coding job in the revenue cycle.
  3. In a Microsoft Word document, create an organized list that clearly communicates the following details for each of the job openings:
    1. Job Title and Description
    2. Link to Job Posting
    3. Requirements/Preferences for Job Candidate’s: 
      1. Training
      2. Education
      3. Work Experience
      4. Credentials/Certifications
    4. Salary Information (if listed, otherwise state “Not Provided”)
    5. Explain why you find the job interesting

Measuring Progress and Requirements


Measuring progress and requirements in a project can be completed through performance testing. As you review the results, it leads to ways to maintain the project progress. In this week’s assignment you will develop requirements that need measurable results through performance testing. Review the scenario and complete the activity below.

The Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project team is working hard to ensure that the new system they develop meets expectations. The team has a detailed scope statement, but the project manager, Tony Prince, wants to make sure they’re not forgetting requirements that might affect how people view the quality of the project. He knows that the project’s sponsor and other senior managers are most concerned with getting people to use the system, improve their health, and reduce healthcare costs. Users want the system to be user-friendly, informative, fun to use, and fast.

Complete the following in a Microsoft Word document.

Develop a list of 6 quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder expectations described in the Running Case.

Write a 45- to 90-word brief description of each requirement. For example, a requirement might be that 90 percent of employees have logged into the system within 2 weeks after the system rolls out.

Write a 175-word explanation based on the list of standards and requirements on how you will measure progress on meeting the requirements. For example, you might have employees log into the system as part of the training program and track who attends the training. You could also build a feature into the system to track usage by username, department, and other criteria. Support your answer with 1 credible source outside of the course materials.

Submit your assignment.