Cryptography Discussion

Write 600 words that respond to the following questions:  

  • Explain with example the practical cryptanalytic attacks on 3DES.
  • Is it possible to convert a block cipher into a stream cipher using cipher feedback, output feedback and counter modes? If yes, how. If not, why not?

  • Be in APA format including your references.
  • Be 600 words long (not including title and references).
  • Do not re-state the questions.
  • Include two sources (i.e. two references).
  • Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.
  • Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates.

Streaming Analysis : Podcast

efore we start to work on video content, we’re going to look at, and create audio content. Your first analysis will be to listen to a popular podcast and write up an analysis that answers the following 5 questions:

  1. What’s the audience and how does the caster appeal to/create for that audience? 
  2. From listening to one or two episodes of the podcast, what are the tropes and trends you notice? In other words, how is this podcast structured? 
  3. Think about the production value and the use of sound. What does the podcast do to be not just listenable but entertaining?
  4. How does the podcast use time? This relates in ways to 2 and 3 above, but it’s important to think about any places where the cast either drags or moves too quickly (and, relatedly, how the hosts/creators fix that so that it doesn’t continue)
  5. Every podcast with an audience is doing something special. So what is the podcast you’re analyzing doing that makes it unique, elite, popular or otherwise engaging? What’s the secret to success? 

Each criterion will be worth 2 points of your final total for the assignment.

You can select any podcast that you like as long as it conforms to the following two criteria:

  • It has to have at least 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher
  • Episodes have to be at least 30 minutes long

2 full pages long 

Public Key Infrastructure

Answer the question, posting your initial response, minimum 250 Words. APA format and references. 100% original work, no plagiarism.

Which one of the following statements is most correct about data encryption as a method of protecting data?

It should sometimes be used for password files

It is usually easily administered

It makes few demands on system resources

It requires careful key Management

Discussion question, 350 words and 2 references.

A.     Consider the different teams presented in your reading assignment. How do the teams manage their team boundaries? What are the trade-offs between internal cohesion and external ties within each type of team? Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.

B.     Consider the list of common roles for team members which of these roles do you think you play in your own team or group? Why?

computer science

Below is the list of items to include in Phase 3 of your project:

  • Provide information included in Phases 1 and 2 that reflect any revisions I may have noted. 
  • Include memory requirements. Be sure to recommend system memory (RAM), hard disk storage, and core processor for optimum performance.
  • Select the right server for the organization.  Make a recommendation on the type of server you have selected to host the operating system.
  • Include a cost schedule for all of the hardware and software items selected for the project. 
  • Include justification about why the above selections will be the best choices for your selected organization.

writing assignment



For a simple decision it is either a question of taking one path or another path. With multifaceted decisions it can be a more complicated process because, one decision may affect the outcome of another decision and/or vice versa. In making decisions there also could be uncertainty and the degree of an uncertainty could affect the decisions.

Activity Instructions

To learn about decision trees in business conduct research within the TU library databases and credible Internet resources to explain the following:

  1. Discuss the concept of a decision tree.
  2. Outline its purpose in business.
  3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages over other decision techniques
  4. Describe how uncertainty is depicted within the tree and how it is considered within the tree to make decisions.
  5. Draw a decision tree making at least a 3-level decision:
    • Explain the decision the tree is depicting, and how the tree can be utilized to make the decision
    • When drawing the decision tree, you can use the features in Microsoft Word within your paper or draw the tree on paper, take a picture of the tree, and insert the picture into the word document. If you are not familiar with the tools in Microsoft Word, it may be simpler to draw the decision tree. If you draw the tree and take a picture, make sure you make the drawing large enough, the drawing is legible and the picture you take is clear and focused.

Writing and Submission Requirements

  • 2-3 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
  • Minimum of 2 references


 Their is little doubt we are living at a time when technology is advancing at a pace that some believe is too fast for humans to trucly understand the implications these advances may have.  Search the peer-reviewed literature for examples of this. You may select any topic relating to technology that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. 

Prof writing & proposal Devel(DSRT) new question


Do a little bit of research on grant writing versus academic (scholarly) writing. 


1) Write a one sentence statement that describes the difference in grant writing vs. scholarly writing.

2)  Copy and paste this link in your browser and read about local community grants from Wal-Mart. Type up your grant application using the link, copy  the online application and paste it in the discussion forum (screenshots are okay). The amount of the award ranges from $250 – $5,000 and the application is very short.  Please apply for this grant for your school or organization if you can. 

3) Research a need in your community and write a 300 word needs section in an academic writing style, citing your references in APA format. Copy and paste into the discussion forum. 

4) Write One paragraph describing the mock dissertation topic (see list of topics below) that you will write about in this class and include your research question. Use academic writing style and standard. There is no word limit. 

  • Note: Topics chosen in this course cannot be used in your actual dissertation that you will complete in the future.
  • Students must choose from the listed topics of their school/program:
    • Business Students:
      • How Corporate Policies And Practices Enhance Company Competitiveness
      • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how it Affects Customer Loyalty
    • IT Students:
      • Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning
      • Using Data Science Techniques To Enhance Data Security
    • Leadership / Educational Leadership Students:
      • Leadership Impact on Organizational Performance
      • The Influence of Visionary Leadership on Change Management and Implementation

5)  Reply to two other student’s posts. 

Project #4 CRC cards and Class diagram

Project #4 CRC cards and Class diagram


The following activity diagram depicts the process of buying eye glasses from the viewpoint of the patient. The first step is to see an eye doctor who determines if the patient needs glasses then gives the patient a prescription. The patient goes to a glasses store, where he selects the frame and places the order for the glasses. Once the glasses have been made, the patient returns to the store for a fitting and pays for the glasses.



The following use case diagram illustrates the process of buying eye glasses.



The following concepts were identified from the Activity diagram and Use Case diagram above.

Patient Prescription Eyeglasses Frame

Lenses Order Doctor Store


The system needs to remember at minimum the following attributes and perform the following operations

System Attributes

System Behaviors

Eyeglasses getLenseID Eyeglasses getFrameID Order calculateTax
Order calculateItemCost Order calculateTotalCost Customer getContact Customer getPaymentInfo Prescription getSpecification Lens getStrength

Frame getStyle
Store getDirections Doctor getAppointment

Bill to address CC#
Email address ID

Doctor ID
Eye glasses Base cost Eyeglasses Description Eyeglasses Discount cost Eyeglasses Manufacturer Eyeglasses Model

Frame ID
Lens ID
Order Date
Order Discount price Order ID

Order Quantity
Order Retail price Prescription Date Prescription specification Product ID (eyeglasses) Ship to address

Store name Store phone Store address Store number

Phone number (home) Phone number (work)


1. Create a CRC card for each class
2. Use the classes that were outlined for you and create the CLASS diagram for the system.

  •   Determine which class each attribute belongs to.
  •   Identify and add associations to the diagram
  •   Name your associations
  •   Add attributes and behaviors to the diagram
  •   Identify and add multiplicity indicators to the diagram
    1. Upload your PDF version of the project to the assignment posting on blackboard 2. Use the cover page at the end of this handout as the first page of your assignment