Example Budget Layout

Week 4 Project


Creating a Budget

In this assignment you will create a spreadsheet and a chart to help a hypothetical couple work out their budget. You will submit a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet following the directions below to the appropriate submission folder by the due date. You will name this file W4P_LastName.xlsx.

Click on the link below, Week 4 Project Tips, for some visual aids on how to tackle this week’s project.

Week 4 Project Tips

Please Note:Information to help you with this project is available in the Week 4 online lectures, your textbook, as well as Microsoft Excel Help (F1). Your professor is also a great resource. If you work ahead, you can post questions about this assignment on the Questions for the Professor discussion board and still submit your assignment on time.


Tom and Sally were trying to get a handle on their budget. They heard that MS Excel could help them with that.  Tom is going to school and has cut back on his hours. Sally has finished her associate’s degree and is working full time. They want to look at the last three months of their income and expenses to see where they can make changes.

Part I – The Spreadsheet

First, in an Excel Spreadsheet, create a budget to show Tom and Sally’s income, expenses, and money leftover each month (Net). Create formulas in your spreadsheet for your calculations using the following data:

  • Tom brought home $1,000 a month for January, February, and March.
  • Sally brought home $1,900, $2,000, and $1,975 respectively for those three months.
  • They paid $1,000 for rent and utilities each month.
  • They paid $88 for insurance each month.
  • They paid $60 for cell phones and $60 for Internet/TV each month.
  • They spent $600, $750 (due to a big birthday bash), and $500 on food respectively.
  • Their car payment and gas came to $225, $250, and $300 respectively.
  • Entertainment and gifts were $75, $100, and $45 respectively.
  • They paid a little extra on their credit card $150, $125, and $100 respectively.
  • They allocated $200 each month for personal grooming and health care.
  • They put $100 each month into savings.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses came to $200, $100, and $400 respectively.

A sample budget layout is included below as an example of one way to lay out a budget.

Example Budget Layout

Part II – The Chart

Once you have worked out the budget spreadsheet, use the tabs at the bottom of the page to open another sheet. Here you will create a chart similar to the example below using the tools you learned about in the lectures and the textbook. On the new sheet:

  1. Create a column chart to visually represent their monthly expenses. If you have a challenge getting the chart on this sheet, research how to move your chart using your reading or Help (F1). You might also try right clicking on the chart.
  2. Add a descriptive title to the chart.

Example Line Chart

Part III – Changing Values

  1. Copy everything from Sheet 1 (the budget calculations) and paste it into a new worksheet.
  2. Change values for Sally’s March income to $200 more. Let’s say that they didn’t use as much heat in March and their utilities were $75 less (you could use a formula to figure out $75 less but you don’t have to). See how the totals change automatically if you used formulas correctly. If the values did not change, check your formulas and try them again. Seek help if you can’t figure this out.
  3. Rename each of your three spreadsheets with descriptive names.

By the due date assigned, submit this budget to the Submissions Area. In the message box, share how the process of creating this went for you, including any challenges, successes, or insights. In the Comments box, briefly share your experiences with completing this project.




You work for the Apex Trucking Company. This is a firm that moves materials for clients all over North America and Europe. The leadership of the company has no real knowledge of technology, but wants to use encryption to protect the information the company has. The information to be protected consists of future marketing plans for the company, financial data, employee records, customer records, and customer shipping date.

The company wants the capability to securely allow customers to track their orders in real time from their origin to their destination on-line over the Internet. The information that is to be supplied to customers is tracking number, location of shipment, size of shipment, value of shipment, and estimated time of arrival as well as the customer contact information for this shipment.

While this information can be made available from a central server, the marketing groups in Europe, Mexico and Canada need management access to the data to enter new shipments and change orders before they ship.

The company currently is using desktops running Windows XP and Windows based servers. There are only passwords used for security, and a firewall, but no encryption to protect the information.

The project is to provide the above capability securely using encryption, as well as providing additional security to the company via encryption. You will need to address new technology, the reasons and costs behind your choices, and what policy and legal implications there are to your encryption solution

There is at least one marketing group in Mexico, Germany, and Canada, as well as three in the US. The company is based in New York. It is important that customers can rely on the shipping data being accurate, and from the company. 

You’re assigned this crypto architecture project.


The current configuration has one server acting as a firewall and web server. This server is directly attached to the Internet. 

There is a database server behind the firewall, as well as a separate server for HR and marketing. The marketing server needs to be securely accessed by the marketing teams. They also need to access the database server through an Internet connection to manage data and display reports.

All databases use MySQL and are currently not secured.


Your tasking is crypto architecture. The normal replacement of computers is done on a rotating schedule. It is outside the scope of your project to plan for the replacement of computers. Your architecture should work with the computers you have. You may consider the replacement of equipment if an upgrade or new equipment would be critical to the crypto architecture.

Specific Tasking

You have been specifically tasked to do the following things and develop a complete and sound crypto architecture. Remember, the president is very knowledgeable about cryptography and wants lots of details about how you are going to implement the encryption.

  1. Describe in detail what new cryptographic      systems you are going to propose, how they work, and how they will enhance      security. Be specific about these      systems weaknesses and how you plan to compensate for the weaknesses.
  2. Describe and explain the impact the new      cryptographic security architecture will have on the current security      features and how this impact will be mitigated.
  3. What new issues will arise as a result of      implementing the new cryptographic solutions and what are the arguments on      either side of these issues?
  4. Show a clear and detailed understanding of      the existing encryption being used such as passwords, and operating      encryption features not being used and whether you plan to use these or      not, and if not why not.
  5. How well will all these new cryptographic      features work together?  Identify      any areas of concern, and how you propose to resolve conflicts and issues.
  6. What if any current security features can      be eliminated cost effectively by the new crypto architecture?

discussion (Managing in a Global Enviro)

 Topic :  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

See one week-1 folder for  research terms.  Topics will be selected on a first come first serve basis.  To claim a topic, go to this week’s discussion form (below) and check what topics remain available.  Select an available topic and start a new discussion thread by placing ONLY the topic in the Subject Line (do not put your name or anything else here).  Leave the body of the thread blank and save the post. In weeks when there are insufficient topics for everyone once all topics have been selected you may then start selecting from the entire list again.  But there should never be three posts on the same topic – if so the last one posted will receive no credit.         

Now research your selected term in the university’s electronic library from only academic (refereed) journals.  You will need at least three journal references and the textbook.  Start your research with the textbook so it always grounds your topic.   When your research is complete post it in the discussion form below.

Once you have completed your research return to your “initial post” and respond to it; actually past the paper’s body in the message section (for your peers to read) but attach the actual paper so the professor can review it for proper APA formatting.  In weeks when there are insufficient topics for everyone once all topics have been selected you may then start selecting from the entire list again.  But there should never be three posts on the same topic – if so, the last posted will receive no credit. New topics will be available each Saturday.

Peer Replies – post at least two substantive peer replies, of at least 200 words, in response to your classmates’ posts.   However, credit cannot be given for more than one peer reply per day. 


 Research the practice of threat modeling and evaluate the usefulness related to the ability to predict attacks.  500 words, APA required, 

Discussion forum

Required Text: Stair, R. M., & Reynolds, G. W. (2018). Principles of information systems. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 


Do you foresee that the traditional computer will be replaced by mobile and smart technologies as a primary device form factor in the near future? If one looks at the world of education for example, the use of Google Chromebooks and Apple iPads are now running the majority of school infrastructures. Mobile apps replace traditional software. Can the same hold true for corporate enterprises today?

Other references:

Bergin, T. J. (2000). 50 years of Army Computing from ENIAC to MSRC (No. ARL-SR-93). ARMY RESEARCH LAB ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD.


Write two pages APA format document

html2 css


Using your personal page that created on Assignment#1,  add the following:

  • Add two separate HTML pages that contain:One Page includes details about your Contact Information (home vs work) and best way to contact
    Second Page includes your favorite Links with a brief information about each link 
  • Using  headings , paragraphs, lists and images in your pages.
  • Using ONE External CSS file to format your pages
  • Your Style file should include at least TEN different rules  that applied on your HTML files.

Make sure that all your site has a valid HTML code.

Ddos attack map


Go to the Digital Attack Map gallery: http://www.digitalattackmap.com/gallery/ 

  • Browse the gallery of unusual activities maps and consider the events that correlate with them.
  • Which current/future events do you consider to be more vulnerable to cyber attacks?
  • Support your answer with similar events or activities that you have heard about previously.

Leverage on research/importance on IaaS


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Its is On Demand process, which access to virtualized It Infrastructure through internet.

How this Service helps in computing, networking, storage which helps Cloud providers maintain and monitor the physical infrastructure to deliver IaaS. 

Main criteria for my research about Hoe this service helps current backbone clouds like AWS, that leverage it’s Enterprise in more focus on development and management and also how it is differentiated with PaaS

Detailed analysis and research needed to write in APA format with 4 pages with needed diagrams and references