Discussion Questions

 Research software that will allow you to review a file’s metadata or generate Hash values for files.  Write a review of one software and annotate the pros and cons of that particular software. 

this is the generic discussion about week 9's material, which is group communication, summaries and other general questions/comments.

Write a small 1 page write up on week 9 material which is group communication in distributed system

Group Communication and Multicast

What you got out of the week’s material

Any questions on the material or the homework

Any suggestions on how to explain the material better

Any additional examples or the like that may help illustrate the material

Any research ideas that came to mind

Ethical hacking Assignments

Wk 6 Writing Assignment(250 Words)

Select one network scanning software tool (there is a list in your required reading slides) and explain in detail how it works and how detects network vulnerabilities. Provide the site where you obtained your information and include that in your assignment write-up.

Wk 8 Research Assignment (250 Words)

Locate an article on a system breach (Target stores, Sony Pictures, US Government, and many more).In 2-3 paragraphs, briefly explain the situation and what kind of information was compromised. How large was the breach and how long did it take to find the problem. Include a link to any of your Internet resources.

Wk 9 Written Assignment(250 words)

Using the following link as your reference, select TWO and explain the differences

(viruses, worms, trojans, and bots).

What Is the Difference: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, and Bots?

Music research paper proposal and 3-5 page research paper.



On George Gershwin (American, 1898 – 1937)

Select four references – two printed (books) and two electronic.


1. Title Page 

2. Proposed Outline 

3. Proposed References


The proposed outline should clearly show your chosen subject of research. 

▪ Create a title for your paper that reflects your research subject; be creative. 

• Make sure this title is consistent with the ones shown on the title page and header.

Your outline should show your plan to organize the paper. 

▪ It should include important topics relevant to the subject of research that you have chosen. 

▪ Note that ‘Running head’ is no longer present in the header from page 2 onward.


▪ In the Proposed Reference page, list the sources that you plan to use for this project. 

▪ “Proposed References” in the center of the page. 

▪ Double-space, without extra spacing between entries. 

▪ If an entry takes up two or more lines, indent the second and subsequent lines. 

▪ Arrange the entries in alphabetical order.

A minimum of four references are required for this project: 

• Two printed (book references) 

• Two electronic (on-line references)

Please read question in comment section


Dell’s Environmental Sustainability 500 Words

Environmental sustainability is defined as responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for long-term environmental quality. The practice of environmental sustainability helps to ensure that the needs of today’s population are met without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 

Within our Thompson text, read Chapter 9 Assurance of Learning Exercise #1 related to Dell.

Now, click on the website link provided in the learning exercise description from our Thompson text, which will provide you with information to respond to the following:

  • Prepare a list of 5 specific policies or programs that help Dell achieve its vision of driving social and environmental change while remaining innovative and profitable.
  • Describe how Dell’s environmental sustainability strategies provide valuable social benefits?
  • Finally,  explain how Dell’s strategies fulfill customer needs in a superior fashion while simultaneously sustaining competitive advantage?
  • Incorporate concepts from our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this      week into your above responses.

Submission Details: .

  • Your  Analysis should be 500 words or less.
  • Incorporate a minimum of at least one course and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.

Need Plagiarism report.

Cyber Security Lab – Shellshock

Please narrate and stake screenshots while doing lab like it says in instruction in PDF

This lab will be done in the SEED lab VM. (Lab pdf, notes, and c code file attached.)

  • Shellshock
  • Environment variables
  • Function definition in Bash
  • Apache and CGI programs

Note: You may need to change void main() to int main() in the C code.

The submission is a lab report that includes screenshots of the steps and a narrative of what is happening.

There are two submissions in case anything goes wrong with the first.

web programming

Web Database Project – Phase 1

Think of a useful application for a database. If possible, try to come up with something that would be useful for you or a friend. Some ideas that come to mind are databases to organize your contact list, dvd collection, book collection (for a personal library), multi-media collection…etc.

Design a relational database to meet your needs for your application. Create your MySQL database using your web hosting account.  I suggest using the PHPMyAdmin tool to create your tables.  You can also use the PHPMyAdmin tool to populate your tables with some initial data.  Put some thought into how you will organize your database before you start creating it in MySQL. Pay attention to things like primary keys and data types.  I would suggest keeping the scope of your database somewhat reasonable.  Keep in mind that what you create could be used in a portfolio (examples of projects completed as part of your course requirements) to show during a job interview.  Your database must have a minimum of two tables.

In the following assignments you will have to create a home page that will link to your database pages that will pemit access to the database.  You may want to create a home page now that is related to the database that you create for this assignment.  Keep in mind that from the home page you will want to link to one or more pages to access the database.  You will have to be able to link back to the home page on any pages you create.

When you have created your MySQL database, grab some screen shots of your tables in the PHPMyAdmin tool and paste them into a Word file (or similar format).  Turn in this file with your screenshots into the appropriate submission box.

In the next project phase you will create a Web interface using PHP that will interface with your database.


Web Database Project: Phase 2

Create web pages for your database using PHP. You should have one page that will return all the information from the database. You should create additional pages that will allow you to do various queries of your database. You should be able to retrieve and insert data; also include functionality to delete data from your database. I will be looking for these features. Feel free to handle those functions however you feel is best for your project.

Create an html form that will allow you to enter in new information for the database. The information should be handled by a PHP script that will take the data and input it into the database.

The interface doesn’t have to look real pretty at this point. That will be done in the next phase. If you want to go ahead and make things look nice, feel free to do so.

If you have not yet created a home page, create a separate home page that contains links to each of the web pages you create to access your database.  Your database (must have a minimum of two tables) is not to be displayed on the home page; be creative on this page.   On each of the database pages create a button (link) to go back to the home page. Your project must have more than one page; your home page should have links to other pages to perform operations on the database.  Some appropriate picture or image should be on the home page that relates to you project.  Make your project look as professional as possible.  You may want to show it during a interview.

Create a text file in which to store hyperlinks to your home page and PHP scripts.  Turn in this file to the appropriate submission box.

Web Database Project: Phase 3

Now is the time to make your project look good and as professional as possible.

By now you should have created your MySQL database and PHP scripts that can be used to query, insert, and delete data.  The objective of Phase 3 is to make it look nice. For example, you can use HTML in your PHP scripts to put the queried data into a table.  You might also choose to create a style sheet to control colors, fonts, etc.

You must have a home page which links to other pages you have created to manipulate your database.  Be sure that all pages have a button to link back to the home page and possibly buttons to link to other pages as necessary.  If you only create one page and display everything on that page you will have not met the minimum requirement for this class.  I will be looking to see if you put some real work into this final project.

When you have finished with your project, create a text file in which to turn in a hyperlink to your home page and if you wish hyperlinks to your PHP scripts.  Include your name in this file and any other comments you choose to include about your project.  Upload the file to the appropriate submission box.

Use the file naming convention shown in the drop box.

Discussion 14

 Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do occur. There is a rising realization that in addition to considering prevention and protection, controls that address detection and response are necessary to improve security posture. Please describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.  

Discussion 2 Business ethics

Discuss why Goldman Sachs was a disciple of Albert Carr’s theory of “business is a poker game and we are all bluffing.”

APA format with references and 250 words minimum