Organizational Leadership and Decision Making 3


1. Review chapter 15 in the course text.

In your own words, discuss the several ways of improving business intelligence.

2. Read chapter 16 in the course text.

In your own words, discuss at least three 3 steps for facilitating effective collaboration.

Case Study Summary

3. Read the Consumerization of Technology at IFG Case Study on pages 239-242 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

4. Read the Innovation at International Foods Case Study on pages 234-238 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. 

References should be given individually.

paper 07/27


Week 5 case paper: Recommendations

Continuing your work with your organization, for week 5 research best practices for operational excellence based on the course readings. In your paper for this week include the following:

1. Identify and justify 2 specific recommendations you have for the organization
2. Provide an outline for a change management plan to implement your 2 recommendations
3. Discuss your plan for working with the people who will be involved or impacted by your recommendations
4. Conclude with your thoughts on the expected benefits or outcomes after implementing your recommended changes

Write your responses to these questions in a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper (not including the cover page or references page). Use the APA template provided in the course. Use unique in-text headings for each question–do not re-state the questions as the headings. Support your responses with citations in your paper that match the references provided.

2-3 page for all 4 questions.

Assignment 5



This program gets values from the user, and then runs a calculation.  The values are passed by reference (by address), so the main() function  sees the changed values of the variables. The first function  (getValues()) gets user input. The second function (calcCubic), performs  the calculations, and the third function (printCubic()) prints the  value of the calculation.

Here is the code:

And here is the output:

Unit 3 Guided Practice 6 Output.JPG

Submission Instructions

Now, you enter the code, and run it. (No flowchart this time)

Upload your .c file and a screenshot of your code output saved in a Word document 

Windows Server


You are an administrator of a Windows Network Infrastructure that has 200 servers running Windows Server 2016 and you need to deploy another 100 servers over the next few months. You want to ensure that each server has the following configuration performed:

  • Certain server roles and features need to be installed.
  • A set of default users and groups needs to be created on each server.
  • Diagnostic and malware software needs to be deployed.

Describe how to ensure that your current servers and any servers that you install will have this base configuration. Also, describe how to ensure that when these settings are changed, the system is automatically reconfigured.

Discussion Question 2:

Pick a PowerShell command and elaborate on how it can be used in a Server 2016 environment. Explain if there is a comparable way to do the same thing at the Command Line in Windows or by using the GUI.

Click for more options

Basic Data Analysis in RStudio

Basic Data Analysis in RStudio

Background: This course is all about data visualization. However, we must first have some understanding of the dataset that we are using to create the visualizations.



  • Create a summary of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a correlation of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot) (Hint: Transform may be needed)
  • What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screenshot)
  • What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screenshot)
  • What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)

Your document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

URL to class Basic Data Analysis in RStudio:

Easy Power point computer instructions


  1. Download the attached data file Customer.pptx then, save it as CustomerPresentation. Make sure you know the location where you are placing your saved file before you continue with step 2.
  2. In the title slide, add OfficePro as the title, press the Enter key, and then type Cleaning Specialists. The title text AutoFit to the title text box. Add your name as the subtitle.
  3. Delete slide 3 (“Our Cleaning Staff”).
  4. Move Slide 6 (“Weekly Services”) so it becomes slide 3.
  5. On Slide 3 (“Weekly Services”), at the end of the bulleted list, add Stair and elevator cleaning as a new first-level bulleted item.
  6. On slide 3, add Remember to pause for questions from the audience, as the speaker note.
  7. On slide 2, (“Daily Services”), at the end of the bulleted list, add Restroom cleaning and disinfecting as a new first-level bulleted item.
  8. On Slide 4, (“Specialized Services”), move the “Pressure washing” and “Carpet cleaning” bulleted items so that they appear below “Stripping and refinishing” and above “Air condition vent cleaning.”
  9. On Slide 2 (“Daily Services”), in the second first-level bulleted item, make the word Sinks a new first-level bullet.
  10. On Slide 2 (“Daily Services”), demote the bulleted item “Sinks” and “Toasters” to second-level bullets so that four second-level bulleted items now appear under “Kitchen and lounge area cleaning including.”
  11. Animate the slide titles for all the slides with the Darken animation in the Emphasis category. (If you do not have Darken animation, please feel free to use other that you like).
  12. Animate all of the bulleted lists with the Shape animation in the Entrance category using progressive disclosure for all bullet levels. Do not animate the text in the content text box on Slide 6 (“For More Information”). (If you do not have Shape animation, please feel free to use other that you like).
  13. On Slide 6 (“For More Information”), animate the content text box using the Fly In animation in the Entrance Category. (If you do not have Fly In, please feel free to use other that you like).
  14. Add the Push transition to all of the slides, and then remove it from the title slide. (If you do not have Push transition, please feel free to use other that you like).
  15. Display the footer text Presentation for New Clients as well the slide number and the current date on all of the slides except the title slide.
  16. Check the spelling throughout the presentation. Change misspelled words to the correct spelling.
  17. View the slide show. If you see any errors, press the Esc key to the end the slide show, correct the error, and then start the slide show again from the current slide. Save your changes. Close the presentation. Submit your presentation.
  • In case you need help with any step, contact me immediately. Please do not procrastinate because we will need to move on to the next class Unit at the scheduled time.
  • This assignment is due on Sunday, September 13th at midnight; please remember that 10 points per day will be deducted for late submissions regardless of the reason for that and after three days this assignment will no longer be accepted.



1. Describe a fully developed use case for Receive new book in the university library system and then:

o Describe (UML) Activity diagram for the Enter new patient information use case

o Develop a first-cut sequence diagram that only includes the actor and problem domain classes.

o Develop a design class diagram based on your solution. Be sure to include your controller class.

o Add the view layer classes and the data access classes to your   diagram. You may do this with two separate diagrams to make them easier   to work with and read.

o Explain What is the difference between designing with CRC cards and designing with sequence diagrams?

o Explain the syntax of a message on a sequence diagram.

o What is the purpose of the first-cut sequence diagram? What kinds of classes are included?

o What is the purpose of the use case controller?

2. Using RMO that is the case in your text book answer the following:

Assume that RMO will begin asking a random sample of customers who   order by telephone about purchases made from competitors. RMO will give   customers a 15 percent discount on their current order in exchange for   answering a few questions. To store and use this information, RMO will   add two new classes and three new associations to the class diagram.  The  new classes are Competitor and ProductCategory. Competitor has a   one-to-many association with ProductCategory, and the existing Customer   class also has a one-to-many association with ProductCategory.   Competitor has a single attribute called Name. ProductCategory has four   attributes: Description, DollarAmountPurchased, MonthPurchased, and   YearPurchased. Revise the relational database schema shown in Figure   12-10 to include the new classes and associations. All tables must be  in  3NF.

3. Read this narrative and then make a list of system capabilities   and describe how the project could be developed  for the company:

The new direct sales and accounting system for Especially for You   Jewelers will be an important element in the growth and success of the   jewelry company. The direct sales portion needs to track every sale and   be able to link to the inventory system for cost data to provide a  daily  profit and loss report. The customer database needs to be able to   produce purchase histories to assist management in preparing special   mailings and special sales to existing customers. Detailed credit   balances and Aged accounts for each customer would help solve the   problem with the high balance of accounts receivables. Special notice   letters and credit history reports would help management reduce  accounts  receivable.

information security-Delete Yourself from the Internet (Is it possible and how can it be accomplished?)


Do you feel you are vulnerable to hackers or identity thieves because you have a large online presence? Have you ever thought of removing your personal data from the net? Well, it’s not quite as simple as it should be. There are a few easy-to-follow steps that should point you in the right direction that can be found online, but the story does not end there. How can you make sure your personal information or financial data will not be exposed on sites that do not have your written permission? Is it possible to completely remove yourself from the web?


Project Plan

In this case project, we will determine the many options and the companies that collect your personal information. They’re called data brokers and they have names like Spokeo,, PeopleFinder, BeenVerified, as well as plenty of others. 

1) In addition to the sites named above, list 5 additional agencies you find that collect this type of personal data. Hint: Many of them claim to be marketing agencies.

2) Provide a list of the companies that you find that claim to be able to remove your personal information from the data broker sites and the methods they use to delete this information.

3) Write a report with a step-by-step written summary of the processes and the methods which describe how you would go about DELETING yourself from the Internet.