

There are TWO tasks that you would need to do( they are separate): 

Task 1:

Write a summary of the below point for a  total of 300 words 

 Read four (4) academically reviewed articles on Net Neutrality and complete the following activities:

Base on your article review and the assigned reading, discuss how net neutrality will affect data networks and the availability of information to businesses. Do you believe net neutrality will lead to IT efficiency? Why or why not? 


Write a reply to the two responses in the attached document ( Response 1 and Response 2) with 150 words for each. 

There should be no plagiarism. Attach a plagiarism report with 0 % similarity index. 

Data Analysis and Visualisation

Paper on topic:  Date visualization: A critical evaluation of its art & science.   

Abstract (1 page)

Introduction ( 1 Page)

Literature Review (3 pages)

Methodology (3 pages)

Interpretation (3 pages)

Conclusion (1 page)

Recommendation (1 page)

References – 8

ERM and risk management


Chapters 26 through 29 presented four mini-case studies on ERM and risk. 

· Each one presented a slightly different risk scenario. Starting with chapter 29, assume that you have been asked to advise the Akawini management team on how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business (list separately in bulletin points). 

· What performance measures would you recommend that use so that they can monitor progress and performance? (list in bulletin points for easy understanding) 

· Choose one other of the chapters from this week and recommend ERM measures that the organization should implement as well to monitor risks outlined in that chapter. 

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

· Read the given chapters and answer the question fully. 

· Minimum of 2 to 3 pages (excluding title and reference page),

· APA format, use proper in-text citations. 

Answer below


  • Use the star schema developed in Portfolio Milestone 1 – Option 1 in Module 3; incorporate your instructor’s feedback.
  • Use the tables created in Portfolio Milestone 2 – Option 1 in Module 5; incorporate your instructor’s feedback.

Develop and execute the SQL commands to populate the fact and dimension tables by extracting data from the Northwind OLTP database and loading the data into the tables within the Northwind Data Warehouse. Your ETL workflow should consist of selecting the required variables from the source database and tables and inserting the required variables into the destination database and tables. After you have populated the tables, construct an SQL command to count the number of rows in each table. Capture a screenshot of the row count for each table. Finally, construct an SQL command to list the first ten rows of each table. Capture a screenshot of each listing.

Your deliverable for this Portfolio Project is a report containing the following information:

  • Changes to your business process, business questions, and fact table grain from Module 5
  • Updated version of the star schema incorporating your instructor’s feedback from Module 5
  • Screenshots of the row counts and table listings
  • Listing of SQL commands used in this assignment
  • A brief description of lessons learned in completing the Portfolio Project and the two Milestones. Based on your lessons learned, what advice would be offer to an organization embarking on building a data warehouse system?

cloud computing

What is one significant data breach through the cloud that has occurred in the field you are interested in?  How was this breach launched, what was lost and how could that breach have been prevented? Minimum 700 words

paper work


W3: Paper

Graded Assignment:  Knowledge and Skills Paper

Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 5 and 6.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages. 

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 5 and 6 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note:  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Examine how new data-capture devices such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags help organizations accurately identify and segment their customers for activities such as targeted marketing. Many of these applications involve data mining. Scan the literature and the Web and then propose five potential new data mining applications that can use the data created with RFID technology. What issues could arise if a country’s laws required such devices to be embedded in everyone’s body for a national identification system?
  2. Survey and compare some data mining tools and vendors. Start with and Consult and identify some data mining products and service providers that are not mentioned in this chapter. One of my favorites to explore is RapidMiner found at and an educational license option can be found at:
  3. Explore the Web sites of several neural network vendors, such as California Scientific Software (, NeuralWare (, and Ward Systems Group (, and review some of their products. Download at least two demos and install, run, and compare them.
  4. Important Note:  With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.

Important Note:  There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

Literature Review

Make a SLR paper from the below search terms

Analyzing visualizing data  social  in google scholar use the below link to view the results.


from those you found in your search, you will start looking for which ones to include in your results and which ones to exclude. For example, for sure some of those papers will not be relevant to what I am searching for, in our case, many you will not be able to even download, so I will say, just collect 50 papers on average that are relevant and start your summary of analysis.

If 50 papers, is too much, SLR is not about reading those papers but collecting some statistics about them.

Attached sample SLR papers format. You can make a similar paper with APA format and citations. NO plagiarism.


Excel 2019 In Practice – Ch 5 Independent Project 5-4


Wilson Home Entertainment Systems monitors cash flow at their individual locations separately and consolidates data. After the summary is complete, you insert hyperlinks to each of the supporting worksheets.

[Student Learning Outcomes 5.1, 5.4, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8]

Files Needed: WilsonHome-05.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.) and WHES.png (Available from the Resources link.)

Completed Project File Name: [your name]-WilsonHome-05.xlsx

Skills Covered in This Project

  • Group and format worksheets.
  • Create a static data consolidation with SUM.
  • Insert a picture from a file.
  • Insert a hyperlink.
  • Copy a hyperlink.
  • Encrypt a workbook with a password.
  1. Open the WilsonHome-05 start file. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
  2. Group all the worksheets.
  3. Edit and format grouped sheets.
    1. Select cells A1:B2 and click the Launcher in the Alignment group [Home tab]. Choose Center Across Selection from the Horizontal list and click OK.ImagesFigure 5-76 Consolidate dialog box for cash flow
    2. Click the Launcher in the Page Setup group [Page Layout tab] and click the Margins tab.
    3. Choose Horizontally from the Center on page list and click OK.
    4. Edit the contents of cell A10 to read Cash paid for marketing.
    5. Select cell A1 and ungroup the sheets.
  4. Select the CashFlow sheet.ImagesFigure 5-77 Image positioned as title
  5. Build a static data consolidation for the Cash flow from operations section.
    1. Select cells B4:B12.
    2. Use SUM to consolidate the data from the three location sheets without links. (Figure 5-76).
  6. Build a static data consolidation for the Cash flow from banking and investment section in cells B15:B21. Delete the references in the Consolidate dialog box and use SUM as the function.ImagesFigure 5-78 Hyperlink text to switch to Cash Flow sheet
  7. Build a static data consolidation for the Cash balance at the beginning of the quarter amounts in cell B24 with SUM as the function.
  8. Insert a picture from a file.
    1. Delete the contents of cell A1 on the CashFlow sheet.
    2. Click cell D2.
    3. Click the Pictures button [Insert tab, Illustrations group].
    4. Find and select WHES from your student data files.
    5. Click Insert. The picture is placed at a default size.
    6. Click the Height box [Picture Tools Format tab, Size group].
    7. Type 1.2 to replace the default height and press Enter.
    8. Format the height of row 1 to 86.25 (115 pixels).
    9. Point to the logo frame to display a move pointer.
    10. Drag the image to appear in cell A1 as a main label for the worksheet (Figure 5-77).
    11. Click cell D2 to deselect the image.
  9. Insert and copy a hyperlink.
    1. Click cell C3 on the Peoria worksheet.
    2. Create a hyperlink that displays Total Cash Flow and switches to cell A1 on the Cash Flow worksheet (Figure 5-78).
    3. Right-click cell C3 and choose Copy from the menu.
    4. Select the Champaign sheet tab and paste the hyperlink in cell C3.
    5. Select the Rockford sheet tab and paste the hyperlink in cell C3.
    6. Select the Peoria sheet, and press Esc to remove the copy marquee if it is still visible.
    7. Select cell C5 and then click the cell with the hyperlink to test it.
  10. Save and close the workbook (Figure 5-79).
  11. Upload and save your project file.
  12. Submit project for grading.