Research report on “A Complete Comparative between Oracle 12c and IBM DB2”

 Need a 3500 words Research report on “A Complete Comparative between Oracle 12c and IBM DB2”


Chapter 1 – Background/Introduction, Problem Statement(s), Goal(s), Research Question(s), Relevance and Significance, Barriers and Issues related to topic chosen.

Chapter 2 – Should consist of student paraphrasing the cited research material

Chapter 3 – Should be the reasoning for doing a basic compare/contrast or advantages/disadvantage of what was stated in Chapter 2

Chapter 4 – A complete analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of what was stated in chapter 2. In effect, chapter 3 is a statement of what will be done and chapter 4 is what was done and what the findings were. Again, thus far the writing is objective and must not contain student opinion.

Chapter 5 – Results, conclusion, and future work recommendations.

1) Chapter 1 – Introduction

2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review

3) Chapter 3 – Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)

4) Chapter 4 – Findings and Results

5) Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Future Recommendations

6) References – APA

7) Appendices

Machine learning


I have a coding assignment in machine Learning. it is not an eassy is there anyone who can do coding.

Thank You.

mad discussion


The required article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.

For your week 3 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Discussion with replies.

You’ve read several articles on Information System Success and Satisfaction. How do you believe an organization should measure information system success and satisfaction in the enterprise?

Article – Doll, W., & Torkzadeh, G. (1988). The Measurement of End-User Computing Satisfaction

Attached Files:

Doll, W., & Torkzadeh, G. (1988). The Measurement of End-User Computing Satisfaction. MIS Quarterly12(2), 259–274.


  1. Review and describe the application development and sustaining (AD&S) methodology your company implemented.
  2. List 3-5 documentations that are critical to the success of implementing AD&S along with description of each document and who uses those documents.

What are Smart Contracts and how might they be applied in human resource management?


Discuss the following: 1. What are Smart Contracts and how might they be applied in human resource management? You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week’s reading assignments and external sources if you wish.

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Conclusion, References.

Submit your paper as a Word attachment in the discussion forum. I provide feedback within the paper and will not grade your post unless you submit it as an attachment. Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 500 words 


Follow the following writing requirements for all of your discussion prompt responses (note that these writing requirements DO NOT apply to your responses to other students):

Writing Requirements for all Assignments:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions
  • Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.  
  • Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a power is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

IT project ticketing system


n this course, you are required to identify a problem or opportunity in the IT area and develop a solution to the problem.  The project should integrate theory and application from across your educational experience and allow you to showcase your academic learning.  During the course, you will identify a problem, develop requirements based on stakeholder needs, develop a design after considering alternative solutions, implement the solution (virtually is sufficient), and test the solution.  Your design and test plans should take into consideration the end-user as well as the broader context of the end-user.  The course culminates in a final presentation and final report.

Your project should not be something that you have done before, either as part of your academic work or for an employer.  However, you can work on a project which is for your employer and will be implemented in the workplace, as long as you don’t develop the design with colleagues at work. It is important to note that your project MUST include a hands-on component (typically completed in a virtual environment). Because of the point distribution, you MUST complete an appropriate hands-on project in order to pass this class.

If you need some ideas, see the attached file, “IT491 Capstone Topic Ideas” for some suggested topics. 

Keep in mind that your project should meet the objectives listed for this course: 

1. Apply industry standards to the implementation and support of network systems and computer devices.

2. Demonstrate the principles of information technology security.

3. Use information systems for the collection, organization, and delivery of data.

4. Express relevant information to technical and non-technical audiences.

5. Design secure network infrastructures for physical and virtual environments.

6. Create information technology solutions based on business needs or requirements.

You may not begin work on the project until your proposal is approved by your instructor.

In this assignment, please write a proposal for your capstone project using the attached “IT491 Week One Assignment 2020.”

Python coding

Question 1: Greetings Function! (4 points)

Start with the greeting program, the first program with functions we  used in Python Tutor. This time, the computer is very happy to meet  you.  Modify the function to return the user’s name in uppercase, with  !!!! after it.  So, if the user’s name is Miriam, the greeting function  will return ‘HELLO MIRIAM!!!!’

Question 2: Quiz question function (6 points)

Write a function that takes two arguments – a quiz question and the correct answer. 

In your function, you will print the question, and ask the user for  the answer. If the user gets the answer correct, print a success  message. Else, print a message with the correct answer.   Your function  does not need to return anything.

Call your function with two example quiz questions.   Here’s some suggestions, 

  • Q: What year did Apollo 11 land on the moon? A: 1969
  • Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa? A: Leonardo da Vinci

Question 3: Windows 10 Upgrade (10 points)

When installing Windows 10, a user can either wipe everything from  their computer and do a clean install.  Or if their computer meets  system requirements, the user can upgrade to Windows 10 without erasing  their current operating system.

To do the upgrade, according to Microsoft, a computer needs to have  at least 1GB of memory, and at least 1GHz processor, and either Windows 7  or Windows 8 currently installed.   All three requirements must be  met. 

Write a program that asks the user for

  • The current memory in their computer, in GB.  (For example, a user with 8GB of memory would enter 8)
  • The current processor speed, in GHz. (For example, a user with a 2.6GHz processor should enter 2.6)
  • The name of their current operating system. (For example, a user could enter Windows 8 or Windows 7 or Windows XP)

Write a can_upgrade function that takes three arguments, the amount of memory, the processor speed, and current operating system.

In can_upgrade, use conditions to figure out if the  user’s computer can be upgraded to Windows 10 or not.  Your function  should return one of the Boolean values True (if the computer can be  upgraded) or False (if it can’t be upgraded).

Call your can_upgrade function from main(), and use the return value to print a message to the user telling them if they can, or can’t, upgrade.

Extra Credit Question: (+5 points)

Start with the College ID card program from  This has no functions but it would benefit from being re-organized into  functions. Refactor this program. Suggestions – functions for  validation, functions to help print the college ID card, for example  printing a line of —-, printing centered text, printing text in  color.