Assignment Seven

In order to complete assignment #7 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #7). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday.

Chapter 12

1. HHS and the FTC recently launched an investigation into a major pharmacy chain for its information disposal practices. The regulators claimed that the pharmacy chain failed to protect customers’ sensitive financial and medical information by disposing prescriptions and labeled pill bottles in dumpsters that were accessible by the public. Based on the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), what consequences should a company face for failing to properly dispose of customer information? For HIPAA act, you may check the website.

Chapter 13

2. Trust is an important part of the continued growth and development of the Internet. This is particularly the case with respect to social networking. Media reports of disturbing stories and case law alike have shown some of the consequences that can arise when individuals create false social networking profiles. In a case in California, and individual established a fake MySpace profile of his former church pastor. On the profile, he posted content that suggested that the pastor used drugs and was homosexual. Can criminal charges be brought against the party that created the fake profile?

3. Read the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) at ED, discuss who has access to your educational record at APUS. Furthermore, what is the roles and responsibilities for APUS instructors and students to comply with FERPA


File submission: Computer Operation Vocabulary

Instructions  What are we going to do?  For this activity it is recommended to read the module resources previously. The activity consists of looking for terms or words related to the area of ​​technology, mainly those that have to do with this course.  The activity will be carried out individually.  How are you going to do?  Find information about vocabulary words. Write the job in an MS Word document. Each vocabulary term must have: Summary information A picture that identifies the vocabulary word The references must have the complete information of the file and be written in APA format, including the source of the image



Vocabulary Words:
  1. Bit
  2. Byte
  3. CD
  4. CD-R
  5. CD-RW
  6. Clic
  7. CPU
  8. DOS
  9. Double Click
  10. Dragging (arrastrar)
  11. Folder (carpeta)
  12. Giga
  13. GUI
  14. Hard drive (disco duro)
  15. Hardware
  16. HD
  17. Icon (ícono)
  18. Kilo
  19. LCD
  20. LED
  21. Left click (botón primario del mouse)
  22. Maximaze
  23. Mega
  24. Memoria primaria
  25. Memoria secundaria
  26. MIDI
  27. Minimize
  28. MS Excel
  29. MS Power Point
  30. MS Word
  31. Multitask
  32. Quick Access Bar
  33. RAM
  34. Recycle Bin
  35. Right Clic (botón secundario del mouse)
  36. ROM
  37. Shortcut
  38. Start Button
  39. UPS
  40. Windows

Deliverable   The work must be delivered on time, without spelling or grammatical errors. The works will be submitted to the tool to detect similarity of content (now Urkund). Deliver the answers in a Word document, Times New Roman font, size 12. 

Assignment 1 OLTP VS OLAP

  Please find the attached document for the exercise

Business Case

Robert Jones is a manager of several Sales Organizations at Global Bike Inc. His responsibilities are to monitor and manage sales activities. He has a number of systems to assist with the recording of day-to-day transactions, and at the end of each month he is provided with a report which displays each sale. The format of the report is illustrated below. Although this report provides a lot of information, the information is not in a format that can easily assist in the type of decisions he is required to make. The sales data is delivered by the IT Department in the following format:


The primary purpose of an information system is to process information to produce reports to facilitate decision making. Reports may appear in various formats and used to support a diverse range of organizational decisions. Reports provide a mechanism for organizing, analyzing, presenting and delivering information to end users. A common classification of reports is based on the types of systems which they are built from. On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems as the name suggests are optimized for transaction processing. They process real time information and are accessed by many users. The reports are derived from the various business transactions and predominately support tactical decision making.

An alternative information system is On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). This type of processing allows users to analyze information by creating multidimensional reports. They deal with large volumes of aggregated historical data. OLAP based reports are more flexible than the more traditional reports produced by an OLTP system. 

As mentioned previously OLTP reports provide information about particular transactions. 

The flexibility of OLAP reporting assists end users in understanding why particular business events have occurred and or forecast what may occur in the future. OLAP systems and their ability for multi-dimensional reporting are considered an important component of Business Intelligence. OLTP systems often provide the transactional data which is used as an input for OLAP system’s multi-dimensional reports.

Your task is to suggest to Robert Jones what type of systems (OLTP or OLAP) he can use to find answers to these questions:




Systems (OLTP or OLAP)



Who purchased a particular product?



How much did an employee get paid?



How many of a product was manufactured?



What   are the total sales for each product? 



What   are the total sales for each department?



Which   salesperson has sold the most?



Which   products does each salesperson sell the most of?



In   which month did most of the sales occur?



Which customer   spent the least amount of money in February? 



Which customer   spent the most in February and which sales person was responsible for the   majority of these sales? 

Data Mining Final

This is a comprehensive review for all chapters in the textbook. Please address the questions and then submit. You will need to ensure to use proper APA citations with any content that is not your own work. Each question should have a minimum of 600 words.

1. Suppose that you are employed as a data mining consultant for an Internet search engine company. Describe how data mining can help the company by giving specific examples of how techniques, such as clustering, classification, association rule mining, and anomaly detection can be applied

2.Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of using color to visually represent information.

3.Consider a group of documents that has been selected from a much larger set of diverse documents so that the selected documents are as dissimilar from one another as possible. If we consider documents that are not highly related (connected, similar) to one another as being anomalous, then all of the documents that we have selected might be classified as anomalies. Is it possible for a data set to consist only of anomalous objects or is this an abuse of the terminology?

4.For sparse data, discuss why considering only the presence of non-zero values might give a more accurate view of the objects than considering the actual magnitudes of values. When would such an approach not be desirable?

5.Assume that all documents have been normalized to have unit length of 1. What is the “shape” of a cluster that consists of all documents whose cosine similarity to a centroid is greater than some specified constant? In other words, cos(d, c) ≥ δ, where 0 < δ ≤ 1.



–  ‘ Research, identify, and briefly describe the evolution of information systems infrastructure. ‘.

– The summary should be 300 words with a minimum of 2 research papers as a reference.

– There should be no plagiarism, attach a plagiarism report with 0% similarity index