Security Architecture and Design

Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least four references. In-text citations as required. (1200 words)


If you were to explain to a family/friend about Information technology, what would you say is its importance in today’s world, and what are future trends in Information Technology (IT)?

Remember to stay at an introductory level because your family/friend knows nothing about technology. Going deeper would confuse them and will cause them to lose interest in your explanation.

Your paper must include all the following and each section must include at least two practical examples:

a) Introduction (75-150 words)

b) Importance of IT in today’s world (350-500 words).

c) Future trends in IT (Where do you see IT in the next ten (10) years?) (450-600 words)

d) Based on your responses from above (c above), why should your family/friend be interested in IT? (Benefits of believing in IT, now and future) (275-350 words)

e) Summary (75-200 words)

f) References (at least four)

Note: add more headings and subheadings as possible.



  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Advanced Operating Systems

 The control of processes and threads is of deep concern by developers of all operating systems capable of handling “real or emulated” simultaneous computer activity. Threads are typically created by processes (initially invoked by the user or another process). Discuss how an operating system manages these processes and threads, how they are instantiated and discarded, how the activity is controlled, along with the respective advantages and disadvantages of both process and thread. Do not discuss MS Windows OS. Instead, you may choose from Linux, UNIX, ROS, z/OS, or VM. 

Ladder of Abstraction

  1. Read pp. 82-95 from Language in Thought and Action by S. I. Hayakawa and Alan R. Hayakawa. (OCLS)
  2. Create a ladder of abstraction for your operating paradigm as described by Hawakaya and Hayakawa. 
  3. Post your ladder for class review and comment.

Read from this link:

450 words with in-text and 3 main references

week 2 Assignement Business

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document: 

Chapter 3 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 12

Chapter 4 – discussion question #1-5 & exercise 1

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

All work must be original (not copied from any source).

Text BOOK Author,

Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence

Ramesh Sharda

Dursun Delen

Efraim  Turban

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs
Us Online Resources to find two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used ANOVA designs and two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used repeated measures ANOVA designs. Summarize each article and evaluate whether the design used was logical. Explain your reasoning. Do you think that the design influenced the statistical significance observed? Why or why not? Could this influence the validity of the work?
Submission Details
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Name your document SU_PSY2060_W8_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Final Project: Submit your SOA Resources Presentation Final Draft


Review Chapter 11 and research/examine the many resources needed for an SOA initiative. Create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing your research. For each resource, describe the role, responsibility and skills required. Why do you think so many resources are needed? Associate the resource with its place in the SOA life cycle. Your presentation should include enough slides to thoroughly present the topic in detail along with a title slide and a reference slide.  

In addition, you can include salary information for the roles, job qualifications, job postings, experience, etc.


for text book access this link!/6/4/2@0:0 

and login with these details 

[email protected]


Ethical Hacking


Select one type of cryptography or encryption and explain it in detail. Include the benefits as well as the limitations of this type of encryption. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. Click the link above to submit your work. There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.

Be sure ti include your reference citation.