Systems Solutions Planning

Create a media-rich, 14- to 18-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® tutorial for Karen. Use this week’s reading and activities for information systems planning to complete your assignment. Your tutorial should:

Include a title page.

Explain the concept of information systems planning.

Compare at least two development planning methods.

Clarify why each planning method is appropriate for new system implementation.

Select a methodology for designing the information system.

Explain the reason for the selected methodology.

Address the option to acquire (instead of build in-house) information systems.

Identify and discuss the tools that might be used in the acquisition of a new information system.


TOPIC: Regression Test Case Prioritization using Genetic Algorithm

  identify at least 1 relevant research paper (from OR OR Other online sources )

 summarize the selected papers, and describe “why and how” this paper is relevant to the topic – this description must be coherent. only 1 page of summary and description is enough.

Project Assignment:Part 2: Research Questions and Study Variables with 3 Pages


Using the study selected in Project Part 1, you will continue to develop your research proposal that supports an extension of the published study. For this assignment, you will be writing a short summary of the components of the study being proposed (3 -4 pages) which identifies the following:

  • The constructs the proposed study will investigate and why they were selected
  • The potential variables that represent the constructs being investigated
  • A conceptual model which depicts the relationships between and among the potential variables
  • A research question or proposition that would guide the study which asks:
    • how things are related, OR
    • how things are different
  • A research or null hypothesis that is related to the research question or proposition.

Data visualization


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R.

Why are statistical programming languages important to data scientists? What are some advantages and disadvantages the R programming language has over the other main statistical programming languages (i.e. Python, SAS, SQL)?

Reply Post

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread to write your initial response to the discussion prompt.

2) Select AT LEAST 2 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread and explain why you agreed or disagreed with their evaluation of the different statistical programming languages. 

3) Provide a thoughtful research-based response and include references to support your thoughts

4) Exclude attachments and cover page in your submission. Type your response in the message box. When responding to your peer, address your peer by name. 

5) ALL original posts ( two to three paragraphs supported by resources) and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)6) Paraphrase text from resources used and cite. If quoting text, use double-quotes and cite. 



The bonds between siblings are among the strongest. May-Lee Chai describes the relationship between two sisters in her short story, “Saving Sourdi.” 

After reading “Saving Sourdi,” discuss the following questions in 3–5 paragraphs:

  1. The story begins with a strong revealing statement from Nea, the narrator. How do you think Nea feels about her sister Sourdi based on this information? How does what happens at the beginning of the story foreshadow what happens later?
  2. This story is told from Nea’s point of view. How do you think the story would change if it were told from Sourdi’s point of view? Do you feel closer to the character than you would if this story were told in third person?
  3. Nea briefly mentions an experience she and Sourdi had in a minefield when they were younger. What impact do you think this had on the relationship between the sisters?
  4. Nea’s family is not originally from the United States. What are some clues the author gives to describe the origin of their ethnicity? Give 2 examples of characters who say things that are racially offensive, and discuss how this makes you feel about those characters. Can you relate to these experiences?
  5. How does the author describe Duke and Mr. Chhay? Do you get a sense of who these characters are based on these descriptions?
  6. As the story progresses, how does the relationship between Nea and Sourdi change? Why do you think it changes?
  7. What does the mother value, based on how reaction to updates she receives from Sourdi? Why do you think she might feel this way?



Instructions: Answer all questions in a single document. Each response to a single essay question should be 150 words. 

1. Software development is a complex task, especially as technology changes at the speed of light, environments evolve, and more expectations are placed upon vendors who want to be competitive within the software market. This complexity also makes implementing security more challenging. Given this environment, what suggestions for secure software development best practices would you suggest to improve software security? 

2. In addition to application development, databases are another area that needs to have a focus on security within their design. Describe the database concepts of View-based access control, Polyinstantiation, Data warehousing and data mining, and Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)? 

3. In a database, to control security, lock controls are implemented and tested using the ACID test. Explain the following terms for each letter within the ACID method: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. 

Create a presentation


File submission: Lab – Create a presentation 

Objective of the activity  Through this activity the student will develop a presentation with the following characteristics:  Use different “layouts” (additional to Title Slide “and Title and Content” Apply a “Theme” Include images and integrate audio or video Apply transition movements to slides and animation movements in text and images .

Instructions  The purpose of this activity is for the student to develop a presentation using MS Power Point. 

What are we going to do?  The goal is to creatively construct a presentation that carries the message in an attractive way.  Visit the Ciudad Seva page of the writer Luis López Nieves. In the poems section, available at (Links to an external site.), Select the poem of your preference. 


How are we going to do the activity?

Read the instructions and the evaluation criteria.

Access the application to create presentations.
Create templates with the text given for each one. Remember the 10/20/30 and 1/7/7 rules.
Apply "background" to the entire presentation.
Add graphics (images and / or photos).
Apply transition movements in the "slides" and animation movement in text and graphics.
Once the presentation is developed, save the final document on your computer with the title of the selected poem. The name of the document must include your name, for example: To my daughter - Maria Olivero.

Check that your presentation meets the evaluation criteria stated in the rubric.

Before doing the exercise, access the resources, including the tutorials. This activity is graded only once.

Deliverable  Submit your presentation through this virtual space within the stipulated date. The activity is individual. The work must be delivered on time, without spelling or grammatical errors. The works will be submitted to the tool to detect similarity of contents (now Urkund). 

Basic review resource  Microsoft. (2019). Tips for creating and presenting an effective presentation. Retrieved from 


Write 400 words on below subjects 

1)Access Control (200 words)

2)Business Intelligence(200 words)