

 Course – Cloud Computing

  • Residency Poster PresentationPrepare a PowerPoint presentation of your preliminary idea for your research project. The PowerPoint presentation must include the following:
    • Background on the problem (1-2 slides)
    • Explanation of the problem to be studied (1-2 slides). Include evidence that the problem is current and significant
    • The overarching research question(s) (1 slide)
    • Identify at least three scholarly sources that directly inform the project. The sources should be relevant and recent.
  • AssignmentResidency Annotated Bibliography (September 26th 1:00 pm EST)  [5 references which includes the references delivered in poster presentation and cover the below requirements for the topic and for which we will be doinfg for final upcoming research paper] Begin organizing the research and topics for your project using an annotated bibliography. The format of the annotated bibliography is a referene to the article, formatted per APA 7th edition, and an annotation or summary of the article. The summary should include important topics and how the topic relates to your research. Your annotations should cover three areas (typically formatted in three paragraphs):
    • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?
    • Analysis: Was the author’s method sound? What information was missing? Is this a scholarly source?
    • Application: Does this article fill a gap in the literature? How would you be able to apply this method/study to yoru study? Is the article universal?
    • Writing annotated bibliographies will help you develop the skills to critically read and identify key points within an article. This will help you determine the validity and usefulness of the articles in relation to your research topic.
  • AssignmentResidency Literature Review (september 26th 6 pm est)You will submit a draft of the literature review portion of your research paper. The literature review will form the main body of your final research paper. This will be where you provide a synthesis of the articles you have found related to your topic. When writing a literature review, you should include or consider the following:
    • An introduction and a conclusion
    • Avoid direct quotes.
    • Organize by topic or theme rather than by author
    • Use headings
    • Show relationships and consider the flow of ideas
  • AssignmentResidency Research Paper (October 1st 7:00 pm est)Submit your professional research paper (15 pages) on a current topic in cloud computing. Amend your paper based on feedback you received during the residency weekend. The paper includes your final literature review and your completed analysis of your chosen research topic. The paper must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 

Discussion Board Forum 3


Topic: Evolution of Attack Tools

Despite the fact that system and network administrators are becoming more diligent about protecting their systems from attack, attack methods have become more and more sophisticated and so more effective. How have these attack tools evolved?

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, and your replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

Fixed and growth mindsets-500 words/APA Format


Research fixed and growth mindsets in scholarly peer reviewed journals. Write 500 words explaining what each is.  Evaluate yourself, do you think you have a growth mindset or fixed?  This assignment allows you to use first person.  You can say things like “I have a fixed mindset because I focus on grades rather than on mastering the material.” If you find that you are in a fixed mindset, what can you do to shift to a growth mindset?

For all paragraphs that do not include your opinion, self-assessment, or steps that you plan to take to shift your mindset, you must use references and citations.

Ensure you use citations and references to avoid plagiarism. Do use any sources other than those which you include in your references.  Ensure that all references are cited. 

Use APA 7th edition.

Be aware that if you plagiarize during this assignment it will be dealt with as outlined in UC’s policies.

Physical Security


Topic: Complete a Physical Security Assessment (internal and external) of your place of work or living area.  If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities. Refer to your text on the importance of Lighting and Access Control and be sure to cover the salient issues discussed in the text.

Instructions: Please download the Assignment 2 Physical Security Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. Once completed name your file: YourName_Assignment_2_Physical_Security_Assessment.docx and submit to the appropriate assignment folder. 
Also review any additional files attached for more information.

Turnitin® enabled

Project 3: Proof of Concept Report

Turnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

This week, you will complete your proof of concept and submit the report. This is the final report to management before the actual cloud deployment process begins.

Use the Proof-of-Concept Report Template to prepare a report that shows the steps and results for the proof of concept. In the template, you will see specific instructions. Delete the instruction text before you submit the project.

Your report should:

  • Be between five to seven pages (plus an appendix for screenshots, cover page, and table of contents)
  • Address the topics listed in the Proof-of-Concept Report Template
  • Include the following screenshots from the “Build a Virtual Private Cloud and Launch a Web Server” activity:
    • Start Lab page
    • AWS Management Console Name with your name visible from user drop-down
    • Task 1: Create Your VPC
    • Task 2: Create Additional Subnets
    • Task 3: Create a VPC Security Group
    • Task 4: Launch a Web Server Instance

How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

As a cloud professional tasked with developing a proof of concept for the companies cloud adoption, you will prepare a proof of concept report to be submitted to the company owner. By developing a well-structured report of your results and recommendations to management, you are demonstrating how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. Your ability to express recommendations to decision makers with the right mix of technical detail in an accepted format is an important workplace and career skill.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

  • 1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
  • 1.1.4: Explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.
  • 2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration.
  • 2.1.2: Describe the context surrounding the issue or problem.
  • 2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.
  • 2.3.4: Address alternative viewpoints, perspectives, and methods.
  • 11.1.3: Install software.
  • 11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.
  • 13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.

Information technology

 Project is a short or long-term activity with a stated beginning and end time. Projects require several organized activities with defined scope and resources. As a group, conceive an information technology project idea. The project idea may be to either fix an existing process in order to improve efficiency and effective or a brand new idea to help launch a new product or service. 1. Describe the project. 2. Develop the project idea based on the following steps: A. Initiating B. Planning C. Executing D. Monitoring and Controlling E. Closing 3. Identify possible issues/challenges you may encounter. How would you overcome the challenges? Specific Instructions: 1. Complete your group project using Power Point. Your presentation should have a minimum of 25 slides. 2. Use APA throughout. Support your work with appropriate references. 3. Include only the names of group members who actually participated and helped in the completion of this assignment. 

Write Article


Read the attached PDF article entitled, “How Blockchain Technology Can Benefit Marketing: Six Pending Areas Research Areas”.

The six pending research areas mentioned in the article are:

1) Fosters disintermediation

2) Aids in combatting click fraud,

3) Reinforces trust and transparency,

4) Enables enhanced privacy protection,

4) empowers security, and

6) Enables creative loyalty programs.

After reading the article in full, select one of the mentioned six areas of research and write an article reflection minimum 8-9 maximum page paper identifying the following;

1) Describe and provide the overall research area mentioned in the article in a synopsis

2) What did the article state in how Blockchain can benefit that marketing area overall?

3) What further research did the article recommend?

4) What do you think can be the approach to further research the topic? What approach would you recommend to take and what type of research method would make sense?

5) What is an example of a company that you believe would benefit from this type of research and why?

6) Outside of Blockchain, what other piece of marketing technology can help this area?

7) What do you recommend is the best way to approach for a company to implement this area of research into their company?

Paper must be 12Pt. Font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, with title page and reference page. Minimum of 3 references, to include the article required. The title page and references page do NOT count towards the minimum.

Business contingency and disaster management

Topic: Each student will locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

Security Architecture and Design


Explain the best way to protect web authentication service. Remember that this component is too valuable to trust to a single defense, so you need something beyond network restrictions or relying on the least-trusted component of the architecture, HTTP termination, which resides on the least-trusted network.

Use facts and example to support your answer. Use APA style for any references.


What are some of the unique strategic challenges that Christian universities face?

How has the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic crisis impacted your life?

Has it altered your perspective on day-to-day life?  Family/Friends?  Religion?  Business?

What will be the one thing you tell your grandchildren or future generations in 30+ years?