

1. Describe a fully developed use case for Receive new book in the university library system and then:

o Describe (UML) Activity diagram for the Enter new patient information use case

o Develop a first-cut sequence diagram that only includes the actor and problem domain classes.

o Develop a design class diagram based on your solution. Be sure to include your controller class.

o Add the view layer classes and the data access classes to your  diagram. You may do this with two separate diagrams to make them easier  to work with and read.

o Explain What is the difference between designing with CRC cards and designing with sequence diagrams?

o Explain the syntax of a message on a sequence diagram.

o What is the purpose of the first-cut sequence diagram? What kinds of classes are included?

o What is the purpose of the use case controller?

2. Using RMO that is the case in your text book answer the following:

Assume that RMO will begin asking a random sample of customers who  order by telephone about purchases made from competitors. RMO will give  customers a 15 percent discount on their current order in exchange for  answering a few questions. To store and use this information, RMO will  add two new classes and three new associations to the class diagram. The  new classes are Competitor and ProductCategory. Competitor has a  one-to-many association with ProductCategory, and the existing Customer  class also has a one-to-many association with ProductCategory.  Competitor has a single attribute called Name. ProductCategory has four  attributes: Description, DollarAmountPurchased, MonthPurchased, and  YearPurchased. Revise the relational database schema shown in Figure  12-10 to include the new classes and associations. All tables must be in  3NF.

3. Read this narrative and then make a list of system capabilities  and describe how the project could be developed  for the company:

The new direct sales and accounting system for Especially for You  Jewelers will be an important element in the growth and success of the  jewelry company. The direct sales portion needs to track every sale and  be able to link to the inventory system for cost data to provide a daily  profit and loss report. The customer database needs to be able to  produce purchase histories to assist management in preparing special  mailings and special sales to existing customers. Detailed credit  balances and Aged accounts for each customer would help solve the  problem with the high balance of accounts receivables. Special notice  letters and credit history reports would help management reduce accounts  receivable.

The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Please respond to the following:

  • Compare the six core processes in the SDLC. Ascertain what you believe the most significant difference is between a traditional approach to system development and an iterative/agile development approach. Justify your response.


Discuss the importance of regular expressions in data analytics. Also, discuss the differences between the types of regular expressions.

Choose two types of regular expressions… For example, [brackets] (Matches the enclosed characters in any order anywhere in a string) and * wildcards (Matches the preceding character 0 or more times) and discuss the differences between the two.

Please be sure to include two or three differences for each. Include how they help manipulate data.

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words (not including direct quotes).

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

IT incident response


Week 2 Discussion

2424 unread replies.2424 replies.

Detail two methods you would use to collect and analyze network traffic.

Participate in the weekly discussion. Post your initial 250 word minimum response to the discussion question and reply with a substantial contribution to the posts of other (at least two) students.

Note: You will not see the work of other students until you make your DQ post.

Remember to use APA citations and references if you refer to information such as statistics or information you used in your response from other sources. DO NOT directly copy from a website or other source and paste. In this course I will only accept paraphrasing not direct quotation on all work.


Final Project Topic Name:  Security and the Cloud

In 100 words (1)

1.  Include a short paragraph describing your project (  Security and the Cloud ) and how you intend to research it. 

In 200 words (2)

2. Brief abstract describing final project (  Security and the Cloud ).

3. 500-600 words, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography

Please include the following:  

 What is ( Security and the Cloud ).


Challenges one might face



5s week 8 assignment PL

Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. With all the stories about millions and millions of bytes of personal data having been exposed, why is their still any faith at all in the Internet?

2. How has the term hacking changed meaning over the years?

3. What is the most dangerous hacker tool?

4. From the news: How were NSA’s hacker tools compromised? 

5. What was the vulnerability in the Target Breach?

6. What do you think of hactivism?

7. How did Stuxnet work? 

8. What was the Arpanet?

9. Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Medical devices such as these are now becoming accessible through the web. Consider the dangers (threat surface)?

10. What is the Red Team?

include references. do not copy paste.

Group Policy and Unix Machines


Discussion Question 1:

Describe Group Policy object and why an organization would choose to deploy Group Policy. Explain some of the settings within Group Policy that organizations might choose to keep their desktops and servers secure.

Discussion Question 2:

You are an administrator for a large organization with a group of web developers that works on UNIX machines. You need to come with a solution that enables the web developers to save their files on the Windows system so that those files can be backed up with all of your other data. Because the web servers are critical to the company, you must ensure that the data is available and backed up regularly. Describe your proposed solution.