2 Question Paper


1. Is a WAP required for all  TSDF’s? Which agency must approve the WAP as part of the permit  application? What are the specific components of a facility WAP? What  types of facilities would be exempt from filing a WAP and following 40  CFR 264 and 265 regulations?


2.  Combustion  involves chemical transformations in which solid materials are  converted to gases and waste residues. What factors, with regard to  incinerator design, operation, and waste properties, affect the  composition and quantities of gases produced? What factors will  influence the amount of solid residues produced, both carbonaceous and  inorganic?




Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

As you finalizing your enterprise security assessments, what would be your deliverable for the following team members: – Explain Why and What by examples –

  • Executives and boards
  • Data security and IT professionals
  • Risk manager

Discussion about CIA

Write at least 500 words analyzing a subject you find in this article: https://www.911.gov/pdf/OEC_Fact_Sheet_Cyber_Risks_NG911.pdf 
related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Use an example from the news.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

OE W 2 D

 Describe what is strategic integration and how it ties to the implementation of technology within your business organization. Please provide examples. 




Pick one of the following terms for your research: Strategic philanthropy, locus of control, ethical culture, ethical awareness, or normative approach.


Journal Article Summary & Discussion:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words-this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected weekly reading assignment Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Cloud computing Assignments

  Course – Cloud Computing

  • Residency Poster PresentationPrepare a PowerPoint presentation of your preliminary idea for your research project. The PowerPoint presentation must include the following:  
    • Background on the problem (1-2 slides)
    • Explanation of the problem to be studied (1-2 slides). Include evidence that the problem is current and significant
    • The overarching research question(s) (1 slide)
    • Identify at least three scholarly sources that directly inform the project. The sources should be relevant and recent.


Extended Annotated Bibliography (September 26th 6:00 pm EST)  [5 more references needed ]which includes the references delivered in poster presentation and cover the below requirements for the topic and for which we will be doinfg for final upcoming research paper] Begin organizing the research and topics for your project using an annotated bibliography. The format of the annotated bibliography is a referene to the article, formatted per APA 7th edition, and an annotation or summary of the article. The summary should include important topics and how the topic relates to your research. Your annotations should cover three areas (typically formatted in three paragraphs):  

  • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?
  • Analysis: Was the author’s method sound? What information was missing? Is this a scholarly source?
  • Application: Does this article fill a gap in the literature? How would you be able to apply this method/study to yoru study? Is the article universal?
  • Writing annotated bibliographies will help you develop the skills to critically read and identify key points within an article. This will help you determine the validity and usefulness of the articles in relation to your research topic.
  • Residency Literature Review (september 27th 11:30 AM pm est)You will submit a draft of the literature review portion of your research paper. The literature review will form the main body of your final research paper. This will be where you provide a synthesis of the articles you have found related to your topic. When writing a literature review, you should include or consider the following:  
    • An introduction and a conclusion
    • Avoid direct quotes.
    • Organize by topic or theme rather than by author
    • Use headings
    • Show relationships and consider the flow of ideas
  • Residency Draft Paper (September 27th 1:00 pm est)Submit a draft of your final paper. The draft must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 
  • Residency Research Paper (October 1st 7:00 pm est)Submit your professional research paper on a current topic in cloud computing. Amend your paper based on feedback you received during the residency weekend. The paper includes your final literature review and your completed analysis of your chosen research topic. The paper must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 


 Document Retention Policy and Litigation Hold Notices paper 

Give the highlights of your paper

 o Your document retention policy 

o The Litigation Hold Notice 

o Your checklist of procedures 

o The summary of your findings 

SUB:   Legal Reg, Compliance, Invest 

700 word discussion: After reading the chapter, what are the six (6) critical stages of the policy process?

Chapter Nine (9) – Stakeholder engagement in policy development: Observations and lessons from the international experience: Provides a starting point for a better understanding about how different approaches, tools, and technologies can support effective stakeholder participation in policy development processes.  In addition, we have seen how participatory policy-making involves stakeholders from various stages of the policy process and can focus on both the substance of the policy problem or on improving the tools and processes of policy development.  The chapter examined five (5) international cases of stakeholder engagement in policy development to explore two questions: (a) what types of engagement tools and processes are useful for different stakeholders and contexts? (b) what factors support the effective use of particular tools and technologies for constructive outcomes?  The cases address e-government strategic planning in a developing country, energy policy in a transitional economy, development of new technology and policy innovations in global trade, exploration of tools for policy-relevant evidence in early childhood decision-making, and the development of indicators for evaluating policy options in urban planning (pg 177; para3 – abstract extract).

Chapter 9: fig 9.1; Stakeholder Engagement in policy development illustration.  Following this illustration:

what are the six (6) critical stages of the policy process? provide a clear narrative that explains what happens at each stage to support your responses.

Develop a k-nearest neighbor (kNN)

 Q2. The attached Excel file Iris.xlsx lists a dataset that consists of samples from each of three flower species of Iris (Iris setosa, Iris virginica and Iris versicolor) and 4 attributes – Petal Length, Petal Width, Sepal Length, Sepal width. The dataset has been partitioned to training and testing set. Develop a k-nearest neighbor (kNN) model that predicts the class of the test sets given the attribute information. Assume that the model uses Euclidean distance to find the nearest neighbor using k=1. Show all the calculation steps in Excel for the prediction the testing set classes. Develop a confusion matrix of the predicted and actual class. Calculate overall classifier accuracy from the confusion matrix. Do not use Weka or rattle for this exercise, use only Excel. Upload the Excel file showing all the calculation details. 

Healthy Care Community HIT Design

Resource Attached — HCC Profile

Healthy Care Community (HCC) is upgrading its HIT system. You are participating in the project. 

Current and Recommended Architecture Diagrams

Create a Microsoft® Visio® diagram of the current HCC HIT architecture and a second diagram of your proposed architecture that meets HCC’s business and performance needs and technical requirements. 

Consider the Digital Bedside Monitoring System Performance Issue described in the Healthy Care Community Profile when preparing your proposed architecture. Examine the performance issue to find the source of the problem, consider how you would resolve it, and include the resolution in your recommended design. 

Include the following in your diagrams, as applicable:

  • Five HIT components
  • Current and proposed hardware
  • Current and proposed software applications, along with notes regarding key interactions
  • Data flow map
  • Sufficient detail to support the creation of security, installation, and maintenance plans 

Part 2 – Design Explanation

Create a 3- to 4-page explanation in Microsoft® Word for the project team that describes your design recommendation and how your recommendation will maximize performance and optimization. 

Include the following in your explanation:

  • A summary of your architecture design change recommendations
  • A description of how your recommendations will improve overall network performance and the performance of individual components
  • An explanation of how your recommendations will resolve the Digital Bedside Monitoring Performance Issue, including:
  • What a Medical Record Number (MRN) is and its role in accurately and uniquely identifying patients
  • What caused the performance error
  • A summary of your recommendation with supporting reasoning