INT Wk 6 DQ 1


k6 DQ1

Discussion Question: CLO 2, CLO 3 

  • What are the five forces of Competitive Strategies and what are their underlying drivers? 
  • What two examples does the interviewee give for these forces being a high factor and being a low factor? 
  • What should companies do to get started in using the Five Forces?
  • Developed years ago, Michael Porter’s theories hold true today, why do you think that is the case? 

Be sure to make entries in your Journal each week about your experiences.

ET paper 2

Please complete this assignment before the due date listed in the course / class schedule. The paper should be 5 pages double spaced, 12 point times new roman font with 1 inch margins. Title page, restating the instructions, table of contents, and references do not count towards the page count.


In this paper, please research the topic of Diversity and Commonality.  Please demonstrate a command of the material under investigation and a subject matter expertise in the topic that you choose to write about. You are expected to demonstrate graduate-level writing, critical thinking, critical assessment, critical writing, and advanced research skills.  You are expected to use at least three (3) outside primary source materials that you find using the University Library system in addition to evidence obtained from the course materials, especially the required readings, and additional course resource materials uploaded to the course (e.g., lectures, PPT, webliography, etc.).  This assignment is designed to assess whether you read and understood the material for this module; and whether you can explain, describe, critically assess, and critically analyze the material for this module. This assignment is also designed to assess whether you can conduct advanced research on a topic and advance original analysis on a topic (doctoral-level skill sets that you will need when you write your dissertation).

Please be sure to use complete sentences. Please be sure to demonstrate that you read and understood the material for this module by offering detailed explanations, critical assessments, and analyses of the material that is grounded in cited evidence from the readings, peer reviewed journals, and (whenever possible) real-world examples.

You should follow APA citation rules ( (Links to an external site.)).

Please be sure to proofread, spell check, and grammar check your paper prior to submission.



Dear students, Project assignment is to have you do more research on the topic of Data Analytics and Visualization. In this project you will need to do some research. Select any software that can help you with data analytics, it can be R programming, it can be Tableau, anything. Research the software and write a paper on its capabilities with examples. This assignment is worth 100 points. Here is what needs to be done: 1. Submit at least 2 but no more than 4 pages double spaced, APA style MS Word document. 2. Only 2 graphics or figures allowed. 3. Reference all sources used. Use APA style references.

data breach

Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. With all the stories about millions and millions of bytes of personal data having been exposed, why is their still any faith at all in the Internet?

2. How has the term hacking changed meaning over the years?

3. What is the most dangerous hacker tool?

4. From the news: How were NSA’s hacker tools  compromised? 

5. What was the vulnerability in the Target Breach?

6. What do you think of hactivism?

7. How did Stuxnet work? 

8. What was the Arpanet?

9. Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Medical devices such as these are now becoming accessible through the web. Consider the dangers (threat surface)?

10. What is the Red Team?

Research paper (4-6) pages


Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support the writings with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 

Article Find and Summary

 Using the University online library (EBSCOhost, Proquest, etc.), research and locate an article relating to Information Systems Development. After reading the article, provide a brief summary of what you have learned. DO NOT quote the article–only describe what you learned from reading it. Your summary should be at least 150+ words. Provide a citation at the end of your summary and the full reference using APA 7 format. Write your paper using the APA 7 template.  

I already downloaded one article from the University online library which I uploaded here. The article title is “Agility from First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information Systems Development.” 

I just need 150+ words summary with citations at the end of the summary and the full reference using APA 7 format.

I need 100% free from plagarism.

Cyber Security planning&mgmt week 8


Writing Assignment – WK 8

Some organizations prohibit workers from bringing certain kinds of devices into the workplace, such as cameras, cell phones, and USB drives. Some businesses require employees to use clear or see-through backpacks when carrying personal items. What other devices might not be allowed in certain facilities, and why would they be restricted? The video on Google’s Data Center may give you some ideas to write about for this assignment.

Your written assignment should consist of 2-3 paragraphs.

Telecomm Network Security

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. With references and citations. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. No plagiarism 

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. 

The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.