In 80 words or more review and discuss the following article on understanding the role of an CDO

1-2 page writing in APA 6th standard – Discussion: Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers

1-2 page writing in APA 6th standard, no plagiarism.

Select two of the CDN providers from the list below and provide a descriptive comparison of each provider’s service. (no tables)

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Akamai
  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Cloudfront
  • Cloudflare
  • EdgeCast

What are the major differences? Which provider do you think works best for hosting a real estate company located on the East Coast of the U.S based on price, performance, and features?

discussion 3

Formulating your Brief

According to Kirk (2016), The essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then define its aims: it is the who, what, where, when and how.” It could be formal or informal as any project you think you must make it. This phase is where you create a vision for your work.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Initial Post

Why is it so important to formulate your brief for a data presentation? Discuss some ways you would implement to formulate an effective brief. What are some advantages to your methods? What are some disadvantages?

Reply Post

Reply to 2 – 3 of your classmates’ methods. Please provide a summary as to whether you agree/disagree with their advantages/disadvantages.



Start by reviewing Microsoft article  “Tips for creating and delivering an effective presentation”. Then search for best practices when creating a presentation. Select one or two recommendations and create a 3 to 4 slides presentation explaining the recommendation you selected. If possible, include an example of a slide that follows that recommendation and one that doesn’t.

Add a text narration in the notes area for each slide that explains the slide like if you were presenting in class (How to add notes). Submit your presentation.

Assignment 5

   You shall write a C++ program that:

  1. Reads an arbitrary number of whitespace-delimited tokens from standard input.
  2. Determines and prints (to standard output) two decimal integer values:
    1. The number of input tokens that are valid Scrabble words (case-insensitive), i.e. those that can be found in /srv/datasets/scrabble-hybrid.
    2. The total number of points that all those words would be worth in Scrabble, according to the letter values in /srv/datasets/scrabble-letter-values.

Specific Requirements

  1. You may assume that the number of valid words and the total number of points will not exceed the range of an unsigned 64-bit integer.
  2. Open and read the contents of each relevant data file exactly once.
  3. Make sure to use STL components that will avoid any gross inefficiencies (excessive computation and/or storage) in your program. Your program should at least be able to process each of the example inputs below in no more than 5 seconds, on our server.
  4. Print the two integer values in the order specified above, and make sure your output contains no other numeric decimal values. Otherwise, the format of output is up to you.

week 2 – Security Architecture and Design


Briefly  respond to all the following questions.  This assignment should be in  APA format and have to include at least two references.

Defination : System  architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s  component functions and the communication flows between those  components.

above definition immediately raises some important questions.

• What are “components”?

• Which functions are relevant?

• What is a communication flow?

minimum 400 words

Privacy and Security Considerations for Information Governance

According to the authors, privacy and security go hand in hand; and hence, privacy cannot be protected without implementing proper security controls and technologies. Today, organizations must make not only reasonable efforts to offer protection of privacy of data, but also must go much further as privacy breaches are damaging to its customers, reputation, and potentially could put the company out of business.  As we continue learning from our various professional areas of practice, its no doubt that breaches have become an increasing concern to many businesses and their future operations.   

For this discussion, find an example of a security breach which compromised data records at a company in the same industry as you will be using in your final paper. Summarize the breach, discuss the data that was lost and identify security controls that you would recommend be in place (be certain to remember to cite sources) that could have prevented this breach from occurring. Remember to critical respond appropriately to two other leaners for full points.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Initial post due Thursday


Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented?  Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization.

Please mention the reference.


  Please pick an organization or two and discuss the usage of big data in RADICAL platforms including how big data analytics is used in those situations as well as with Smart Cities. Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is the 2nd best option to use for research.