Describe in 500 words what a dba must be aware of to maintain good regulatory compliance when moving to the cloud.
There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference. What is the difference between Data Analytics vs Data Mining? Please provide an example of how each is used.
IT345 week 6B
Find a recent article that relates to either employee monitoring that is conceived as too invasive or a recent incident of where employee data has been breached. Summarize the article and discuss how you believe this will impact the company, and application (if applicable). Also, was the data exploited through an application or storage location that is not necessarily needed to run a business? Is it a nice to have? Example: a social media type application.
300 words and citation
Data analytics
Research on the difference between Data Analytics and Data Science and describe in your words. Find 15 or more analytics / data science related job titles and write one sentence about the primary job responsibility of each of them. The post should be 500 words or more
Building an AI machine/Deep learning application
Part 1 –
Following is the link of the Project
1. Iris Data Set
Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…
You will also need to provide output for the following:
Python file containing your code…
Dimensions of the data…
Sample of the data…
Statistical summary of the data…
Class distribution…
One univariate and one multivariate diagram…
Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…
Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…
Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
Classification report…what is it telling us?…
Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…
Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
Classification report…what is it telling us?…
Part 2 – Updated Code…
Now that you have a working base of code, let’s apply it to a “real world” scenario…
Find an article or video that shows a potentially SIMILAR usage of the application you created in Part 1…
Update the original application so that it “works” for the NEW application…
In this “Movie Recommendation” project, you might find an article on “book recommendations” …you would then update the original program to handle the new scenario…
YOU MUST UPDATE THE ORIGINAL CODE…do not provide entirely new code base.
Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…
You will also need to provide the same output for THIS application, as you did for the ORIGINAL application…specifically:
Python file containing your code…
Dimensions of the data…
Sample of the data…
Statistical summary of the data…
Class distribution…
One univariate and one multivariate diagram…
Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…
Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…
Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
Classification report…what is it telling us?…
Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…
Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
Classification report…what is it telling us?…
IT203 9
Submit a two page paper in APA format that describes new business models and methods developed for and supported by the Digital Economy. citation
Dr.Michelle_Prof only
QUESTION: Provide an example of tacit knowledge and an example of explicit knowledge
Cloud Computing Discussion 3
In 500 words or more, consider this statement: For cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional, it must be separated from politics.
Use at least three sources. Do not use Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.
Write a Java programme
1. Write a Java programme that will be used as a school finance system.
Write a program to print the area of a rectangle by creating a class named ‘Area’ having two methods. First method named as ‘setDim’ takes length and breadth of rectangle as parameters and the second method named as ‘getArea’ returns the area of the rectangle. Length and breadth of rectangle are entered through keyboard.
3. Write a program that would print the information (name, year of joining, salary, address) of three employees by creating a class named ‘Employee’. The output should be as follows:
Name Year of joining Address
Robert 1994 64C- WallsStreat
Sam 2000 68D- WallsStreat
John 1999 26B- WallsStreat
Python project
Objective: Web scraping with Python
Due: December 7 (11:59pm). 10 pts will be deduced for each late day (24hr). No submission will be accepted after Dec 10 (11:59pm). Total grade for the project is 100.
Grading Procedures: All submission will be checked with a plagiarism software. Submission having more than 70% similarity to any other student submission and/or internet resources will share total points the assignment. For example, 4 submissions having more than 70% similarity will be graded as 100/4 = 25pts, assuming that the program is worth of 100 pts.
Description: The university maintains course schedules at for different semesters (spring, fall, winter, etc ). You will develop a Python program to dynamically complete certain tasks, such as list, find, sort, and save, in course listings from schedule portal. You will mainly use “request” and “BeautifulSoup” libraries (or similar, see exercise 12.1). The program will operate at different level: Semester and Department. Your program will be a menu based application. Assume that you project file is Once you run, it will show last 5 semester (fall, spring, summer only, (not winter, may mini))
> python
Choose a semester: 1) Sprint 2021 2)Fall 2020 3)Summer II 4)Summer I 5)Spring 2020
Selection: 2
Here, your program will parse the data from website and show only last (most recent) 5 semesters. User will make selection, then, you will show departments for the selected semester (Fall 2020). Note that selected semester is visible before a “>” sign.
Fall 2020> Select a department:
1) Undeclared
2) Accounting and Finance
3) Art
4) Ag Science & Natural Resources
30) Social Work
31) Theatre
Q)Go back
Selection: 3
Fall 2020> Art > Select an option:
1) List courses by instruction name
2) List courses by capacity
3) List courses by enrollment size
4) List courses by course prefix
5) Save courses in a csv file
6) Search course by instruction name
7) Search courses by course prefix
Q)Go back
Selection: ??
Here, your program will parse the data from website and show all available department then list of tasks. Q (go back) option will take user to previous level.
Course listing output should show the following fields. For instance for course listing for “Fall 2020> Computer Science & Info Sys> List the course by prefix ” should show
PrefixIDSecNameInstructorHoursSeatsEnroll.COSC130101WIntro to CompuLee, Kwang33510COSC143601EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas44036COSC143601LIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas4036COSC143601WIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning44543COSC143602EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning43532
as first 5 rows.
You will follow above headers and order (prefix (col. width 6), ID (5), Sec (5) ,Name (25), Inst (20), Hours (5), Seats (5), Enroll. (7) ) for other listing selections too. Data cell should be aligned with column header and left justified. A course name should not have a word more than 5 chars. For instance Algorithms should be abbreviated as “Algor”. The length of course name will not exceed 25 chars. In option 5, the above format should be used to save a listing to a file as .csv format. User will be able to provide a filename for csv file.
For this program you need to develop at least one class (chapter 10) with (possible) many methods.