Web applications

 You are the webmaster for the Republican Party National Committee. Prepare a risk assessment analysis for your website. Some questions to consider:

  • Who is likely to attack your site?
  • When are attacks likely to occur?
  • What sort of attacks might take place?
  • How can you best minimize attacks and protect the integrity of your site?

Write between 200-300 words. 

Research Paper: Server Virtualization and Cloud Computing

 Research Paper: Server Virtualization and Cloud Computing 

This week, you have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

 • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

• Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

• Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

• Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your midterm research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length (1200-1800 words), not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Implement a ramdisk as a kernel module.

 In this final project, you will implement a simple ramdisk module that you can format with “mkfs.ext2” and mount and unmount with “mount” and “umount”. The ram disk should be of a fixed size stored entirely in memory. It should appear as a block device in the system. This project is an example of a block device driver, which handles data a block at a time. Your project should satisfy the following requirements. 

– Implement a ramdisk as a kernel module. 

– Allow an ext2 filesystem to be installed onto the ramdisk. 

– Allow the filesystem to be mounted and unmounted with “mount” and “unmount” 


While submitting your project, please make sure you include the following:

  1. your source code,
  2. a makefile,
  3. a short report describing your work.

final case


Chapter 5 exercises

20. Consider the task of building a classifier from random data, where the attribute values are generated randomly irrespective of the class labels. Assume the data set contains records from two classes, “+” and “−.” Half of the data set is used for training while the remaining half is used for testing.

(a) Suppose there are an equal number of positive and negative records in the data and the decision tree classifier predicts every test record to be positive. What is the expected error rate of the classifier on the test data?

(b) Repeat the previous analysis assuming that the classifier predicts each test record to be positive class with probability 0.8 and negative class with probability 0.2.

(c) Suppose two-thirds of the data belong to the positive class and the remaining one-third belong to the negative class. What is the expected error of a classifier that predicts every test record to be positive?

(d) Repeat the previous analysis assuming that the classifier predicts each test record to be positive class with probability 2/3 and negative class with probability 1/3.

Chapter 6 exercises

5. Prove Equation 6.3 in the book. (Hint: First, count the number of ways to create itemset that forms the left hand side of the rule. Next, for each size k itemset selected for the left-hand side, count the number of ways to choose the remaining d − k items to form the right-hand side of the rule.)

17. Suppose we have market basket data consisting of 100 transactions and 20 items. If the support for item a is 25%, the support for item b is 90% and the support for itemset {a, b} is 20%. Let the support and confidence thresholds be 10% and 60%, respectively.

(a) Compute the confidence of the association rule {a} -> {b}. Is the rule interesting according to the confidence measure?

(b) Compute the interest measure for the association pattern {a, b}. Describe the nature of the relationship between item a and item b in terms of the interest measure.

(c) What conclusions can you draw from the results of parts (a) and (b)?


Chapter 7 exercises

5. For the data set with the attributes given below, describe how you would convert it into a binary transaction data set appropriate for association analysis. Specifically, indicate for each attribute in the original data set.

(a) How many binary attributes it would correspond to in the transaction data set,

(b) How the values of the original attribute would be mapped to values of the binary attributes, and

(c) If there is any hierarchical structure in the data values of an attribute that could be useful for grouping the data into fewer binary attributes. The following is a list of attributes for the data set along with their possible values. Assume that all attributes are collected on a per-student basis:

• Year : Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate: Masters, Graduate: PhD, Professional

• Zip code : zip code for the home address of a U.S. student, zip code for the local address of a non-U.S. student

• College : Agriculture, Architecture, Continuing Education, Education, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Business, Law, Medical, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine

• On Campus : 1 if the student lives on campus, 0 otherwise

• Each of the following is a separate attribute that has a value of 1 if the person speaks the language and a value of 0, otherwise.

- Arabic
- Bengali
- Chinese Mandarin
- English
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish

Chapter 8 exercises

1. Consider a data set consisting of 2^(20) data vectors, where each vector has 32 components and each component is a 4-byte value. Suppose that vector quantization is used for compression and that 2^(16) prototype vectors are used. How many bytes of storage does that data set take before and after compression and what is the compression ratio?

8. Consider the mean of a cluster of objects from a binary transaction data set. What are the minimum and maximum values of the components of the mean? What is the interpretation of components of the cluster mean? Which components most accurately characterize the objects in the cluster?

9. Give an example of a data set consisting of three natural clusters, for which (almost always) K-means would likely find the correct clusters, but bisecting K-means would not.

11. Total SSE is the sum of the SSE for each separate attribute. What does it mean if the SSE for one variable is low for all clusters? Low for just one cluster? High for all clusters? High for just one cluster? How could you use the per variable SSE information to improve your clustering?

13. The Voronoi diagram for a set of 1( points in the plane is a partition of all the points of the plane into K regions, such that every point (of the plane) is assigned to the closest point among the 1( specified points. (See Figure 8.38.) What is the relationship between Voronoi diagrams and K-means clusters? What do Voronoi diagrams tell us about the possible shapes of K-means clusters?

Technology Entrepreneurship


From a technology entrepreneurial perspective, the dangers of having exclusive focus on the product or service without due consideration to whether it sincerely addresses a real market or public concern raises numerous ethical issues. Address the following questions:

With the development of several COVID-19 smartphone applications used for tracking COVID affected people and virus heighten areas,

· Is this a possible violation of personal safety?

· Should all personnel be required to download and use the COVID app for monitoring and tracking purposes?

· What are crucial areas of commercialization of the COVID-19 smartphone app? Do you agree with the medical and social safety of their importance and if so why do you agree or disagree that commercialization of innovation is important. 

· What are the external and internal environmental uncertainties?

· What is the risk profile associated with the smartphone tracking app?

· What other rewards besides financial and monetary gains can be obtained using this app?


  • 5-7 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Include at least 5 online references to support your research. 
  •  Assignments will need actual references from EBSCO host, google scholar, and semantic scholar With a website link at the end.  Only use APA 7th edition. (There should be Abstract and conclusion) 

discussion api

 Name the three essential elements of a basic structured cabling network? How are they installed and what are the components that are involved with them? 

Wireless Network……


First Section 

In a 350- to 500-word essay, address the 4 questions. 

Case study: A publicly traded home builder has hired you to install a new wireless network. The company currently has a wireless network that is a few years old. The problem with the current wireless network is that it was built using proprietary standards instead of 802.11. This current wireless network does not have an upgrade path to 802.11.

On the new wireless network, the corporate office wants a system that allows construction workers to enter progress reports into the system in order to stay up-to-date with all the different community building sites. Each community has a model home that will need Wi-Fi to connect back to the corporate office in order to enter these reports. The construction workers will be using iPads to enter the information. The company currently has 32 sites across the country that will need Wi-Fi. 

In each of these sites, there will be two sales employees that will need to have Wireless IP Phones so that customers can get in touch with them easily. The sales employees will also have laptops, as well as two sales kiosks that allow customers to browse the different options to choose from for their new home build. The kiosks will connect to the Internet, and when the customer chooses their options, the information will be entered into a database. Once the customer chooses the options they want, the sales person will pull up the report on their laptops to print for the construction workers. 

Directions: Looking at the current wireless network and what the home builder would like to accomplish with the new network, explain to the company why the current wireless network will have to be replaced before you can begin the project. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has asked you to come up with a plan to implement this new wireless network. Include in your report:

1. A brief description of the problem with the current wireless network

2. The benefits of global/industry standards vs. proprietary standards

3. What types of problems exist with mixed standards 

4. A plan to correct the problems with the current wireless network


 Second section…. 


Project scope


Objectives of the Network:

1. Secure Service – What is the main objective of this network? 

2. Integration and Updates –What needs to be done to get the current network up-to-date?

3. Versatile Information Process –What does the network need to be able to do? For example, applications, devices, computers, laptops, etc. 

4. Collaboration – How will the network be used to collaborate with other offices? Other users in a different location?

5. Scalability – How will the network be able to adapt to change?

Intended Users –What type of mobility requirements, client device requirements, and signal coverage requirements are needed?

Design Assumptions – State the assumptions for unknown factors that could affect the project. 

Equipment Needs and Proposed Budget

Power BI Competition


  • Research at least 2 other products that compete with Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence).
  • Discuss some pros and cons of these competing products relative to the Microsoft offerings
  • Provide a comprehensive initial post with 3-4 well-developed paragraphs. They should include a topic sentence and at least 3-5 supporting sentences with additional details, explanations, and examples.
  • Website References