GO16_WD_CH03_GRADER_3G_HW – Newsletter and Research Paper 1.3


Project Description:

In the following project, you will format a newsletter by inserting pictures and screenshots, applying two-column formatting, and adding a border to a paragraph. You will edit and format a research paper by inserting footnotes, creating citations, and formatting a bibliography.

1 Discussion , 1 Case Study and 1 weekly Summary.

Discussion 2.2

What laws apply to Cyberwarfare? 

Case Study 2.1

The Intelligence Operations Process.  

Writing Requirements

  • 3–4 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • At least 3-4 peer-reviewed sources that are properly cited and referenced
  • APA format, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study.

Weekly Summary 2.1

Due: Sunday, End of Module by 11:55 p.m. EST

Each week you will write and submit a brief summary of the important concepts learned during the week. The summary will include a summary of the instructor’s weekly lecture including any videos included in the lecture.

Writing Requirements

Data Analytics and Visualization

 Project assignment is to have you do more research on the topic of Data Analytics and Visualization. In this project you will need to do some research. Select any software that can help you with data analytics, it can be R programming, it can be Tableau, anything. Research the software and write a paper on its capabilities with examples. 


This assignment is worth 100 points.

Here is what needs to be done:

1. Submit at least 2 but no more than 4 pages double spaced, APA style MS Word document.

2. Only 2 graphics or figures allowed.

3. Reference all sources used. Use APA style references.

Programming ( data structure)

Implement simple binary tree data structure with following operations,  (assume data elements)
Traverse (pre-order, in-order and post-order) 

Management of Information Security Project

Project Description

Carry out a security self-assessment of an organization of your current or previous employer or your own organization. You must seek permission from the individual responsible for the information security of that organization. You may use any NIST Special Publications (e.g. SP800-171, SP1800), or any other national framework to assist in your report.


Write a report based on the self-assessment of an organization. It should be 5-7 pages long, 12 point character size, double line spacing, and have 1” margins on all sides. It is recommended that you do not use the actual name of the organization in the report; use a title, such as “ABC, Inc.” Your report should include a brief description of the organization, nature of the business, analysis of the results, and recommendations for improvement in the form of an action plan.

Deliverables: A single Word document

Project Guidelines:

For the project, you can do a security assessment on either a single IT system or the entire IT infrastructure of an organization, whichever you think is feasible and manageable.

You can use these guidelines when working on your project:

1) Your project report just needs to be a very general assessment of the IT system in organization. You can keep it brief (about 4 to 8 pages long, not including the cover page), and broadly cover the following areas:

 Management Controls

 Operational Controls

 Technical Controls.

You don’t need to get into specifics on anything that might be considered sensitive or proprietary. Keep it very general (something that can be in the public-domain).

2) For your project, **only** use information that is considered public. Please **do not** use or reference any proprietary or non-public information. As the project guidelines state, do not use the actual name of any organization – instead use “ABC Inc.” And in your project please don’t reference any documents that are not considered to be in the public domain; also don’t use any company names – use something generic such as XYZ Inc.

3) Instead of doing a self-assessment of a real company, you can also do a self-assessment of a fictitious company similar to a real entity. For example, you could imagine that you are performing an assessment of a fictitious entity such as the following:

 A college bookstore that accepts online textbook purchases, or

 A pharmacy store that maintains a database of customer prescriptions

 An auto-insurance agency that maintains customer data

 … etc. … etc.

You can imagine yourself being hired as an Info Security consultant to perform a security audit of the fictitious company’s IT infrastructure. Assume that some rudimentary security measures are currently in place, but there is much room for improvement. In your report describe your assessment of the security measures currently in place and recommend any needed improvements to ensure better IT security in the organization.

Systems Planning


Assignment Content

  1. As the launch for Great Day Fitness Tracking’s online site approaches, Karen already has new ideas for other products and services.

    Create a media-rich, 14- to 18-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® tutorial or an infographic using an infographic maker, such as Piktochart, Venngage, or Canva, for Karen. Use this week’s reading and activities for information systems planning to complete your assignment. Your tutorial should:

    • Include a title page.
    • Explain the concept of information systems planning.
    • Compare at least two development planning methods.
    • Clarify why each planning method is appropriate for new system implementation.
    • Select a methodology for designing the information system.
    • Explain the reason for the selected methodology.
    • Address the option to acquire (instead of build in-house) information systems.
    • Identify and discuss the tools that might be used in the acquisition of a new information system.
    • Submit your assignment.

Chapter Instructional Summary


  1. Create a web page and save as “assign3.html” and include the following information head meta tag information:
    -Your complete name
    -Course CRN – 12345
    -Date when you completed the assignment
    -Assignment number, for example: Assignment 3

  2. Research online on the following topics from the textbook and write two paragraphs (4 sentences or more per paragraph or a total of 8 sentences or more) for each topic:
    1. History of JavaScript and what it can do. (pages 77-79)
    2. Where JavaScript code can be inserted in an HTML file or as separate files. (pages 79-81)
    3. JavaScript capabilities. (pages 81-83)
    4. Creating and testing JavaScript. (pages 84-91)

practical connection assignment


For your practical connection assignment please (1) research an article concerning Digital Forensics; then (2) lease, summarize the article and answer the following questions: 

1. Do you agree with the author? 

2. What could had been done if anything that could improve on the incident? 

3. What should had been done?

4. Was proper procedure used in your opinion?

5. Could you include anything else concerning the article?

Please, include at least two other references to support your claims or views. The assignment must be in APA formatting.

IT Strategy Case Study 1 Nationwide

Read the Nationstate Case Study on pages 160-164 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-2 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format (With References and In-Text Citations). See the sample assignment for expected format and length.  

1. List and describe all of the potential benefits (and costs) that Nationstate would realize from the establishment of an enterprisewide architecture as envisioned by Jane Denton?

2. Build a business case for Seamus O’Malley to present to the senior management team at Nationstate in order to get their buy-in. In addition to benefits and costs, the business case must answer the “what’s in it for me” question that the BU 3presidents all have.