Manage Integrate IS Function – Summarize the article {4-5 paragraphs} – the article selected must current (2003 to current)

Manage Integrate IS Function: 

** Locate an article that discusses the business value of information technology  

(PLEASE DO NOT SELECT any articles from the course Article Repository). 

** Article requirements: the article selected must current (2003 to current); 

1. the article should be found in a library or online database 

2. Important: newspaper submissions do not qualify as articles, nor do reflective pieces; 

3. articles contain sources to validate what is being presented.  

4. Summarize the article {4-5 paragraphs}, cite the source used (attach a copy or provide a link), 

5. and post your summary (this is a simple summary, not a formal document) to the Discussion link provided.  

Write an essay for 500 words on topic placed below ?

Investigate whether or not an employee at a local hospital has been accessing patient records and setting information to online pharmacies. It is your first day of the investigation. Put together a list of data sources that must be examined during the investigation.

Cloud computing and digital forensics – Week 9

Week 9 Discussion(500 words)

Describe in 500 words the shared security responsibility model that a dba must be aware of  when moving to the cloud.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Do not use attachments as a submission.  

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. . I will not spend a lot of my time trying to decipher nonsense. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.  Please do not submit attachments unless requested.

Week Nine Assignment(250-300 words)

Use the web or other resources to research at least two criminal or civil cases in which  recovered files played a significant role in how the case was resolved.

Use your own words and do not copy  the work of another student.


Must respond to a minimum of three other learners during the week.

Your responses to other students must be more than a simple “Good job” or “I agree with your post”. They must also not just be “Let me add to your post…” Instead, your responses to each other should do three things:

1. Acknowledge the other student’s post with some form of recognition about what they posted
2. Relate their posting to something you have learned or are familiar with
3. Add to the conversation by asking additional questions about their post, or discussing their topic further

Remember, this is a discussion forum. Your engagement with each other should be similar to how you would speak with each other if you were seated at the same table talking. Plagiarism in the discussion will not be tolerated.

Discussion (Course — Digital Forensic Evidence)

 Mrs. Mary Winkler Murder Case.


The modern approach of forensic of investigation is a combination of what we inherited, learned, documented from the past leading to rewarding and challenging life-time investment. Forensic investigation involves searching, penetrating, and analyzing items from several different fields of life, demands well-synthesized record-keeping and hard to accomplish. It is imperative for forensic investigator to understand the basic techniques of collection and preservation of evidence and cannot be completed with comprehensive and fundamental understanding of forensic science.

Pre-Assessment:         Mrs. Mary Winkler Murder Case.

In March 2006, Mrs. Mary C. Winkler, the wife of a Pastor in Tennessee town, shot and killed her husband, Rev. Matthew Winkler, in the back with a 12-guage shotgun while he slept. Throughout the ensuing trial, the suspect Mrs. Winkler, along with family and friends, claimed that her husband had mistreated her, and mistreatment had inspired the shooting. After the shooting, Mrs. Winkler was arrested in Orange Beach, Alabama, where she had fled with her three young daughters, and extradited to Tennessee. On April 20, 2007, Mrs. Winkler was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and a grand jury indicted her on charges of first-degree murder.

When Mrs. Winkler took the stand in her own defense two days before her conviction, she told the grand jury of her alleged abuse at the hands of her late husband, with whom she had frequent arguments. She asserted that the shooting was an accident and that she had actually been trying to reconcile with her husband at the time of the murder and further claimed that although the gun had discharged, she could not remember having pulled the trigger.

She alleged that her flight to Alabama affirmed her determined attempts to get away from her angry husband. Winkler was ultimately convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced on June 8, 2007, to 210 days in prison, 5 months of which she had already served. She spent some time in a Tennessee mental health facility and then served the remainder of her sentence on probation. Eventually, she was awarded custody of her children.  At times, law recognizes, under circumstances most individual can be justification for the taking of human life (Montaldo, 2017).

Scenario 1

Mrs. Winkler, along with family and friends, claimed that her husband had mistreated her, and mistreatment had inspired the shooting

Question 1

1:1     As an investigator, do you passionately believe that Mrs. Winker, is justified in killing her husband?

Scenario 2

Rev. and Mrs. Winkler had three young daughters and she was awarded custody of her children. Based on overwhelming digital evidence in the case.

Question 2

 2:1.            As an investigator, do you ardently support awarding Mrs. Winkler the custody of the family three children?  

2:2.             If you were one of the three children, present an active plan of action to safeguard such dreadful, threatening, and bad-tempered episodes in the family?

Casey, Eoghan (2011). Digital Evidence and Computer Crime. Elsevier

            Science. Kindle Edition; San Diego: CA

Montaldo, Charles (2017). “The Trial of Mary Winkler.” Thought Co: Tennessee.

week 4


Length:  Minimum of 400 words

 This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two  references.

  1. If an attacker can retrieve the API  and libraries, then use these to write an agent, and then get the  attacker’s agent installed, how should Digital Diskus protect itself  from such an attack? Should the business analytics system provide a  method of authentication of valid agents in order to protect against a  malicious one? Is the agent a worthy attack surface?



Week 8 Status Report

Use the Week 8 Status Report Template to complete this assignment.

In Week 10, you will provide a detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization, your presentation must be thoughtful and visually appealing. To help you stay on track for this three-week effort, the executives have assigned you a project manager. For each week leading up to the presentation, you are expected to turn in a short (less than one page) status report.

It must address just four things:

  1. What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week?
  2. What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?
  3. What issues have arisen, and what help do you need?
  4. What do you expect to accomplish on the project next week?

Please write up your responses as a series of bullet points in memo form. There is no need for a cover page.